Any vegans on here?

I am vegan, it would be nice to chat about vegan nutrition and weight loss with someone, and stay motivated...


  • sailyogi
    sailyogi Posts: 16 Member
    I'm vegan most days. Every once in a while I'll eat cheese or fish. Rare tho.
  • brookpath
    I am vegan too. I am happy i have some vegans to help me and motive each other.
  • ferdinandcc
    I'm not a strict vegan as I eat cheese and eggs occasionally, but not often (mostly when I go out to eat and the only thing even remotely vegetarian on the menu is a veggie omelet or something). MFP has actually been a great place for me to meet other vegans—not too many where I live.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Use the search button - there are a few veg and vegan threads you can check on. Veggie-heads don't seem to be rabid posters so the threads tend to fade away. But you're new and have energy - go for it.
  • CaitlinEats
    CaitlinEats Posts: 42 Member
    I just started Eat to Live--a vegan food plan for weight loss. I love it! I've eaten a vegan diet on and off (always vegetarian) for 20 years or so, but never consistently.

    I just started blogging about it at:

    I struggle with craving cheese, but I know that a vegan diet is the right one for my body.
  • jmarie9
    jmarie9 Posts: 108
    hey. i try and be a vegan 95% of the time. I love sushi too much to give up fish. Vegan MFP friends is helpful!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I was trying to post daily a Vegan site. If you all want it please look for it daily. I would love to hear what you all are eating.

    I am following And I am getting my recipes from

    Yesterday, I made a horrible bean soup and horrilbe corn bread. But Hey! I have made some good recipes too. One I absolutely love is

    Firm tofu
    agave necter
    1/2 cup of unsweet cocoa

    Blend until totally creamy and chill 2 + hours. Delicious and rich. I put some in a little dixie cup and eat slowly for a snack at night.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    While I'm a vegetarian I can also give you all the info you need on being a vegan (was one for 3 years), I'm still pretty strict but I love yogurt and milk too much to give them up again. I've been a vegetarian my entire life. We had a few threads on here with vegetarians and vegans but most of them died. About 1/3 of my friends list are veg or vegan.
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
  • SewRue
    SewRue Posts: 74 Member
    I'm a vegetarian. I'd be a vegan but I'm allergic too ALOT of food so I would not get the necessary nutrition. But good for everyone who is. It's a powerful thing. Wish I could help you along!!
  • catlynna
    catlynna Posts: 7
    I have recently made the effort to go vegan after reading the book Skinny ***** (good book) and for the most part I do pretty well the two items that I still eat are fish, yogurt and eggs. Other than that I eat pretty clean and organic I can't give up eggs and fish so I am not sure what to call myself. I try to eat as clean as possible I did give up fake sugar, pop, coffee, white sugar and white amd enriched flour and most processed food and I don't miss any of those foods and feel satisfied with the foods I do eat.
  • beccasetsfire
    I've been a vegan for about 7 years now. And I've come to find it getting increasingly easier! More companies are coming out with new vegan products all the time! My two new favorites are Gardein (fake meats really yummy, fairly healthy) & Daiya Cheese (not very healthy but the best vegan cheese on the market today).
  • JaMaBa
    JaMaBa Posts: 2 Member
    I've been vegetarian for 9 years and the vegan for about 2 years.
    I love the McDougall & PCRM stuff.
    But I get the vast majority of my recipes from vegweb (the vegan recipe mecca), FatFree vegan (currently moving so a little disheveled) & the Compassionate cooks site/Colleen's podcast

    My biggest problem right now is my non-veg (but thankfully willing to eat and accommodate my veg-ness) SO. To satisfy him and his annoyingly fast metabolism, I find myself cooking higher cal dishes rather than my normal low-cal dishes. And guess who gets stuck eating the leftovers.

    I am hugely interested in vegan nutrition. I find I get most of my info from Colleen's Food for Thought podcast these days :)

    I love being vegan for the animals, for the environment, for the health benefits, due to the politics of meat and because I feel much more at peace (and I can find tasty substitutes for just about anything).
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Vegan friends,

    I hurt my leg and then my wrist. I really couldn't move my fingers for a week. I've spent a lot of my time on McDougall. I am now a month Vegan except the Baked Cheetos I ate today.

    Shame on me.

    Well, yesterday I made the carnivores a steak and I always want beef when my head aches. I really don't believe it but my mind wanted the 'old thing' but my mouth kind of thought it looked gross.

    Anyhow, I have got to get the fake tofu out of my life according to McDougal. He says it is dangerously bad for people. I think he really cares about peoples health and isn't trying to sell a bunch of stuff. So I have to throw away some products.

    Well, talk to me Vegans. I need some incouragement. My weight is not coming off as fast as I would like. But then, I am doing this for my health and not just weight loss. kc
  • cmurphy04722
    I'm so happy to find this thread :-) I've been vegetarian for 4 years roughly but originally went vegan for 3 months. I felt absolutely amazing but when I started college I started eating eggs and dairy. I started eating fish (1-2 times a week max) a few months ago but want to scale that back to maybe once a month. I need to cut out dairy entirely, I think, for my body's sake. Perhaps eggs as well, but all in good time. I've decided that whatever's in my kitchen is fair game until it goes bad or is eaten...but that I won't buy any more cheese, yogurt, etc. Maybe for the boyfriend because he'd never give that up, but none for me. This will be rough, but I feel like it'd be the best thing for my body. I've been researching like crazy on McDougall and The China Study and Dean Ornish and all those guys...I just can't hide from the science anymore, you know?
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I became vegan about 10 years ago when I realised it had all the health benefits, was morally the only correct thing to do and I'd already broken the habit of eating meat because I was a povo student trying to spend all my money on beer. Taste was the only thing left (after ruling out health and habit) to make me eat meat, and I just couldn't justify it. Was the best decision I've made.
  • spritie
    spritie Posts: 167
    I'm also a vegan, there does appear to be quite a few of us about. :)
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    Can i see your food dairy? I have thought about going vegan but was not sure if I could pull it off.
  • alex8118
    alex8118 Posts: 22
    Yeah, sure I'll add you! I only just made my diary open to friends, I didn't know you could do that. I don't always fill out my diary properly though... but the last couple of days I've been doing it properly. Most of mine are meals that I have saved rather than individual ingredients.