Suddenly losing quick

Hey all,

I've been stuck on 64.5kg for.. well.. months and months now. Naturally I was happy to see a few days ago that I'd dropped to 64.2, just to be sure I stepped on the scale again two days later and it showed 63.8, and today it said 62.8

I'm not complaining, but.. is this right? I lost about 6 pounds in less than a week...

The past few days I've had vacation after a few very stressful months. This has caused me to be insanely tired, feel sick, sometimes dizzy, emotional and I haven't been hungry (unlike usual where I can eat the entire day) . Yesterday for example all I had at breakfast was a small bowl of pudding. And then nothing until dinner. I ate half the meat I usually do at dinner, but the same potatoes and vegetables, and I still had a tiny bit of ice cream later.

Basically I'm wondering if anything can be wrong? I mean, I am at least a bit hungry again today, but also still feel a bit sick and have a lot of stomach acids. (I always do, just more than usual these days)

Should I expect a sudden rise again? Basically your general thoughts on this, and ask if you want more info!


  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,717 Member
    My normal weight loss is non linear. A few weeks at plateau, followed by a period where I drop a kilo every 3 or 4 days.
  • Keaira_M
    Well that would sure be positive news. Means that all the past weeks paid off after all, lol.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I, like many others, tend to lose weigt in "chunks".. But iI would take this time to reassess i eating the right portion size? Should I make more time for more exercise?

    Hope you get to feeling better soon.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It was probably the sleep that allowed you to release the weight. Lack of sleep is something that is never talked about here, but it can make a huge difference in how quickly you can lose weight.

    Lack of sleep will increase appetite and cause the body to hang on to your fat stores.

    Get plenty of rest and watch the magic happen. :smile:
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    This can happen, weight loss is not as linear as we would like sometimes.

    BUT if you continue to experience large amounts of unexplained weight loss I'd go to a doctor
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    6lbs in a week after several months at a plateau sounds off. Equipment Error? I drop weight in "chunks" as well but it's more like a plateau and them maybe 3 lbs a week or 1-2 over a couple days. 6lbs in a single week sounds weird unless your reference weight was a time when you were bloated or something.
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    My weight tends to come off in 2 or 3 lb chunks over a week. 6 sounds like a lot.. but I'd take it and be happy with it. Over the next few weeks it will become apparent whether it's real or phantom.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    Lack of sleep and stress plays havoc with weight loss. Also as others have said weight loss is not linear for me either I can go four weeks losing only a total of one pound and then drop 3-4 in a week add to that water retention and 6 lbs in a weeks not so unreasonable as long as it doesn't happen several weeks in a row. If it continues I would check in with your doctor.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    It may also be water weight coming off...
  • EpitomeOfSxy
    EpitomeOfSxy Posts: 157 Member
    For four days I did nothing but eat 2,200 calories a day and sleep. I read in bed and watched tv and ate. After those 4 days I dropped 5 lbs after weeks and weeks of the scale not budging. Sleep does matter. I slept so much during those 4 days and I ate a lot I was scared taking this advice from a friend because I thought ... if I have been going to the gym 6 days a week and eating 2,200 calories how on earth will I break my plateau and lose weight (rather than break it and go the other way) with just eating and sleeping but it worked.