Health store guy, hemp protein BETTER than Whey?

The guy at the health food store was trying to convince me that hemp protein was better than whey protein.
Is there a significant difference between the two? Any studies that any of you all could point me to?
Was he just lying to me?


  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I use both, pretty much interchangeably... protein boost to pancakes or smoothies... or mashed potatoes etc..

    for one being better... allergy wise hemp could be better than dairy, those with tree nut allergies should be able to use hemp without problem and it doesn't have all the hormone like things that soy does...

    so whey or hemp are the ones I go for.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    MARIJUANA MUSCLE to your question, I have no idea really.
  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
    Thats great.
  • MirelaH
    MirelaH Posts: 129 Member
    As a vegan I use hemp protein. Specifically Nutiva Hemp Protein. I really like it!
  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
    Oh okay I understand.
  • jourelemode
    jourelemode Posts: 15
    hemp > whey

    bioavailability of hemp > whey

    hope that helps
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Whey is a waste product of the dairy industry and, although it does contain excellent protein - most people find it hard to digest.

    Whey protein is not a natural product, and does not promote a sustainable industry. The benefits of whey protein do not seem to be worth the cons. Read this article for in depth analysis of whey protein:

    Hemp protein contains all the 10 essential amino acids naturally from a raw mechanical process that offers high protein in a very digestible form.

    Paul (only slightly biased, but for a reason)

    Strong username bro.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Whey is a waste product of the dairy industry and, although it does contain excellent protein - most people find it hard to digest.

    Whey protein is not a natural product, and does not promote a sustainable industry. The benefits of whey protein do not seem to be worth the cons. Read this article for in depth analysis of whey protein:

    Hemp protein contains all the 10 essential amino acids naturally from a raw mechanical process that offers high protein in a very digestible form.

    Paul (only slightly biased, but for a reason)

    Strong username bro.

  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    hemp is not the best source of protein for muscle gain or recovery only 9g per scoop.

    higher in carbs (good pre work out)

    high in fibre good stuff!

    Sounds like the guy is trying to push the product.

    not a great source of micronutrients.

    Keep your money buy whey if you got some. mix it with whey or use for preworkout.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Whey is a waste product of the dairy industry and, although it does contain excellent protein - most people find it hard to digest.

    Whey protein is not a natural product, and does not promote a sustainable industry. The benefits of whey protein do not seem to be worth the cons. Read this article for in depth analysis of whey protein:

    Hemp protein contains all the 10 essential amino acids naturally from a raw mechanical process that offers high protein in a very digestible form.

    Paul (only slightly biased, but for a reason)

    The reason being, of course, that you work for the hemp protein industry.
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    I have used both. The hemp has a few more amino acids and fiber, but it's a lot lower in protein. I used the nutiva and i think it's 9g of protein
  • Just bought Trader Joes hemp.

    8 g Protein
    500 mgs of Omega 3
    10 Essential Aminos
    9 g of Fiber.

    Not exactly sure how it compares or anything, but I will take it.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    What I would like to know is how did someone come up with the idea of hemp protein? Did somebody eat their stash while running from the cops? Can you actually live off eating hemp? I would imagine it has to have some fiber in it, right? I can't really say that I would trust someone who is trying to sell me something, but I can't imagine the measurable difference between either one amounting to any more than just splitting hairs. If it was me in your shoes, I would probably just go with whichever one tastes better or doesn't make me vomit.
  • It's not a case of one being better than the other, they both have good and bad points.

    Whey is not waste product as somebody said earlier, it's true the Whey is separated from the milk and taken away, when making cheese, as it is not needed.

    But Whey protein derived from milk is high in essential Amino Acids protein, high in Carbs and very low in fat, all the things that make it difficult to digest that are normally in milk have been taken away in the process, so it is very easy and fast to digest,

    Even more so if you get Whey Isolate, which is more concentrated.

    This is usually favoured by sportsman and bodybuilders for taking just after intense workouts, as it gets to feeding and rebuilding the worked muscles quickly

    I had to laugh at JG's ignorant comment's. He doesn't have clue what he is talking about, with no constructive comments. If we just judged by taste alone we would probably all be living on Chocolate bars and Hamburgers

    The Hemp we are talking about here is not the illegal drug, although it comes from a plant closely related, but without the Hallucinagenic properties.

    The Protein obtained from Hemp will only be about half that of Whey, and there is more fat, but in the form of Omega 3 which is good for you, there is also a lot of fibre which takes time to digest, so makes it a slow release protein, quite useful for slimmers, as you will not feel hungry for a lot longer. Also a useful source of protein if you are vegetarian or vegan.

    I am am a qualified Weights and fitness trainer, and an Athletics Coach, also a qualified nutritionist.

    A lot of the people who I train tend to use both of these Protein sources, typically Hemp in the morning or during the day or evening, for it's gradual slow release qualities, and the Whey protein before and after workouts to get the fast release of proteins into their worked muscles

    I've tried to keep it simple and not go into too much complicated formulaes, but hopefully this will give you an idea, and help you to choose.

    But honestly it all comes down to a matter of personal preference, and what works best for you
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    Different, not better. I would take ANYTHING a health food store employee tells me with a big grain of organic sea salt.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    What I would like to know is how did someone come up with the idea of hemp protein? Did somebody eat their stash while running from the cops? Can you actually live off eating hemp? I would imagine it has to have some fiber in it, right? I can't really say that I would trust someone who is trying to sell me something, but I can't imagine the measurable difference between either one amounting to any more than just splitting hairs. If it was me in your shoes, I would probably just go with whichever one tastes better or doesn't make me vomit.

    Waste product after extracting the oil, repackaged and marketed as desirable? Pretty much what coconut flour is.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I started with regular whey protein. But, read some disturbing articles about soy based products. Including some of the protein supplements. I was discussing this with a friend who is vegetarian/vegan and she mentioned hemp based protein products.

    It took me a little time to find hemp products but I have an I now use these in place of the whey and/or soy products.

    I cannot say if either work? I use occasionally after a weights workout where I try and push beyond my limits. My thoughts are that the extra protein will help with recovery. (No science behind this. Just my assumption).

    And, I have no real evidence that the standard whey products do anything but what they claim. In fact, the trainer at my weights gym thinks I am off my rocker. Maybe so? But, in the end, my excuse is that I am exercising my right to chose.

    Best of luck on your journey!

    BTW- Hemp products are green. So when you make a smoothie, it comes out a nasty snot green color! :-)