December Cycling Challenge



  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    Dec 1 No RIde
    DEC 2- 12.08 Miles 1:45min
    Dec 3 Water Aerobics
    DEC 4 - 3.26 miles in 29 minutes
    Dec 5 Water Aerobics
    DEC 6 10.07 in 1 hour 30 min
    DEC 7 10.05 in 1hour 23minutes
    Dec 8 NO RIDE
    DEC 9th 13.09 miles the longest I have gone at one time 2hours 1 minute
    Dec 10th Water Aerobics and snow
    Dec 11th REST DAY
    DEC 12 4.63 miles in 45 minutes
    Dec 13 - 16th no rides
    DEC17 3.67 miles
    DEC 18 7.46 miles sunny 74 no wind
    DEC 19 3.0 miles recovery sore from hilly area
    Dec 20 no ride Walked
    Dec 21 no ride
    DEC 22 5.38
    DEC 23 15.10 MILES OF PURE DAMP CHILLY WINDY SUFFERFEST longest I have ridden at one time

    RUNNING TOTAL 87.79 of 120 every lil bit helps 32.21 to go yeowza

    Side note bike total odometer 234
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    01/12/12 - No ride
    02/12/12 - No ride
    03/12/12 - 55.8km - - Indoor Trainer
    04/12/12 - 34.6km - - Indoor Trainer
    05/12/12 - 66.5km - - Indoor Trainer
    06/12/12 - No ride (early night!) Zzzzzzz
    07/12/12 - No ride
    08/12/12 - No ride - Going to the in-laws :noway: :huh:
    09/12/12 - No ride - Ill :sick:
    10/12/12 - No ride - Ill :sick:
    11/12/12 - No ride - Ill :sick:
    12/12/12 - No ride - Ill :sick:
    13/12/12 - No ride - Ill :sick:
    14/12/12 - Close but no cigar - Still ill! :sick:
    15/12/12 - No ride :sick:
    16/12/12 - No ride :sick:
    17/12/12 - 40km (24.9 miles) - - Indoor Trainer (FINALLY OVER MY VIRUS!)
    18/12/12 - 21.8km (13.5 miles) - - Indoor Trainer
    19/12/12 - No ride
    20/12/12 - 40km (24.9 miles) - - Indoor Trainer
    21/12/12 - No ride
    22/12/12 - No ride
    23/12/12 - 38.6km (24 miles) -

    Total (so far): 297.3km (184.7 Miles)
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Not sure of a total - I'll just do the best I can with what the weather allows me...

    1/12/2012 - 49.5km -
    2/12/2012 - 103.8km -
    3/12/2012 - no ride
    4/12/2012 - no ride
    5/12/2012 - 49.3km - (indoor)
    6/12/2012 - 76.5km - (indoor)
    7/12/2012 - no ride (went for a walk in the hills instead, just for a change)
    8/12/2012 - 18.2km - (:sick: pathetic )
    9/12/2012 - 95.5km - (indoor)
    10/12/2012 - 6.8km - (indoor)
    10/12/2012 - 13.6km - (indoor)
    10/12/2012 - 2.3km - (indoor)
    10/12/2012 - 44.2km - (indoor)
    11/12/2012 - 43.6km - (indoor)
    12/12/2012 - rest day
    13/12/2012 - 52.7km - (indoor)
    14/12/2012 - 75.0km - (indoor)
    15/12/2012 - 32.9km -
    16/12/2012 - 49.4km -
    17/12/2012 - rest day
    18/12/2012 - rest day
    19/12/2012 - 40.2km - (indoor)
    19/12/2012 - 44.2km - (indoor)
    20/12/2012 - rest day
    21/12/2012 - 66.8km - (indoor)
    22/12/2012 - :devil: 66.6km - (devilishly good indoor ride!)
    23/12/2012 - rest day

    total 931.1km
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Dec 23: 19.4 miles
    Dec Total: 234.6 miles
    % of Goal: 104.3

  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    12/1--16.5 miles outside
    12/3--16.5 miles outside
    12/5--13.5 miles outside
    12/9--16.5 miles outside
    12/15--13.5 miles outside
    12/16--13.5 miles outside
    12/21--13 miles inside
    12/23--17 miles outside

  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal 6
    Monthly goal 40
    Total so far 51.7

    12/10 - 11.0
    12/13 - 7.2
    12/14 - 5.1
    12/15 - 4.0
    12/16 - 5.0
    12/20 - 14.1
    12/21 - 5.3
    12/22 - 5.4
    12/23 - 4.0

    Flat tire cut my ride short today :(

    Wooken - love the cartoons!
  • bluetrumpet01
    bluetrumpet01 Posts: 131 Member
    Bouncing back from an overuse knee injury, I've managed 136 miles so far this month. I want to get back to 250 in January just on the road bike, maybe 15 miles on the mountain bike :)
  • marrizia
    marrizia Posts: 88 Member
    UGH! Goal was 250 miles, but I am falling way short this month!!!! 157.06 cycling miles- may still make the 200 mark.
    Merry Christmas to everyone :)
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Not sure of a total - I'll just do the best I can with what the weather allows me...

