1,200 calorie limit... but I went over!



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you want, check out this link by MFPer Heliotsdan - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    It'll give you a detailed walkthrough (with pictures even) on finding your TDEE and calculating what you should be eating.

    Also, if you are worried about the calorie intake, I also suggest you read this thread that has numerous people who met their goals and are maintaining. Some for years and they also provide their calorie intake and how often they work out.

  • SaraStrangeling
    FYI: 1200 calories, in your case, is the minimum amount MFP will give, not your recommended maximum.

    Oh okay, I didn't know... thank you!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    800 calories over...

    1. When you weigh at night you almost ALWAYS weigh more. The bulk of food that you ate that has not yet been digested is in there as well as any water retention. Restaurant food is very often high in sodium which will make you retain water... However, this water does not stay in your system forever.... You can lose it as fast as you gain it. Your morning weight is more accurate... Weigh in the morning after voiding and don't stress over daily gains.. especially at night; we all fight that.

    2. It takes 3500 EXTRA calories to gain a pound of fat. I notice that you are losing weight so that means that you are already factoring in a deficit... IF you are set to lose a pound per week, then you only ate a surplus of 300 calories... NOT 800 calories... In that event, there would be a mild gain for the day but my bet is there are plenty of days where you are under so on average you would still be ok. If you are set to lose 2 lbs per week then you have a 1000 calorie deficit built in which means you would still factor in a mild loss for the day.

    3. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep working and you will see results. You have had pretty good results so far... Keep doing what you are doing and monitor things but if you have a night that you go a little over, it is ok... I went over 1300 calories yesterday... (It was my birthday).. That is ok, that still only factors in an 800 calorie true gain (far less than a pound) and I brought in a mild deficit today...

    Best wishes on your continued success... Enjoy life!
  • SaraStrangeling
    If you want, check out this link by MFPer Heliotsdan - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    It'll give you a detailed walkthrough (with pictures even) on finding your TDEE and calculating what you should be eating.

    Also, if you are worried about the calorie intake, I also suggest you read this thread that has numerous people who met their goals and are maintaining. Some for years and they also provide their calorie intake and how often they work out.


    Thanks Joylia... I'll definitely check these out! Much appreciated!
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Honey, you'll be just fine. If you really feel bad about it, you could try my solution, which is to "earn" those calories. Do a couple of extra workouts this week--and in the future, if you know in advance that you're going out for dinner, try "earning " the calories ahead of time so you can feel that you have a "right" to them. Do a little research into some of your favorite restaurant meals so you don't get caught by surprise. A little advance planning can really help to avoid these things.

    Good for you for making the decision to get healthy and lose weight! Tell yourself, "I may not be perfect, but I am awesome!" It helps for those "oh-cr@p-i-messed-up-my-diet-and-now-i-feel-lousy-about-myself" days. We've all had them. Take a hug from me and ignore the sarcastic and or rude comments. Why should YOU feel bad just because someone else is being unkind?

    Hope this helps!
  • StaceySuperfly
    StaceySuperfly Posts: 101 Member
    You'll make yourself crazy stepping on the scale daily. I know I did. My son broke my scale years ago and I was so mad. Used to weigh myself 3 or 4 times a day and never managed to lose weight. I let the scale make me crazy. About 5 years ago I decided to lose weight by eating better. I only weighed myself at my moms, and since I worked 70+ hours a week and she lived 40 miles away I only weighed myself every month or two. I lost 110 pounds in 8 months!! Stepping on the scale daily can really bring you down. If you weigh yourself once a month you will really feel good seeing those numbers! Good luck, don't listen to idiots that just want to put others down to make themselves feel special.
  • SaraStrangeling
    800 calories over...

    1. When you weigh at night you almost ALWAYS weigh more. The bulk of food that you ate that has not yet been digested is in there as well as any water retention. Restaurant food is very often high in sodium which will make you retain water... However, this water does not stay in your system forever.... You can lose it as fast as you gain it. Your morning weight is more accurate... Weigh in the morning after voiding and don't stress over daily gains.. especially at night; we all fight that.

    2. It takes 3500 EXTRA calories to gain a pound of fat. I notice that you are losing weight so that means that you are already factoring in a deficit... IF you are set to lose a pound per week, then you only ate a surplus of 300 calories... NOT 800 calories... In that event, there would be a mild gain for the day but my bet is there are plenty of days where you are under so on average you would still be ok. If you are set to lose 2 lbs per week then you have a 1000 calorie deficit built in which means you would still factor in a mild loss for the day.

