Upset at sudden gain - please help.



  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. I am not obsessed or stressed by the numbers. I like to see the fluctuations and I can compare with my intake/exercise on a daily basis to figure out why. Usually around once or twice a month I will go from 132.6 to 138.6 and usually comes done by the end of a week . It always when see it go up I just exercise more and watch even more carefully what I eat. There are so many factors why your body fluctuates.....stop driving yourself crazy. I weigh 10lbs more than I did 7 years ago at my lowest weight, yet I am still the same size 5. If you feel good than you are doing something right!
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    I am fully aware that the scale is not the only measurement of progress, and believe me I'm happy with my NSV's, but here in the UK, my GP does not take my measurements, measure my body fat percentage, track my clothes size or ask me if I'm feeling stronger! It's a straightforward BMI measurement and that's it.
  • vikefan2012
    vikefan2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Watch the documentary Fat Head. Carbs cause heart disease and diabetes, I have researched this topic. Look into it.

    Carbs do not cause heart disease, obesity does. And how do you get obese... by eating more than you burn.
    True usually, but there are very thin people who ended up getting Type 2 Diabetes. Food Choices play a large part in my opinion, not just burning less than you eat.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am fully aware that the scale is not the only measurement of progress, and believe me I'm happy with my NSV's, but here in the UK, my GP does not take my measurements, measure my body fat percentage, track my clothes size or ask me if I'm feeling stronger! It's a straightforward BMI measurement and that's it.

    Your doctor could check your body fat'd be odd if he couldn't. Your GP should also be aware that the scale will fluctuate with water retention and muscle gain.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am fully aware that the scale is not the only measurement of progress, and believe me I'm happy with my NSV's, but here in the UK, my GP does not take my measurements, measure my body fat percentage, track my clothes size or ask me if I'm feeling stronger! It's a straightforward BMI measurement and that's it.

    Your doctor could check your body fat'd be odd if he couldn't. Your GP should also be aware that the scale will fluctuate with water retention and muscle gain.

    Maybe you could work with a nutritionist/dietitian if having smaller measurements, clothes, and body fat % is not enough. Your dietitian could then work with your doctor if he/she is that concerned about the scale # and they can assure your GP that you are actually still losing and getting healthier.
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Your doctor could check your body fat'd be odd if he couldn't. Your GP should also be aware that the scale will fluctuate with water retention and muscle gain.

    I'm sure he could. I'll ask him when I want to know.

    And yes, he probably is aware. But how many overweight people do you think he sees every day, who are full of excuses as to why they haven't hit their target? I was proud of maintaining a good steady loss of 1lb a week over six months. Now it will appear that I have lost less than that. Plenty of people will say "big deal"...but it is a big deal to me. I worked hard to lose that 7lb!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Your doctor could check your body fat'd be odd if he couldn't. Your GP should also be aware that the scale will fluctuate with water retention and muscle gain.

    I'm sure he could. I'll ask him when I want to know.

    And yes, he probably is aware. But how many overweight people do you think he sees every day, who are full of excuses as to why they haven't hit their target? I was proud of maintaining a good steady loss of 1lb a week over six months. Now it will appear that I have lost less than that. Plenty of people will say "big deal"...but it is a big deal to me. I worked hard to lose that 7lb!

    You did lose weight. You just didn't lose as much as you wanted. And since you go to your doctor every so often - he has it recorded. He's going to know you aren't making stuff up.

    As long as you are still losing, whether it is a 1lb a week or 1lb a month - you should be proud that you are getting healthier and more fit.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    Last week I gained four pounds over three days. I was excepting a slight gain as I was eating out more and had a lot of xmas celebrations. When I gained on the other two days, I couldn't quite understand it. I decided not to stress and continued eating normal. Then today, I had suddenly lost three of the four pounds. No idea how that happened :) advise just continue eating what you normally do and log everything.
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Maybe you could work with a nutritionist/dietitian if having smaller measurements, clothes, and body fat % is not enough. Your dietitian could then work with your doctor if he/she is that concerned about the scale # and they can assure your GP that you are actually still losing and getting healthier.

