Am I being silly?

MrsH78 Posts: 46 Member
edited January 6 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi there and sorry to bother people around the holidays!!!

I have lost about 78lbs total (since jan 2011) but haven't really shifted in a year. Started a new tack - lifting. So started Chalean Extreme. Just finished phase 1. Absolutley loving it, but did body measurements and tanita measurements yesterday (following the finish of phase 1) and pictures too, but has been no change, I have put upto an inch on everywhere and put on 3lbs which the tanita says is mostly all muscle :/ However, it is the holiday season and I am eating slightly crappyly. I'm not exceeding my calories massively but i'm not eating clean (more sugar than usual mainly being the problem and overeating slightly!!), so i feel i'm ruining any potential good work i'm doing with CHX by eating badly (you can't out exercise a poor diet and all that)

SO MY QUESTION IS THIS.... Should i stop Chalean Extreme and start AGAIN from the beginning after these crazy, out of whack, people visiting, two weeks? This is what i was planning to do. I would still exercise, probably back to 30DS or RI30. But wouldn't have the pressure of falling out of my schedule.

Do you agree? or should I start again in 2 weeks from where i left off (i.e. start the PUSH phase) or should I continue with the push phase as originally planned and not worry about eating badly? (I'm not as bad as I used to be when i was fat but I feel that i may have fallen of the food wagon a bit lately (something i plan to to remedy after the festivities))

Please help, feel dispondent because of measurements and pictures and wonder if a poor eating effort is ruining the potential effects of CHX.

Thank you


  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    No you are not being silly... congrats on sticking with your exercise and laying out a plan to get back on the "Chalean Extreme"... enjoy your visitors and just make it work for you!
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Personally if I were in your shoes I wouldn't stop CHX. You've indentified why you're at a stalemate. It's your diet that's the issue, not your exercise routine. So fix the part that is broken (diet) and keep at with your exercising. I know this time of year is stressful but don't discount what a good, hard workout can do for your stress levels/ mental health too!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    yes, you are being silly. it's just a few days. enjoy yourself. enjoy your time with your family over the holidays. i promise you won't lose all your gainz
  • skyttles
    skyttles Posts: 33 Member
    I personally think you have to make this choice yourself based on whether or not you'll be able to get back on track after the holidays. Two weeks is not going to be horribly detrimental to your health or your results no matter what you choose to do (with moderation of course), however if continuing to not watch what you eat and not continuing with the push phase is going to make it harder to get back on track after the holidays then by all means start now :) (If you choose not to start now, i don't think it matters what stage you start with, i would go ahead and jump into week two unless you found it too hard and then I'd start over...)

    Hope you have a great holiday!
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    If it were me, I'd stick with the workouts. Just because the diet part of your routine is struggling, don't stop the part that's thriving!! Get your diet in line when you can, but keep up the good work with the workouts.
  • MrsH78
    MrsH78 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you everyone. I really appreciate all the advice. I will definately exercise in some form or other and I know i'll get back on track on with my schedule, and eventually with food too.

    Thanks again.

    Have a great holiday all.

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