How do you eat well during stressful times? HELP!



  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    Roast chicken in the crockpot along with some cauliflower and 1-2 potatoes (optional). When done, toss the cauliflower and potato (if used) in a food processor with some low fat sour cream. There is your mashed potatoes. Enjoy with the roast chicken. (also works well if you use parsnips or turnips with/instead of the cauliflower). If you want gravy, add mushroom to the pot and puree with some chicken stock and a little cornstarch.

    That actually sounds delicious and I did a turkey roast with sweet potatoes in the crockpot, that might work instead.
  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    I'll echo what everyone else has said: Plan, Plan, Plan! You mentioned some additional restraints because of keeping Kosher, so you know what dietary restrictions there are because of that.

    Do you have access to a fridge at work?
    Do you have a place to keep healthy non-perishable foods at work?
    What does your lunch time/break times look like (hour long lunch?)
    Do you have a kitchen/microwave at work?

    Fridge Yes
    non perishables Yes
    lunch break is an hour (except fridays)
    Kitchen yes, microwave no
    IF you have an hour lunch, try bringing a change of clothes and walking at lunch instead of the morning. This way, you're not tempted to go out for lunch and you're getting a little more rest in the morning. If you need to use that time to pack your lunch in the morning, then do it.
    Can you rest at all during your commute (are you taking public transportation?) if so, close your eyes, practice deep breathing/relaxation, listen to some relaxing music. This way, you may be more relaxed when you get home and be able to get to sleep quicker.

    But honestly, pack your lunches and snacks. Even if it's a salad and a sandwich with soup.
    I sometimes can sleep on the train but am worried I will miss my stops :yawn:
    I can't do sandwiches - flour/bread is my nemesis - once I start I can't stop.
  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    I sit down on the weekends and pre-plan an entire weeks meals, including snacks and then I go shopping. If something is cumbersome and takes awhile to make, I will prepare those things over the weekend and freeze for later. This time of year in particular, I do a lot of stews and stoups. A couple different batches of a hardy stew that serve 6-8 will last me all week switching off between lunches and dinner. I also do a lot of easy stuff like cottage cheese and an orange as my AM snack...greek yogurt and blueberries as my PM snack...nuts (I especially love almonds)...whole grain/seed crackers...fruit in general, etc that require little to no preparation and I can eat on the go.

    This not only helps me in the preparing my own meals department, but keeps me out of the store every night, where I may be tempted to just impulse buy something I shouldn't be having

    I have done this the last two weeks but unless I spend half the day cooking on Sunday (which is impossible while at work), it all goes to hell... I am afraid to prepack salads too many days in advance.
  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    I want to add I am not so concerned about snacking, I am more concerned about actually getting in proper meals instead of crappy meals.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Pack all your food for the day. I work long days too and I bring bfast, lunch and dinner with me. It takes a little bit of time to plan it out on Sundays but it's WELL worth it. I wouldn't be able to lose weight if I didn't bring my own food. Check out my diary for some ideas if you want.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member

    OMG that is the BEST GIF EVER. I have never done that with french fries though. Although it looks like fun.
  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    Happy to report that this evening I:
    - menu planned for the whole week and put in MFP
    - prepared/measured breakfast for 3 days during the week (yogurt, frozen berries, kashi go lean)
    - Prepared salad for part of breakfast for 2 days (I alternate between eggs and yogurt for breakfast)
    - On Friday night after we finished the meal, I packed the leftovers directly into lunch containers so I can just grab and go
    - I made a shopping list for DH for what we need for the week.

    I am feeling more prepared this week and less likely to "snack".

    Tomorrow is also a religious fast day for me, so I'm planning on getting up at 4:30 to eat breakfast before the fast starts at 5am, so I don't gorge myself after the fast is over at 5pm.
  • 300poundsdown
    Sounds like you put together an awesome battle plan!! I would have echoed what others already said. I love that you prepared your foods in advance. Having my food with me is the only way to get through it. If I don't have prepacked safe food, I could get screwed up very quickly. Also, I always pack shakes wherever I go. I have a little cooler I carry with me. I drink the ready to drink atkins shakes personally but for me it is the quick and simple way to make sure I am not caught without something. I really love how you've handled this. You're a great example!
  • karrlove1020
    I definately like the crock pot idea! You can make so many healthy meals without a lot of work, that way you can spend your free time relaxing! I have the same problem, I would relax myself by eating my favorite foods. Not so relaxing when you gain 90lbs in 5 years..Some ideas I've been trying that you might like to, masages, pedicures, bubble baths, watch your favorite show/movie with herbal tea, relaxing music, prayer/meditation, exercise, laughing with friends/family. I wish you the best on your weight loss journey during this stressful time :)