More to the weighing everyday debate


While I may forget to weigh in everyday I know that for me it is much more beneficial to do it. If you can put away the emotion you feel when you see a gain the next day and realize that it's just normal fluctuation then maybe you can even use the gain as motivation to do better that day. That's the way I see it at least. I really would like to hear from someone who weighed in less than once a week and had long term weight loss success. The article is it. =]


  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    I like to weigh every day. It keeps me accountable.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, pretty much everything in the article makes sense to me. People who weigh themselves more often are more likely to understand how what they eat & how their hormonal cycles affect their weight. I gained 4 pounds from Sunday morning to Monday morning. It doesn't even bother me *at all* because I ate sodium filled foods on Sunday & TOM showed up Monday. I'm surprised I wasn't up a few more pounds, actually!

    Anyway, I think knowledge & understanding your body is the key to successful weight loss & a healthy lifestyle. And if you have those things, normal daily fluctuations don't bother you so much. Even though I like to keep track by weighing myself every day, I try not to focus on what the scale says too much. Being able to do that takes time. I'm sure there are plenty of people who have had success and who rarely weigh themselves. But it sure is a lot easier to blame the dryer for shrinking your pants than it is to blame a scale for reporting you weigh 10 pounds more than you did last time you weighed. :wink:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I have quit weighing in all the time and I am noticing that I am starting to gain back some of the weight I have lost. I am not sure I agree with every day but I for sure think once a week is better for me.
  • gisii
    gisii Posts: 74 Member
    weighing myself everyday actually help me!
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    I am a 'trial and error' learner. So weighing in every day not only keeps me accountable for the things that I put in my body, it helps me see how things like excessive sodium intake and AF cause fluctuations in my weight.
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    I weigh in once a week because I like to see a larger difference that a half pound each day. Plus it gives me a week to correct any bad behaviour or a bad number on the scale before the next weigh in.
  • litisha
    litisha Posts: 15
    i weigh in everday and it really helps to keep me motivated and work harder!!!
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Interesting article but my take on it is that it simply makes a case for the fact that people who never weigh themselves tend to gain weight which I think is a no-brainer. After not weighing myself for a year I was certainly shocked to discover how much I did weigh and that was a big part of what led me to start trying to drop some extra pounds. Still I have only weighed once a week since starting and I am losing weight. Once I meet my goal I will continue to weigh once a week to make certain I'm not putting pounds back on. I do understand why some people find it useful to weigh every single day but personally I am confident that as long as I watch my calories, stick to my plan and get my daily exercise, on my friday date with the scales, I will be rewarded with a lower figure. I can do without the drama of the normal daily fluctuations and wait until things have settled out over the course of a week. I think everyone should do what they feel works best for them, and for me it is weighing once a week.
  • skroll
    skroll Posts: 24
    I have started weighing in twice a week and it has really made me hold myself accountable. I weigh in on Friday and Monday. On my Monday weigh in it is for a biggest looser game. So, I look on Friday to see how good I was during the week. So if I splurge a little on Saturday I am still on my way to a better and smaller me. I really do believe in weighing in atleast 1 a week. The scales always tell the truth!
  • Sunnydaze
    This is my second time losing a lot of weight, my millionth time losing 'some' weight. The first time I dropped the weight quickly, and stupidly eating 600 or less calories a day and I became totally manic about the scale. I not only weighed myself every day, I weighed myself 100 times a day and the wrong numbers sent me into an emotional tail spin. eating binge.

    I decided this time around, after gaining all that lost weight and then some, I was, for the first time in my life, going to follow a healthy weight loss plan and number one on my list was no daily weigh in's. I do think that this can be a very indiviidual preference, but I've continued with the weekly weigh ins and my scale obsession, binging and allowing stupid numbers to control my mood for the day are a thing of the past. When I reach my goal, I may be at a place mentally where a daily weigh in keeps me on track, but for now, it's once a week or less often for me.