    I live in the UK, we use the National Health Service. A private dietician costs around £75 ($120) for a consultation, and £50 ($80) for every appointment after. I'm a housewife and part time student with a daughter to support and a wedding to pay for! This is not a financial option for me, I'm afraid.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    It sounds as if you are overly concerned with what your doctor there some reason why your doctor's words carry so much negative emotion with them? You've done a great job of weight loss, by anyone's standards. If your doctor makes you feel incompetent, maybe you could find another doctor. I don't know how your health care system works, but in my world negative professionals get replaced quickly in my life. I could see your concern if you had not been able to lose any weight at all since the start, but you have lost a lot of weight.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    And I'm just going to be straight with you and you'll probably think I'm being mean but I'm just being blunt and honest.

    You are finding an excuse to wallow in self-pity. I can say this because I've been there and done that several times. You've lost PROUD.

    Sure your weight loss slowed, but okay. Nothing you can do about it NOW, but you can still do something about it in the future. If you feel you got off track, get back on.

    If you feel your GP is going to scold you for whatever reason, talk to him about you tracking measurements along with the scale so that BOTH of you can see that you are still doing well.

    There are a lot of things you can do but if you keep saying, "But...this and but that..." no matter what any of us suggests, you are just going to find a way to keep yourself down.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Watch the documentary Fat Head. Carbs cause heart disease and diabetes, I have researched this topic. Look into it.
    Tom Naughton is not a scientist, nor is he even a researcher. He's a filmmaker and stand-up comedian who is rabidly pro-Paleo, thus his slant on carbs. Fear-mongering is not the answer to health or successful weight loss.
  • M08distel
    M08distel Posts: 16 Member
    It looks like everybody has covered the usual causes. I do agree with the one comment about muscle mass. It is very possible that you are now gaining muscle and that is wat is causing the weight gain. It will even it'self out soon. Just relax and keep doing what you have been. The bigger questions should be how do you feel & how do you look. Good luck.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I am fully aware that the scale is not the only measurement of progress, and believe me I'm happy with my NSV's, but here in the UK, my GP does not take my measurements, measure my body fat percentage, track my clothes size or ask me if I'm feeling stronger! It's a straightforward BMI measurement and that's it.
    I am on cerezette as well but have not had anywhere near a large jump (1-2 lbs)
    I am in the UK and once a month I take a neck, waist and hips measurement, and weigh once a week ...

    I would give it a week and take in lots of water and see if it settles.
    I can't believe it is a permanent thing
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Regarding 'water weight', if the weather is colder, you pee more. When weather hotter, you retain more fluid. Could be weather/ temperature related.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Watch the documentary Fat Head. Carbs cause heart disease and diabetes, I have researched this topic. Look into it.
    Tom Naughton is not a scientist, nor is he even a researcher. He's a filmmaker and stand-up comedian who is rabidly pro-Paleo, thus his slant on carbs. Fear-mongering is not the answer to health or successful weight loss.

  • Iron_warrior33
    Watch the documentary Fat Head. Carbs cause heart disease and diabetes, I have researched this topic. Look into it.
    OMG, yes everyone should change their whole lifestyle based on a movie. Watch "Forks Over Knives," then you'll be a low carb vegan. Hmmm, I guess you'd starve at that point because most veggies have carbs. Better yet, also watch, "How High," then we could all be low carb vegans with the munchies. OR, watch "Supersize Me," and live off of McDonald's for a year. See how stupid it looks to tell people to watch a movie to change their lifestyle. Seriously people, stop chainging your lives because of a damn movie.
  • xxvogue
    xxvogue Posts: 172 Member
    For the record, on my BC pills I also gain "pre-TOM" weight. I don't actually get it, but a few days later it's down like clockwork in a complete cycle.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Watch the documentary Fat Head. Carbs cause heart disease and diabetes, I have researched this topic. Look into it.
    OMG, yes everyone should change their whole lifestyle based on a movie. Watch "Forks Over Knives," then you'll be a low carb vegan. Hmmm, I guess you'd starve at that point because most veggies have carbs. Better yet, also watch, "How High," then we could all be low carb vegans with the munchies. OR, watch "Supersize Me," and live off of McDonald's for a year. See how stupid it looks to tell people to watch a movie to change their lifestyle. Seriously people, stop chainging your lives because of a damn movie.

    Dude, I think I love you. THANK YOU for saying this!!!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Replace the batteries in your scale.