After christmas, i promise......

To get myself a gym pass and hit the gym 4 days a week, and burn at least 600 calories each time :smile:

Whats your promise fir after christmas?

Post, and lets see what we get :smile:


  • To plan my lunches everyday so I don't buy rubbish. To stop snacking on junk while I'm working just becausr I'm bored. To get a fitness programme going again, mainly dancing twice a week and cardio 3 times. To do a second round of Insanity from Jan. Most importantly to stop binge eating at night. It's not good.
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    to sort out all this new years resolution/after christmas stuff after I move house, start my full-time job (first one in my entire life!) and get into a routine with my 4 year old son and my partner and our long-distance relationship that is a result of my job and move :(
    I guess I will use exercise as a distraction from being away from my man... but I also have to return to study as part of this job some its going to be a balancing act... I do however promise to buy myself a pole out of my first months pay because Im also moving away from my pole dancing class and I have learned a few tricks that I need to keep practising!!! plus I love pole xx
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    To keep on keepin on!
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    To totally change the way I eat and to work out more.
  • To keep doing what I am doing.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    to not change a darn thing!!!!!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    It's not 'after Christmas' I'm worried about - my current aim is to enjoy a very glutinous Christmas meal, but not let it go too far after that.
    Also hoping to walk up a mountain (ok, only JUST a mountain - be a few hour's walk) in the morning to get some calories burnt in preparation. Indoor rock climbing the day before and after.

    All too often I let one day with lots of food and no exercise turn in to a week of the same.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    To keep up with the promise I made back on Feb 8th this year.... to workout every day, rain hail or shine.

    Why make a promise AFTER xmas? Why not make it now? It's not xmas yet & places are still open.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Work out more!
  • Aleph13
    Aleph13 Posts: 83 Member
    to stop pining for something I can never have and that probably wasn't mine to begin with ...

    yeah and the calorie thing as well
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    To get more sleep!

    Not after Christmas though, after tonight. I've been staying up way too late these past couple of weeks.
  • magnolia_ah
    magnolia_ah Posts: 161 Member
    pray and workout everyday :)
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    Get back to the routine that has been successful for me.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Get serious!
  • asgard825
    asgard825 Posts: 1,516 Member
    Hit my goals<--almost there
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    Juggle full-time school, full-time work, 5 days a week at the gym and keeping my nutrition aligned.

  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    my promise.. is to quit being a lazy fata*s and to teach myself to eat better.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Back to the gym.
  • OhLibra
    OhLibra Posts: 221 Member
    I'm going to hire a trainer.
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    After Christmas, I promise to work out at least 4 times a week, keep eating healthily, try and forgive myself for any relapses, and reach my target weight of 133lbs by the time I go to Italy for a week in May for a series of photoshoots. I want to look damn good in a bikini for the first time in my life.