Recently started antidepressants

Has anyone got any advice, either in relation to dieting or life in general, for someone who has recently started antidepressants?
I only started last Friday but already I've noticed a difference, some good some not all that great but the doctor said they wouldn't fully work for about two-three weeks, so I'm hoping it's not just a placebo effect.
Anyone had personal experience with this? I know everyone is different, and the effect of each drug is different, but about how long did it take to start working for you?


  • nueta1922
    nueta1922 Posts: 21 Member
    Just be careful with antidepressants. I gained 30 lbs over 12 weeks that I am still trying to lose the last 10. They affect people differently so just pay attention to your moods ( the first pills I took made me have thoughts of killing my son and I stopped taking them the next day) and your eating. The dr told me some pills can suppress your appetite and others make you love the taste of food. They helped me through a really rough patch, but once I felt stonger the weight gain depressed me more. For me to lose my weight I gained I had to get off the pills, with dr help and counseling I was ok to stop taking them.
  • LeMarkie89
    Thank-you for your input :smile:
    Yeah, I've noticed a dramatic change in my appetite. Some days I barely eat, other days I can't stop.
    I've been in counseling for a little over a year now. I've made dramatic improvements in most areas but lately I've hit a brick wall with it. I refused to go on antidepressants but for a little while now I released they may be what I need to help me get that little push to get back to myself again.
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    I started antidepressants about a month and a half ago, and it only took about a week for me to notice a difference in my attitude. Before I started them, I didn't necessarily think of myself as "depressed" (although that's what it was) but I had an "I don't care" attitude about EVERYTHING. Since starting, I've been able to focus on my health more and I've lost 7 lbs - because I do care again. I avoided antidepressants for probably about a year but when I finally realized the effect it had on my family, I knew I had to do something.
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    It depends on what you are taking, and of course, each person is affected differently, but I gained a lot of weight being on AD's. I finally realized what the cause was after TWO years, and am now off of them and the weight just kinda dropped off (so I'm positive now that was the culprit). Also, some of the side effects can be sneaky and you won't notice them right away (if you get them at all) so you might not associate them with the just be careful and pay attention to your body while taking them.
  • lesliemurryface
    lesliemurryface Posts: 4 Member
    I'm thinking that's how I gained the weight too. I was on Xanax for 2 years and got off about a year ago.... my weight fluctuated so much during that time that I stopped thinking about how I was treating my body - developed a bunch of bad eating habits and lacked excercise.... I'm getting back in the swing of things.

    I guess just be sure to understand the side effects and be sure that's the only recourse for you. Your mental health is a big big thing and will impact your physical health (I think) and I also think if I had paid attention I could have prevented the slipping of taking care of myself.