inaccurate self image



  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I remember when I was wearing size 10 jeans, I thought they were so big.
    Now, I look at them......holy cow I was skinny!!!!
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    The same thing happens to me. I am always shocked when I see pictures of myself.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Last time I went on a weight loss effort I went through a big dose of self loathing. It was like I looked at myself for the first time. I had to really work on getting over that. It was very destructive. Now I have a better outlook and although I still won't get my photo taken willingly I no longer hate myself like I did back then. So I believe that will be my success.
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    Add me to this club. In pictures I NEVER like the way I look...i always delete the pictures of me or try to hide behind others in pictures. I practiced holding my head a certain way so that when I smile I dont have a double chin (and whenever the picture gets taken I never hold my head that *right* way!!).
    I see myself as fat. period. fat. I dont see myself as large as some people are...I "compare" myself to some friends and I know that I am thinner then they are but I dont feel thin because then I compare myself to others and I know Im bigger so it brings me down. Im so sick of comparing myself to others....I want to comapre myself to myself and somehow be ok with what I see!
    When I started at MFP I was wearing a 10/12 and now Im in a 6/8 - I have never been less then a 6 in my adult life so I know that no matter what I do Im not going to get skinnier - maybe more toned or more lean but not skinner I dont have a size 4 body. When Im naked and I look at myself Im miserable....but when I dress I can be ok with what I see until I see others?! I have a lot of body fat (according to those measuring things- calipers) like 25%!? But, my legs are solid, I dont have cellulite (lucky genes there) and barely any strecth marks (4 kids, 3 pregnancies) so I am lucky there...but I see fat on my stomach and become miserable, or my triceps and cringe or the worst for me is the "back fat" that us women have to deal with ...I put on my bra and then my shirt and I can be looking in the mirror feeling pretty ok then I look at the back and see that tightness of the bra, the overhang of the back fat and I have to throw a sweater, sweatshirt on over the shirt because I am MORTIFIED by that!
    I go out in the warm weather and see girls or women that are so confident . You can see it in how they walk. Some of these women look like they didnt look in a mirror before they left the hosue (clothes to tight, outfits that show skin where they shouldnt show skin, the "muffin top"....but they are SO confident. I want to be confident....but I dont know that I will ever get there?!
  • CrazyAdventures
    CrazyAdventures Posts: 44 Member
    OMG, I swore this was just happening to me I've lost almost 40 lbs and sometimes I see the "old" me in the mirror. It takes seeing update pictures of my self to see how much I've lost, or measurements.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Photos are always harsher than the mirror when you're big, because you can't shift your hips and lift your chin and fool yourself into looking skinnier in a photo. And now that I've lost a little weight I'm definitely more aware of the excess and I HATE it! 13 pounds ago, I was never this mad at my poochy tummy!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I am experiencing this too. I had no idea I truly looked the way I did. I'm completely amazed when I look at pictures - I must have been in a deep deep state of denial.

    So, the wake up call was good - but now it makes me distrustful of my own judgement. I feel like I look pretty good now (but then again, I felt fairly comfortable before) - so what kind of gauge is that? AN UNRELIABLE ONE! Depending on my mood I can see all my imperfections in the mirror, or proof of improvements.

    The mind is a tricky little *kitten*. I do have to wonder - how will I know when I'm truly at my body's "happy state" ??
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