Why I used to be FAT!!

emarty29 Posts: 37 Member
I just ate some Yogurt Pretzels and after eating about 12 of them, I thought to myself...I better go check the calories on these. I almost passed out when I saw. I'm glad I stopped myself before grabbing another handful. I'm now jumping on the treadmill to burn off 400 calories. Here is a list of common serving size. Common serving units 8 pieces 217 Cal. 6 pieces 163 Cal. 4 pieces 109 Cal.
Before I would eat the whole bag and think that they were somewhat happy. So glad I checked.


  • So true! I now do that to Starbucks cookies! Crazy calorie and fat content!
  • Yeah I figure I'd better really, really, really want those pretzels if I got to be burn 400 cal on the treadmill - for me thats about 1/2 hard work - on top of the 40 minutes I'm already supposed to be doing.

    Those things can sneak up on one:

    pretzel: relatively healthy,
    yoghurt - relatively healthy.
    yoghurt pretzels: get thee to ye olde treadmill!!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    For me it was alcohol. I switched over to vodka because it was lower in calories, not having any idea that alcohol metabolizes in your body way differently than food. THEN, I would make bad food choices after I had drinks because, well, that is what people do after they drink, they make bad choices. Then the next day I would justify some nasty greasy crap, because of course, I was never doing that again, last time, right? Yeah, that was 40 pounds and 14% body fat ago.

    Sobriety rocks!
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    No kidding..... it is shocking to see the calorie count on some things I never used to really thing about. Ju Jubes and wine gums..... no fat, but sadly so many calories. I know I can't eat a" teeny weeny" recommended serving of those things....... so try to stay away from them
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    i measure out the serving sizes on snacks and keep them in those little snack bags on the counter..my husband ( who per the doctor) is on a high fiber diet..so i measure out his daily supply and hide the rest!! he searches the cabinets..i hear him looking in drawers...ha!! he will never fiind them...hey! sometimes you need a kick in the a&^ to be healthy!!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    omg the white chocolate covered pretzels are awesomeeeee mmmmmm
  • emarty29
    emarty29 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for all your comments, I went to 5 different websites to verify calorie amount and they ranged from 190-420 for 12 yogurt pretzels! I just decided it was better to burn 650 calories to be safe!
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    For me it was those Lindt milk chocolate truffles... 80 calories EACH. I could eat 5 or 6 of those without a second thought!
  • emarty29
    emarty29 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story, we all have a story and each one of them will help someone. Keep on sharing!
  • I used to be able to eat a large pizza by myself -.-
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Here's why *I* used to be fat:



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