
kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Well, what can I say I started at mfp Feb 15th, had a great first week loosing 11 lbs, then the second week I started looking at the scale daily, and I was gaining though I was doing things exactly the same as the first week. I don't know if the overwhelming feeling of disappointment took over or I just freak out that that it really was working. In any case I ended up stopping the second week. Since then I have eaten without much thought to things and gone back to my old ways. A few days ago I started to watch what I was eating again, even on Easter. And today I am again officially going back to logging what I eat and really going to try not to look at the scale more than once per week.

I really don't know why I stopped I was feeling better than I have felt in a long time, my skin was reaping the results and was a lot smoother and healthy looking. Looking back, stopping was the exact wrong thing to do. This is not how I want to live my life, I don't like how it feels on a daily basis and I don't like what it does to my body. So here I am, again. Maybe this time I can find something that keeps me motivated on those days when I'm struggling. What was working was the last time was the first week I decided to watch the biggest looser daily online, then I caught up on all the shows and week two had nothing to watch. For some reason that show drives me in a big way. Again, I am caught up so I need to find another source of inspiration, at least until I have been doing this a month or so and it starts to become more second nature than a battle. I guess I am kind of an all or nothing person. When I mess up on things I tend to call it a wash and give up. When Im doing well I'm doing really really well. I need to learn how to deal with the in between in all aspects of my life. It's just not healthy.

Anyways I will stop my rant now and try harder this time to stay on track and not let little things derail me. Thanks for listening. :sad:


  • hboughey
    hboughey Posts: 11 Member
    Good for you! You will lose the weight faster than you think. It's all about being, happy, and healthy.
  • blondskyeyes
    blondskyeyes Posts: 22 Member
    You can do it! I would suggest not weighing every day. Your weight can change by a couple of pounds per day. My suggestion is to weigh on a weekly basis and at the same time (or as close to the same time as possible). :happy:
  • Kimmrdodge, I'm sure many of us here on MFP can relate. I sure can!!! There is a lot of support here for you/us!! :flowerforyou: Stop beating yourself up about "yesterdays" you can't change those, learn from them and just work on today. 100% compliance is unreasonable to expect, so just do the best you can each time you can to make the right choices. This race isn't given to the swift, it's given to those who endure! You can do it. Oh yeah, one more cliche before I close "Don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff" :smile: Wishing you the best of luck in your efforts!!!
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