    1/12/2012 - 49.5km -
    2/12/2012 - 103.8km -
    3/12/2012 - no ride
    4/12/2012 - no ride
    5/12/2012 - 49.3km - (indoor)
    6/12/2012 - 76.5km - (indoor)
    7/12/2012 - no ride (went for a walk in the hills instead, just for a change)
    8/12/2012 - 18.2km - (:sick: pathetic )
    9/12/2012 - 95.5km - (indoor)
    10/12/2012 - 6.8km - (indoor)
    10/12/2012 - 13.6km - (indoor)
    10/12/2012 - 2.3km - (indoor)
    10/12/2012 - 44.2km - (indoor)
    11/12/2012 - 43.6km - (indoor)
    12/12/2012 - rest day
    13/12/2012 - 52.7km - (indoor)
    14/12/2012 - 75.0km - (indoor)
    15/12/2012 - 32.9km -
    16/12/2012 - 49.4km -
    17/12/2012 - rest day
    18/12/2012 - rest day
    19/12/2012 - 40.2km - (indoor)
    19/12/2012 - 44.2km - (indoor)
    20/12/2012 - rest day
    21/12/2012 - 66.8km - (indoor)
    22/12/2012 - :devil: 66.6km - (devilishly good indoor ride!)
    23/12/2012 - rest day
    24/12/2012 - domestic duties - no chance of a ride :grumble:

    total 931.1km
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Dec 24: 0 miles
    Dec Total: 234.6 miles
    % of Goal: 104.3


    Merry Christmas Everyone!!
  • wgoux
    wgoux Posts: 8 Member
    I'm very new to this site so if my posts are cryptic please excuse. The word bicycle makes my heart sing. I'm definitely in to post a few of my experiences and encourage others. I've been riding a road bike since I was 15 or 16 and if you only knew how old I am, would rival with Napolean's defeat at Waterloo. I did take about a 47 year vacation from it but started riding seriously again some 4 years ago. Cycling is now a whole new thing. I used be be state of the art with sew-up tires and a titanium frame. (still love the smell of that glue). Way back then (remember the Schwinn Varsity?). Toe chips were what the roadies wore then. I'm from Texas (not originally, but I'm told if you've lived here for 20 years, you can be inducted into the native born list), so unless a cold front comes in, we're good. And yes, once a front came in on us after our trip to Fort Davis and we rode anyway in 25 mph winds and sub freezing weather just to get our money's worth. Go figure. Lately, we've had some pretty LA-like weather in December so if I'm not tied up at work, I high tail it to a nearby lake and put in a few miles. Funny, when I'm feeling like a slow short ride, I ride my fastest and longest. Don't know why, it just works out that way. I usually group ride on Saturdays anywhere from 20-50 miles. So if you ride regularly you'll probably just smile and nod at some of my stories and if you're new to cycling you may smile and nod anyway. Most of the time, weather permitting, I usually ride from 75 - 110 miles per week. If the weather gets super cold I just don't ride (I've learned from the Ft Davis thingy). So I'm not going to post miles except maybe to comment from time to time. Fast for me is 19-20 mph over a 40 mile ride but usually I ride between 17-18 mph. Slower if my workouts are hills. But the real fun part is what you see and experience along the way. Cycling is a social sport. Even if you aren't social and don't say a thing while pedalling along, chances are you are still interacting with those around you. You may be thinking "if I could just catch that guy, I'd draft and relax for awhile" or "da.. that idiot should take some lessons in ..." it's still interactive. Or maybe it's one of those really cold morning and you're just hoping it'll warm up after the first 10 miles or so. One of my friends, after reading Steve Jobs biography, claimed that you could create a reality distortion and convince yourself it was really warm. Oh yes, and those shoe caps that are supposed to help keep your toes warm don't really do anything. Once on a cold dark day I forgot to put one on the left foot and discovered my mistake after my 2 hr ride. Surpisingly, my left toes were no colder than my right ones. Both sets of toes were equally cold. But if you really believe that the toe caps work for you and that organic food helps you lose weight then by all means, go for it.
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    First congrats to everyone that has achieved their goals or Surpassed them WTG and the rest of us lets keep plugging away the month isn't over yet

    Welcome Wgoux

    Dec 1 No RIde
    DEC 2- 12.08 Miles 1:45min
    Dec 3 Water Aerobics
    DEC 4 - 3.26 miles in 29 minutes
    Dec 5 Water Aerobics
    DEC 6 10.07 in 1 hour 30 min
    DEC 7 10.05 in 1hour 23minutes
    Dec 8 NO RIDE
    DEC 9th 13.09 miles the longest I have gone at one time 2hours 1 minute
    Dec 10th Water Aerobics and snow
    Dec 11th REST DAY
    DEC 12 4.63 miles in 45 minutes
    Dec 13 - 16th no rides
    DEC17 3.67 miles
    DEC 18 7.46 miles sunny 74 no wind
    DEC 19 3.0 miles recovery sore from hilly area
    Dec 20 no ride Walked
    Dec 21 no ride
    DEC 22 5.38
    DEC 23 15.10 MILES longest I have ridden at one time
    DEC 24 5.5 miles- i need thermals and a wind breaker ugh lol

