Starting A Diet At Xmas, Good Idea???



  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    Yes , you can start a diet today , BUT make sure you start a lifestyle change on Jan 1 2013 . Good luck !
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Let's put it this way...there's always going to be a holiday...or a birthday party...or a potluck...or a BBQ...etc, etc, etc. I'm pretty much a big picture guy...I don't get all bent out of shape over one day...I simply don't worry about it. I started just a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving (not on MFP, but I started)...I didn't worry about Thanksgiving day itself, or even that weekend for the most part...I didn't go nuts, but I endulged a bit...enjoyed more beer than usual...ate a lot of turkey and stuffing...and turkey sandwhiches. Now, a month later, and I'm still losing weight. I've lost 12 pounds since I started my lifestyle change in late October. One day here and there isn't going to de-rail's not the end of the world if you endulge a bit; it's life and you have to live it and enjoy it.

    For me, this is all about an overall lifestyle change, not an "I'm gong to lose xx Lbs by such and such a date"...and then put it right back on when that goal has been met. Remember, it's but one day of 365...and weight loss/weight control is not a linear's a long range trend.
  • ImmortalDancer
    It's really a lifestyle change for me, as some other mentioned, so when the holidays come around, my motivation is boosted up, but I also know I'm ready for this! You just have to think of it as a lifestyle change and you can rock the holidays!
  • marcellustimothy
    There is never a bad time to start a diet. The good news is that you won't have an extra 5 or 10 pounds to lose which you would have possibly gained during that time.

    I say go for it. That is what I am doing since just before Halloween.
  • PaulFields56
    PaulFields56 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm with you! I started over Thanksgiving weekend, and I did okay. The next couple of weeks, with travel and all the wonderful home cooking are going to be hard, but I guess now is the time to start. I may not be perfect, but any progress is good.

    Good luck. And friend request is sent!
  • gafaloe
    No time like the present!

    My diet started Monday. Everyone at work (and at home) thinks I'm nuts doing this a week before Christmas. I really don't care. It's a personal goal and I'm ready. Still, it will be tough to avoid all the yummy foods. My family has a very ethnic Christmas with Slovak foods as far as the eye and stomach can see. Endless dishes with breads, cheeses and potatoes! Oh my!

    Stay strong and excited about your goal! :smile:
  • weblady12
    weblady12 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! I was thinking the same thing. I feel really motivated to start. Just don't want that type of pressure before I start. The post have been very insightful.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Yes. Just don't be all ba humbug about the holiday food. Start now. Then take 1 day off. Then go back to doing what you gotta do.
  • NatashaCeeLow1
    NatashaCeeLow1 Posts: 17 Member
    I am actually starting a semi diet with a coworker in January. We have both set goals. I have trouble with diets or cutting out certain foods around the holidays. I don't see my family or indulge in their cooking other than twice a year, so I wouldn't dream of taking that away. Good Luck!
  • csheeley
    csheeley Posts: 1 Member
    I think starting a healthy eating plan going into the holidays is a smart thing to do. Even if you stay the same thru' the holidays, you're ahead of the game. I can usually count on gaining 5 lbs during Thanksgiving or Christmas, esp Christmas as there are so many eating functions to attend. Vacations do it to me too. I started before Thanksgiving and altho' the loss has been slow, I don't exercise, at least I'm 7 lbs lighter a week before Christmas than I was before TG. The main trick to sticking to it is being faithful to journal your foods and be honest about your food intake. It doesn't matter what you write down, cause if you cheat your body will reflect the truth. I'm trying to end the yo-yo cycle of gaining and losing by being accountable to myself for the choices I make. And, I do allow myself treats, making sure to journal them. I have fought weighing and measuring food for a long time, but bought a good food scale, not expensive, and keep it on the counter. It's not easy to lose weight at 71. Any form of exercise is not a part of my daily routine yet, but my metabolism is so slow that I may have to choose some form, but it has to be free. Will not pay anyone ever again to lose weight or exercise. Altho' it feels good to lose the weight, the trick is to learn to keep it off which I haven't mastered yet. I'm hoping that by keeping track with myfitnesspal foot intake chart, I will continue with it to keep it off too.
  • baja572
    II started my new life just before Thanksgiving...If can make it through the holidays then I feel I will do just fine..(I lost 4 lbs thanksgiving week)...This holiday won't be so easy for me; so, I am planning what to eat as much in advance as possible...being more active...let it snow.I will start a snowball battle..for me, I must keep busy. good luck! starting a diet at Christmas is a great time..My Christmas is centered around food and family. Time to get out and walk when it get rough..
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member

    I've just joined MFP as I've heard loads of great stuff about it, so hoping it will give me the extra push and motivation needed... Starting the diet TODAY!!! So I'm already for a positive start to the new year without it being a real shock to the system!

    Anyone else starting or recently started a diet.... any tips would be great.... I've got about 2 stone to lose and hoping I can do it withing 3 months... :noway:
    I started just BEFORE Thanksgiving... of 2011.. by New Year's Day I had a 6-10 pound head start and was on maintenance by July. I recommend starting now whenever "now" is.
  • RoyalistLady
    Hello Everyone,

    I have just signed up for MFP and got the app today. I am looking to start my diet tomorrow morning, being that i have already been a bad girl today. I have lost almost a 90lbs last year, around the same time to be exact. However that was due to stressing and not eating right. But now that i am in a happier relationship and in a totally different space in life, I find it so hard not to indulge in the sweets and all the stuff that i didn't have a taste for last year. I had the motivation all summer and worked out hard 5 days a week and then i woke up and didn't want to work out and have been doing it sporadically ever since. I don't want to get any bigger! I need to seek motivation!
  • melissa1893
    I have been around MFP and WW for many years but have not been on a healthy eating lifestyle for quite some time. I have lost 40 pounds twice in the past 10 years, only to give up and gain it all back again. I am miserable. I have about 75 pounds to lose. I don't care how long it takes me I just want to get healthy. I think it is a good idea to start today. After reading all of the posts I am convinced. I was not sure and that is why this thread caught my eye. It has to be a lifestyle. It is true that there is always going to be a holiday, a birthday, a special occasion. I plan to start using my food journal no matter if I go over my calorie goal. I have to start somewhere. Today is the day.
  • Tat2dDom0105
    Sod that! Im gonna eat all i can over Christmas then workout like a beast after New Year. :smile:

    This. I'm in "honey badger mode" now until the day after Christmas.