

  • cloe31
    cloe31 Posts: 75 Member
    Try Lorna Vanderhaeghe products she can help you with fibroids. I highly recommend her.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    My dr has recommended a hysterectomy for fibroids. My uterus is the size of a 15-week pregnancy. My cycle is a little weird with some clots/heavy bleeding/cramping. But nothing unbearable. Has anybody had a hysterectomy? I would want to keep my ovaries. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR HORROR STORIES! I don't want to rush into this either. I'm scared and confused with all of the information but the doctor is very good to explain everything. Thanks for any responses!!

    Honestly make sure you keep your ovaries provided there is nothing wrong with them. You NEED the hormones that are in them and the hormones that they give you are not good. They're basically horse piss and it will screw you up in the long run.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    f they keep your fallopian tubes you won't even have to be on hormone therapy.

    You mean Ovaries. That's where the eggs and hormones are. Fallopian tubes are just the transport vehicle for them to the uterus.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    If you don't get many responses here might be worth it to check the groups for similar people.....These topics.....posted in Chit Chat Fun and Games tend to derail quickly.

    Thanks - I wasn't quite sure where to post it!!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I've had one and had no problems. Is there specific information you are looking for?

    I recommend this site for TONS of info and support:

    Good luck!

    Thank you. I actually have that site book marked. I'm just researching every way possible!!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Dangit....I hate being nosy sometimes

    LOL....It came with a warning!!
  • aliciakay3086
    aliciakay3086 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 43 and had a hysterectomy due to fibroids 3 years ago this month. Greatest thing EVER. My fibroids were very small but positioned so that I bled for 6 months straight and became anemic. So that was fun.

    My surgery was laproscopic, very easy, zero pain. I was tired for a couple weeks after but took naps and took it easy and had no problems. Started back walking for exercise 6 days post-surgery. Kept my ovaries and my cervix, so no menopause (yet). seemed to me to be a site for old scared women who dwell on fear and the negative. I wouldn't recommend spending much time there.
  • madworld1
    My mom says it's one of the best decisions she could have made. She was miserable before.
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    I seriously wish I could find a doctor like some of you have. I once bled for 8 months straight, lots of times heavy, and my doc STILL wouldn't do anything.

    Enter 3rd new doctor, who also refuses to do anything.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Just to keep it light, my boyfriend's mother had one years ago and she STILL talks about how it was the easiest 5 lb weight loss of her life! :)
  • grumpy2032
    grumpy2032 Posts: 92 Member
    I had one in 1989 or right about then .[ precancer] Best thing ever no more pain no more nothing . took hormones for about a year then stopped them .I am fine ! I only missed being able to have more kids . I would have had a dozen if I could have . I was blessed with 3 and now I have 10 grand kids and 2 more on the way so I kind of got all 12 of them .lol