    RUNNING TOTAL 93.46 of 120 every lil bit helps 26.54 to go yeowza

    Side note bike total odometer 239.5
  • wgoux
    wgoux Posts: 8 Member
    Too late to set a goal for December. So I'll go for January. My goal will be 300 miles. Normally, I'd say it's a sure thing but there a little thing called the weather. So right now I'm thinking of equating an hour of indoor with 18 miles or so. I think that's fair.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    01/12/12 - No ride
    02/12/12 - No ride
    03/12/12 - 55.8km - - Indoor Trainer
    04/12/12 - 34.6km - - Indoor Trainer
    05/12/12 - 66.5km - - Indoor Trainer
    06/12/12 - No ride (early night!) Zzzzzzz
    07/12/12 - No ride
    08/12/12 - No ride - Going to the in-laws :noway: :huh:
    09/12/12 - No ride - Ill :sick:
    10/12/12 - No ride - Ill :sick:
    11/12/12 - No ride - Ill :sick:
    12/12/12 - No ride - Ill :sick:
    13/12/12 - No ride - Ill :sick:
    14/12/12 - Close but no cigar - Still ill! :sick:
    15/12/12 - No ride :sick:
    16/12/12 - No ride :sick:
    17/12/12 - 40km (24.9 miles) - - Indoor Trainer (FINALLY OVER MY VIRUS!)
    18/12/12 - 21.8km (13.5 miles) - - Indoor Trainer
    19/12/12 - No ride
    20/12/12 - 40km (24.9 miles) - - Indoor Trainer
    21/12/12 - No ride
    22/12/12 - No ride
    23/12/12 - 38.6km (24 miles) -
    24/12/12 - 73km (45.4 miles) -
    25/12/12 - No ride - Dreadful night; woke up with raging temperature, thumping headache etc. etc. Going to take it easy today!

    Total (so far): 370.3km (230.1 Miles)
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Question: my hands and bottom get numb if I for more than half an hour- does anyone else experience this?; I do 25 min max - not sure how many miles that is and do it about 2-3 times a week -darkness,weather permitting
  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    12/1--16.5 miles outside
    12/3--16.5 miles outside
    12/5--13.5 miles outside
    12/9--16.5 miles outside
    12/15--13.5 miles outside
    12/16--13.5 miles outside
    12/21--13 miles inside
    12/23--17 miles outside
    12/25--10 miles outside

  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    Question: my hands and bottom get numb if I for more than half an hour- does anyone else experience this?; I do 25 min max - not sure how many miles that is and do it about 2-3 times a week -darkness,weather permitting

    My hands and feet go numb when I'm on an extended ride. My doctor told me that I'm putting too much pressure on these areas and to loosen my grip. Not much I can do about the toes except shake them out occasionally. I have gotten to the point I can feel when my grip is too tight. Maybe this is the case with you.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Dec 25: 16.5 miles
    Dec Total: 251.1
    % of Goal: 111.6

  • bluetrumpet01
    bluetrumpet01 Posts: 131 Member
    Question: my hands and bottom get numb if I for more than half an hour- does anyone else experience this?; I do 25 min max - not sure how many miles that is and do it about 2-3 times a week -darkness,weather permitting

    Without knowing what kind of bike you ride, it's a bit hard to help, but it always comes down to ergonomics. You need to make sure you have a good posture on the bike and that you aren't tense while riding it.

    For your hands, adjust the bike so that you aren't stretching out to reach the handlebars and that you can keep your elbows slightly bent. Adjust the grips or rotate the handlebars so that your hands are comfortable. If you have a road bike, alternate between the different hand positions, and if you have a bicycle with flat bars, look into getting bar ends that give you more hand positions. That last change alone made a world of difference on my hybrid with flat bars and made riding it far more enjoyable.

    For your bottom, you're going to have to either adjust your seat height, angle, and level to find something comfortable for you. If that doesn't work, you can always buy a seat (I always recommend the Adamo seats) that allow more blood flow to your perineal area.
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    Well I am off of my bike for the rest of the year :mad: I did a stupid thing and tried to cut my thumb off LOL:laugh: on Christmas Day in the middle os a Texas Snow and Ice Storm:yawn: .... 4 hours and 4 stitches in the ER:sick: and the rest of my miles are gonna have to come from the recumbent at the gym :heart: cause I sure as heck am gonna put 120 miles on these legs this month even if they don't all get done on my bike. :love: