28 yr old mom to 4 needing to lose weight



  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    Hi everyone!! I am a 28 year old mom to 4 wonderful kids. I have 2 boys and 2 girls. Ages 11, 8, 4, and 2. I was just diagnosed with clogged arteries in my lower legs and feet and also mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation. My medical history is not so good when it comes to what I suffer from and what I have went thru in the past. My dr told me if I want to be here with my children I have got to lose weight. He wants me to lose 20 pounds by my next appointment which is June 5th 2013. I have started today with counting calories, dieting, and I will start an exercise routine as well. I own an eliptical, total gym, and an exercise ball but havent had the energy to even try them out (I have hypothyroidism so i tend to feel tired and have no energy) But this is all going to change today! I want to be a healthy mom for my children and a healthy wife for my husband. I hope to meet people who are on a weight loss journey as well so we can do it together. I have heard if you have support you will do better. So Im here for support!!! :)

    You can feel free to add me. I started my journey about 28 months ago a pure couch potato. I had left my ex of 10 years and I was depressed and an emotional eater. I gained a lot of weight. I would eat lots of junk and not even care. But, one day I woke up and decided to start changing myself for 2 reasons. 1. I had done a lot of soul searching and changing who I am inside. It was time for that beauty to be reflected on the outside. 2. My size 28 jeans were starting to get tight and I wasn't gonna go up to the next size. So that day (August 1st 2010) I decided to take control of my life and start my journey. 28 months later, I'm down 122.2 pounds so far with at least 57 to go. Hoping to be there by next summer. But, If I'm not it's ok. I started out eating anything that was "diet" now I eat 80% clean 20% splurges. I follow the eat more to weigh less lifestyle and I eat no less than 1800 cals a day. I started out eating 2500. When I first started working out, I walked miles and miles, Now I'm a heavy weight lifter, a runner, and a gym rat. I have fallen in love with exercise in that it keeps all my anxiety issues at by. You can do this and I will be right here for you if you want to add me. we can help each other get to our goals. And remember this very important tidbit, If you fall of the wagon, and you will we all do. I have done it more times than I care to remember, just dust yourself off and get back on. If you never give up, you will reach your weight loss and fitness goal.
  • 27 yo mam of 2 here for support aswell x
  • TVISmith
    TVISmith Posts: 28 Member
    Are you getting treated for the hypothyroidism? I have it too and when my doctor adjusted the amount of my levothyroxin it did wonders for me...also, my energy level went up when I started exercising on a regular basis. You will feel tired and exhausted at first, but you can push through it and will notice that you have more energy and aren't as sore anymore. I am 28 as well and have two children and find it best to workout in the morning before they wake up! Hang in there...you will never know how strong you are until you push yourself.

    Hi. I am taking levothyroxine for my hypothyroidism but I havent noticed any difference at all. I am taking possibly the lowest dose they could give me. I have been taking it for about 8 months now. Am I not doing something right? Do you think I should bring it up at one of my next appointments? My husband tells me he doesnt even know why i go to the dr because im always scared to ask
    questions because i feel like im being annoying or feel like im wasting their time..

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    It took my doctor a while to get my levels right....I get my blood drawn every six months now...it wouldn't hurt to ask if thy need to adjust it again.
  • cboutin89
    cboutin89 Posts: 79 Member