A month has passed and no weight loss..



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    While I agree that you are likely not eating enough, that is not what is causing you to not lose weight. Unless you are an extremely tiny man, you should be losing eating as little as your diary says you are. If you are truly logging everything you eat and you are not losing any weight at all, you need to see a doctor.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    My guess is that you are not eating enough. I am a 125 pound female and my TDEE is 1700 calories a day for lightly active. Your goal seems to be less than that. I suggeest using the link someone posted about the road map to calculate your TDEE and begin eating according to what it says.

    You can do this - don't get frustrated and give up.
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I hadn't lost an ounce in over 6 weeks... I started to stall when I started eating more wheat products- wheat waffles, bread, pasta, wraps... On the advice of someone else, I cut way back on the wheat and I've lost 2.5 pounds in the last 4 days! I'm eating the same number of calories and exercising the same amount as well. I notice you eat a lot of pasta, wheat bread, etc. Try cutting back and see if it doesn't make a difference.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    If you're as active as you make it sound then you're not getting nearly enough calories. Get more lean protein in your diet.
  • Kathe2
    Kathe2 Posts: 31 Member
    Start recording your water!
    Eat more protein.
    Keep an eye on the amount of carbohydrates, and reduce them. Over 200 per day is TOO MUCH.
    Reduce the salt. You do not really need the pickles, do you?
  • gigiraragigi
    gigiraragigi Posts: 4 Member
    hi guys!

    first and most impotent, i want to really thank you all for spending your time to check my info and write me review, really i was amazed to see so many replies is such a short time.

    here is some more basic info about myself to clear things out: i'm a 27 years old male. my current weight is 70kg. my height is 174cm. actually my prime goal is to lose fat, but it is still weird I'm not losing a-n-y weight.

    i just don't get way so many of you saying i'm not eating enough. after i have insert personal data to the app in the first use, the app itself concluded that my goal is a 1580 calories for a day. and im sticking to that plan. i mean. yeah, there is a days when im NETTING less or more than usual but overall in average, im NETTING just a little tiny bit less than the software recommend.
    so when you say i'm not eating enough, it is like you are saying myfittnesspal malfunctioning in making plans, because i just follow the plan. did you tried to tell me leave myfitnesspall plan and just use the "road-map"? anyway i will read the article soon and will try to get some conclusions..
    well i DO AGREE that i'm not perfectly constant, i would try to get better in that aspect.

    i honestly don't understand why some of you say i'm eating too much process food. can u give me an example? usually i'm making stuff by myself after buying ingredients in the supermarket...
    I will also try to reduce sodium - first of all i will reduce the pickle consumption... must admit i'm a little bit addicted to that thing.
    guess part of you were right when you said im not consuming enough protein. i do workout quite a bit. my mistake was that i always had the habit of looking of the percentage of the pie and when it said that my share of protein is 15% of what i eat, i thought it fine.
    regards your concern about my drinking habits - i do drink water through the day, but not logging it. i agree that logging will keep me drinking enough and eventully help me loss weight and keep my health fine. i will try to do that regularly.
    @WaxMama, i think i will listen to your operational advice and maybe cut a bit of wheat intake.

    Thanks again and have a great weekend!
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi there,

    I think that we are referring to your NET calorie intake, which is on the low side.

    NET calorie = the amount of calories you actually eat say 1600
    Less the calories used when you exercise say 500

    Therefore your NET calories for that day are 1100

    If you look on your diary at the bottom figures. The first line is the amount of calories you have eaten. The second line which says Gigiraragigi's calorie goal. is the amount of calories you should be eating (or near to) MFP has added your exercise calories to your original calorie goal for you.

    Hope this clears it up for you. I admit I did not scrutinize the actual foods on your diary so do not know what people were referring to in relation to processed foods.

    If you get a chance have a read of the Road Map as it explains the concept and reasons for eating the correct amount.

    Good luck.
  • glacier24
    Guys, hold on
    From the diary entries I can see of this guy, he doesn't seem to eat breakfast. If this is actually true then that's obviously one of the big factors making weight loss difficult for him

    You gotta eat breakfast! It is the most important meal of the day, especially for weight loss
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Im doing sports and getting less calories than i eat. What am i doing wrong? Would love if you check my diary.10x

    Don't cut too many calories, eat a balanced diet including breakfast - nine different servings of fruits and vegetables in the full rainbow of colours, oily fish regularly, reduced fat dairy, modest portions of healthy fats (half an avocado, nuts or seeds for minerals) and protein at every meal and snack. lose the sugar/ dulce de leche, ensure processed/ ready made/ refined junk is no more than 10% of daily calories. Starving your body or not getting the full range of nutrients puts the body into a state of stress which encourages muscle loss and fat retention especilly on the waist: start tracking fibre and perhaps sugar, you can change MFP settings.

    Be aware your Body Mass Index is 23 which is in the middle of the health range, so you should not be looking to lose weight - perhaps change your body composition but you don't achieve that by cutting calories. You would actually be better served by training for hypertrophy (increasing muscle mass) with compound strength training moves, and eating healthy foods at or over your calorie goal so that you gain muscle. This will increase your metabolism so you slowly lose bodyfat. Your body cannot store spare protein so it needs to be provided with some little and often, ideally every three to four hours and certainly breakfast - to build or maintain muscle.

    Don't overexercise, this puts the body into a state of stress and burns lean muscle - quality is more important than quantity.