    3. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep working and you will see results. You have had pretty good results so far... Keep doing what you are doing and monitor things but if you have a night that you go a little over, it is ok... I went over 1300 calories yesterday... (It was my birthday).. That is ok, that still only factors in an 800 calorie true gain (far less than a pound) and I brought in a mild deficit today...

    Best wishes on your continued success... Enjoy life!

    I kinda' figured it was just a nightly thing but it still freaked me out! I knew there was no way I could gain 10 pounds at night and then lose it in the morning, pretty silly but still! I was like omg what the? But thanks for clearing it up! I also had no idea how many calories it took to gain a pound so yeah, I will be okay! You're awesome! And happy belated birthday! I hope you had a good one!
  • SaraStrangeling
    Honey, you'll be just fine. If you really feel bad about it, you could try my solution, which is to "earn" those calories. Do a couple of extra workouts this week--and in the future, if you know in advance that you're going out for dinner, try "earning " the calories ahead of time so you can feel that you have a "right" to them. Do a little research into some of your favorite restaurant meals so you don't get caught by surprise. A little advance planning can really help to avoid these things.

    Good for you for making the decision to get healthy and lose weight! Tell yourself, "I may not be perfect, but I am awesome!" It helps for those "oh-cr@p-i-messed-up-my-diet-and-now-i-feel-lousy-about-myself" days. We've all had them. Take a hug from me and ignore the sarcastic and or rude comments. Why should YOU feel bad just because someone else is being unkind?

    Hope this helps!

    Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. It'll also keep me from doing that too often as well because I know that I'll have to earn those calories back! So yeah, awesome idea! I did. We went to East Side Mario's and they have their menu online and I kinda' picked out what I was going to have before I got there but then my buddies wanted margaritas and it went from one thing to another xD but I agree! Checking out restaurant foods online usually does avoid surprises (unless of course margaritas are involved).

    Thank you for being kind! And thank you for the hug! You can have one from me in return! Thank you again dear!
  • SaraStrangeling
    You'll make yourself crazy stepping on the scale daily. I know I did. My son broke my scale years ago and I was so mad. Used to weigh myself 3 or 4 times a day and never managed to lose weight. I let the scale make me crazy. About 5 years ago I decided to lose weight by eating better. I only weighed myself at my moms, and since I worked 70+ hours a week and she lived 40 miles away I only weighed myself every month or two. I lost 110 pounds in 8 months!! Stepping on the scale daily can really bring you down. If you weigh yourself once a month you will really feel good seeing those numbers! Good luck, don't listen to idiots that just want to put others down to make themselves feel special.

    Yeah, I know, I've started to go scale crazy lately but I've been trying not to.... still, I end up stepping on the scale anyways. But now I have it in a harder spot to get to, so it takes me a little bit to get to it, and I end up just giving up trying to obtain it, and it's been working a little bit. Congratulations on the weight loss by the way! 110 pounds in 8 months is really awesome! And don't worry, I won't listen to idiots, there's always going to be people wanting to bring me down but I just gotta' keep getting back up! Thank you dear!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    (unless of course margaritas are involved).

    Yes, drinks are high cal. Next time, call ahead and see if they make "skinny margarita" which is a lower calorie version. Or drink something else. I switched to citron vodka, diet coke and a slice of lime. Some people say don't drink diet sodas, but that is another conversation. I don't drink enough of it to worry about it.
  • SaraStrangeling
    (unless of course margaritas are involved).

    Yes, drinks are high cal. Next time, call ahead and see if they make "skinny margarita" which is a lower calorie version. Or drink something else. I switched to citron vodka, diet coke and a slice of lime. Some people say don't drink diet sodas, but that is another conversation. I don't drink enough of it to worry about it.

    I figured they were but I wasn't sure HOW high and on the online menu, it has nutritional facts and all that but they don't include the drinks.. I wonder why hehe! Well, I don't think any pop hardly. One or two every month... not enough to count!
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    Yes, you are going to gain ten pounds of fat, like, right now.

    I would wear some stretchy pants to bed, just in case you can't get out of them in the morning.

    Listen, just because I'm uninformed doesn't mean you have to be ignorant. Do you need to wear stretchy pants to bed? I'm sure you'd have to, to fit that huge ego of yours. Bug off. I don't need flack from people like you.

    EDIT: Sorry, if you were being sarcastic. I can't tell. Grew up in a serious family. MY BAD! Sorry!

    ooo she went there...high five!
  • SaraStrangeling
    It's not a contest. Just because she's not ugly on the outside doesn't mean she doesn't have an ugly personality. Just wanted to let her know.