painful bump and bruise on calf after running

I've had some respiratory illness for at least a month now and have limited my cardio to fast pace walking on an incline on the treadmill. This morning I finally felt well enough to go for a run outside. I only went about 2.5 miles and got in the shower as soon as I got home. Right out of the shower I felt an itch on my calf. When I touched it I realized it was a fairly large bump or knot and a bruise. What is this? Did I burst a blood vessel or something? I know I didn't hit it on anything. Can I continue to run while it heals?


  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member

    I had something similar happen a couple of years ago and the bump is still there. I'd like to hear people's answers to this one.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Is there pain in your leg other than just that lump? Is it hot to the touch? At the worst it could be a blood clot but can't tell by your description. If its hot to the touch and itchy it could be cellulitis but again need more info. Or you could have hit your leg on something and just don't remember doing it? I bang into end tables all the time. Another thing I just thought of is maybe you have a varicose vein that is inflamed? People who run a lot or are on their feet a lot, do weight lifting etc tend to get varicose veins. You can also get them if you cross your legs a lot or if your obese etc. But when they get inflamed they itch and knot up and turn red and may even get bruising around that lump.
  • C4r4W4de
    C4r4W4de Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks Mommyv45. Yes it is somewhat warm. I tend to be on my feet a lot while I'm home because I'm kind of a "go getter" and am constantly busy. I also run and lift weights. I never thought I had vericose veins, but I am somewhat pale and you can see some blue veins in my calves. So, maybe I am developing some. This afternoon I rested with my leg elevated for about 1.5 hours. It felt better and the bump subsided a bit, but as soon as I stepped down I could feel the blood rush to that area and it became painful.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Thanks Mommyv45. Yes it is somewhat warm. I tend to be on my feet a lot while I'm home because I'm kind of a "go getter" and am constantly busy. I also run and lift weights. I never thought I had vericose veins, but I am somewhat pale and you can see some blue veins in my calves. So, maybe I am developing some. This afternoon I rested with my leg elevated for about 1.5 hours. It felt better and the bump subsided a bit, but as soon as I stepped down I could feel the blood rush to that area and it became painful.

    I would get that checked by a dr asap. Doesn't sound good at all especially the warm to the touch part and the pain when you put weight on it. The worst it could be is a clot and I wouldn't want one of those. Even the most athletic people can get blood clots. I know someone who was very athletic, got sick with pneumonia so spent a week in bed. He developed a blood clot in his leg. It was on the back of his calf muscle. He applied heat to it which just made it worse. My husband walks a lot since he is a mailman and when he got sick he developed a DVT which again was very painful to walk on. Keeping the leg elevated helped but when he stood up it was very painful. No matter what it is it doesn't sound good and I would get to the ER asap.