I'm skinny but I look pregnant after eating

Has anyone ever had problems with bloating like this? I have the outline of a six pack in the morning and am at about 23% body fat (5' 8", 135). Any time, I eat, I end up looking pregnant. It never makes me feel uncomfortable but it's awful! Is there anything I can try to help? I used Align for a few weeks but it's so expensive and didn't seem to help with bloating.


  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    After doing a better search of the forums, it seems like most people are recommending a probiotic. Can anyone recommend a good one and where you get it from?
  • ms_leanne

    I would also have a look back on your food diaries to see what ingredients your food contained to see if there's a trend. People I know like that tend to have food allergies or perhaps Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • CantarellaMiyani
    CantarellaMiyani Posts: 91 Member
    Yogurt, especially greek yogurt, can be a good source of probiotics and intestinal flora. A typical dessert for me at the end of the day is half a cup of thick greek yogurt with a teaspoon or so of honey, and crushed walnuts. Yum! Make sure to look for "live active cultures."
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member

    I would also have a look back on your food diaries to see what ingredients your food contained to see if there's a trend. People I know like that tend to have food allergies or perhaps Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

    I totally agree. i have IBS. The following foods are out for me.

    ALL GRAINS ( including, rice, oats, kashi, cereal bars etc.)- all of it- blows me up like a balloon
    Dairy (including greek yoghurt & goats milk/ cheese), Bananas, Potatoes- glue my insides together

    Alcohol, sugary things, fruit juices and dark chocolate - but thats because they give me migranes

    My digestive system has never thanked me so much as when I went paleo- flat stomach and healthy insides. If i ever stray from the path I'm swiftly reminded with hideous stomach cramps, bloat and other such gastro-nasties.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Do those with IBS or digestive issues always have gas/pain? I don't have either but I do seem to bloat up.
  • zimmash
    zimmash Posts: 1 Member
    Read up on the Low Fodmap Diet. I was gloating for 3 years until I tried it and its the only thing that works for me! LIFE SAVER
  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    I feel your pain

    I don't get bloated every day but recently, on 2 occasions, I have gained 2 dress sizes over night. Not only do I look pregnant but I bloat on my legs too.

    I'm off to the doctors after Christmas for some tests but it's definitely frustrating
  • Katie22222
    Katie22222 Posts: 31 Member
    It may also be gluten intolerance. I have this, and I had the same symptoms until I went gluten free.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    This happens to me ALL THE TIME it's annoying!

    My Mom tries to say it's because I shrank my stomach so now it expands when I eat? That sounds like a load of BS to me but it's one explanation that I suppose is possible.

    Anyway, something that has helped me is spacing my meals out so I'm not eating a bunch of cals all at once, still something I struggle with tho as I tend to do a lot of night eating and limited day eating.

    Drink TONS of water.

    Track your sodium

    Write in your food notes when you're bloated, try and figure out what is causing it.

    Dairy makes me really bloated and I've found when I cut it out I feel better as well.
  • Verla7
    Verla7 Posts: 32 Member
    you no doubt have a wheat/gluten sensitivity. Try not eating gluten for a couple weeks and see if you notice a difference.