Looking for a Motivator/Supporter for 2013!

So, I am wanting to lose around 40 lbs. I am notorious for starting out strong and slowly dying off. I am looking for someone who would be interested in communciating daily (if possible) to talk about how well things are going, share recipes/snacks, fitness ideas, tips, motivation, support, and also to talk about how stress and work is affecting my quest to live a healthier life.

Anyone interested?!?!?!?!


  • jjj1988
    jjj1988 Posts: 97 Member
    I am aiming to lose about 50 pounds, and like you, I start strong and then fade away (esp if I don't see results as fast as I think I should!) I log in everyday, and we are already friends, so let's support each other!!!

  • khetser
    I am looking to lose about 35 lbs! I would love to communicate for support! Add me if you would like!!
  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    Sounds like a plan!!!
  • ctroxell2004
    It definetley seems like some people add as many friends as they can...this IS NOT facebook.

    SO EXCITED. Meeting new people and losing weight-HOW can you GO WRONG?

    :) all have a merry christmas, happy hanuukah (sp?), feliz navidad, or _________ noel (it's french I can't remember the first word lol)
  • Heather1899
    Heather1899 Posts: 179 Member
    You can always check in with me! However, I don't know how to cook to save my life!! I microwave oatmeal, make big salads, eat fruit or yogurt ect. I think if my mom didn't cook dinner I wouldn't get cooked food.
    I also have problems at work...they tell me I am not supposed to talk to my parents about work. Really...:/
  • ctroxell2004
    Another goal of mine is to save $$$$$$ so I would like to get on a budget too. :)
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    Not to pychoanalyze you, but why do you suppose you lost motivation in the past? Were you too ambitious when you finally deciding to "fix your lifestyle" and couldn't maintain it? Did you go on a diet that was driving you insane? Do you hate working out? Actually getting to the root of these concerns may help you not just achieve your weightloss goals but maintain them after a successful transformation.

    I always find this helps me. Set some concrete goals and come up with 5 reasons why those goals are important to you. Then you can remind yourself of those reasons if you start to get demotivated. It doesn't take perfection to have a successful transformation but it does take consistency. Luckily you have lots of ppl on here that can answer any diet/excercise questions you might have along the way! Good luck on starting your transformation!
  • AndiNorwich
    I'm on the track for my 30lbs goal (down 9 so far). I would love to add you as a friend. I always got something peppy to say!
  • inazgal
    inazgal Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to lose 50 pounds and motivation/support would be GREAT!! Oh, and doing the budget is also on my to-do list!! Sign me up! :wink:
  • lp91413
    lp91413 Posts: 48 Member
    I am looking to lose 40 to 50 pounds and would love to have a support buddy as well. Feel free to add me someone! :happy:
  • dinoo
    dinoo Posts: 14 Member
    That sounds just like me , I loose motivation because I dont seem to lose weight . I would like to join this group , pls add me . I would like to see how everyone is eating, since diet is my biggest downfall.
  • MissCassieHughes
    MissCassieHughes Posts: 53 Member
    It definetley seems like some people add as many friends as they can...this IS NOT facebook.

    SO EXCITED. Meeting new people and losing weight-HOW can you GO WRONG?

    :) all have a merry christmas, happy hanuukah (sp?), feliz navidad, or _________ noel (it's french I can't remember the first word lol)
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    sounds to me like you need to work out WHY this is important. you need your motivating thought.

    for me, i woke up one day and decided that i want to live long enough to see my grandchildren become adults. i don't have grandkids yet- in fact my children are only 6,4 and 2! but i love them, and i want to meet their babies one day too. i also took the emphasis off losing weight and moved it over to getting fitter (so that my heart would be stronger and i would improve my cardiovascular health). so i started running (C25K, which at 230lbs and 5'2" wasn;t easy!).

    every time i could not be bothered to run, i just thought about why i wanted to get fitter. this gave me enough motivation to keep going. and when i worked out how few calories i was burning (i'd always assumed that a 15 minute walk would burn about 3 billion cals!!), the cookies were less appealing.

    so yeah, my suggestion to you is to work out why this is so important for you. and then cling onto it. motivation waxes and wanes, but you have to have something inside you to keep you going and stop allowing yourself to make excuses.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I started a group on here for pretty much this reason if anyone is interested:
  • cheshire29
    Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for motivation. I lost 40+ last year and am looking to lose another 40 this year.
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    Hey ctroxell,
    Check out this lady: porshepurkett. She is here on MFP. She is intent on coaching/helping someone along to their fitness goals. She seems like a nice young lady. She may be able to help you...
  • mara0608
    mara0608 Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me :-)
  • brooklynjean93
    brooklynjean93 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm trying to lose 20 pounds by summer! I would love a daily reminder that I need to go workout and get myself in shape. I was too busy my first semester at college to really log on, but now I plan on being better about getting on every day since I downloaded the app to my phone and I need to get swimsuit ready for my family Hawaii trip this June. Add me so we can stay motivated! :)
  • Jules_518
    You sound like me! I'm just starting over and I'm hoping to finish as strong as I start this time. I'll send you a request.
  • cosoules
    I'm looking to lose my last 15-20 pounds (and gain some muscle) in 2013 if anybody will be a friend/motivator! I for sure do better when I'm trying to impress someone haha.