SMH! I Really Wanted That McDonald's!

Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
Ok. I figured since I've been licking cake batter off of beaters all day that I might as well cheat and get me a quarter pounder with cheese and fries. I haven't had McDonalds in about 3 months. How bout as soon as I ordered, this homeless woman comes to my window and asks for some money. I asked if she wanted something to eat. I couldn't add on at the window, so I gave her mine. DARN! As I was pulling off, why did I just see her give MY food to a man? WTH? Why is she begging for him? Has it come to this? Why wasn't the man trying to make sure his woman ate and not the other way around. SMDH. Meanwhile, I am still feening for some McDonald's french fries. I guess it wasn't meant for me to cheat today. DARN!!!!!


  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Ok. I figured since I've been licking cake batter off of beaters all day that I might as well cheat and get me a quarter pounder with cheese and fries. I haven't had McDonalds in about 3 months. How bout as soon as I ordered, this homeless woman comes to my window and asks for some money. I asked if she wanted something to eat. I couldn't add on at the window, so I gave her mine. DARN! As I was pulling off, why did I just see her give MY food to a man? WTH? Why is she begging for him? Has it come to this? Why wasn't the man trying to make sure his woman ate and not the other way around. SMDH. Meanwhile, I am still feening for some McDonald's french fries. I guess it wasn't meant for me to cheat today. DARN!!!!!

    That was very unselfish of you..if you like those fries as much as the rest of America.
  • bettacheckyoself
    maybe strategy.... I think they probably thought that the woman would get more sympathy?.... that was very nice of you to do that .
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Good for you, it's nice to do something for someone else no matter who ate the food.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Aaaw, you are so kind!!! :heart:
  • eonni
    eonni Posts: 7
    Haha..even if you didn't intend on doing it, you still did something that seems Christmas-Spirity! lol

    I applaud you!
  • VogtAndrea
    Sometimes a person's pride will keep them from begging at a window while their best friend will do it for them. You paid it forward and that's amazing! Besides, that burger really didn't have your name on it, did it?
  • My uncle who is a police officer told me about this scam after I told him I did the same thing giving food ect to one of them standing outside a mcdonalds... We have the same <scam> going on here at a few of our local McDonald's* sadly ppl posed as homeless my uncle say it's a big money making business that's what I find sad is innocent ppl being scammed posing as needy Google it you'll see what I mean.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Yeaahhh, I never give anything to bums on the street who approach me.
    The last time I saw somebody do that, they literally emptied their wallet for this guy and once they left he went into a 7-eleven and bought beer. I guess there's less harm in giving them food, but still.. it's supporting their habits/lifestyle regardless.

    We have a few who work the same areas for a living and are known to only use the money for drugs, yet people still continue to buy them free meals and pay for their addiction. Sick.

    In most cases it's simply not deserved. Donate in other ways :tongue:
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    Even if a stranger sells your cheeseburger to buy drugs you showed compassion and human kindness and that makes you an awesome person so feel good about that!
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    THey probably did you more of a favour than you did them.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    My uncle who is a police officer told me about this scam after I told him I did the same thing giving food ect to one of them standing outside a mcdonalds... We have the same <scam> going on here at a few of our local McDonald's* sadly ppl posed as homeless my uncle say it's a big money making business that's what I find sad is innocent ppl being scammed posing as needy Google it you'll see what I mean.

    This is why I never give and the one time I did I got scammed
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Even if a stranger sells your cheeseburger to buy drugs you showed compassion and human kindness and that makes you an awesome person so feel good about that!

    This is a good point though. Your heart was in the right spot what someone does with your gift is out of your hands, but you get the karma points! :)
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks guys! If I had to do it all over again, I would repeat it. I don't know the situation, even if the man didn't beg for himself. Had he begged, I would have done the same for him. Yes, there are many scammers out there, but there are also some that are actually hungry. I don't know how to tell the difference. I will not give money, but I don't mind feeding someone, especially when I am headed home where there is plenty. That is the true meaning of Christmas, giving.

    I need to go find them today, so I can get all of these cakes and pies out of my hand, so I can stop eating!!!!!!!
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    That was a nice thing to do.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    She was probably trying to sell it to him. My dad bought a homeless woman a hot dog instead of giving her money, and she tried to sell it for drug money while he was still standing there.