Weight Watchers..paying for it, help you stick with it?



  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    My ex-wife did weight watchers, and lost around 180 lbs. The problem was, that if she missed a few weeks, she still had to pay for those weeks she missed. Eventually she quit going because of the money she would have owed to get back into it.

    That became, kind of, a de-motivator.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I have lost 100s on weight watchers but I had to develope my own eating plan and points system for it to work. I do and don't follow the old system and I do it allllll for free. I have a phone app and anything that I want to know is online for free. To start calories are calories, an apple is 1 point and a high fiber cookie is 1 point. Second, exercise points are banked, for every 100 calories burned it is 1 point..I figure out my exact calories burned on freedieting.com. You can carry them over but only to Sunday, come Monday you have to start over..Third, eat your median points, if your range is 26 to 31 then you eat 29 points. Forth only drop 1 point per 10 to 20 pounds lost not 2 to 3 points..fifth, if you over eat, workout, burn the amount you over ate back to your max points..say I ate 33 points and my max is 31 I need to do 30 minutes more walking to burn those 2 points, makes you more accountable. Sixth, keep track and account for everything MFP is great for that..Hope this helps you and good luck
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    I have lost weight on Weight Watchers several times, am became a "Lifetime member". Last January I was all set to join at work, just bite the bullet because I wanted to re-lose the 30 lbs. I gained, but then it became very complicated, the registration etc. that I stumbled upon this & lost 30 lbs. without paying any money. I hit my goal last April, gained about 5 back, but am going to lose it again on MFP. Whatever works for you, is what you need to do. But if you join MFP, log in & be honest, you will also lose the weight, save money, & not have to go to those "silly" meetings.
  • When I made Lifetime in May of 2011, I was asked 'how long did it take you to lose the weight?' I answered with all honesty, '25 years but results aren't typical.'
    I first joined WW as a 17 year old, returning from my year in Israel 25 pounds heavier. I didn't lose any weight with that first time and I didn't lose any weight in the numerous times I joined and rejoined and joined again over the years. Why didn't I lose? Because I wasn't ready.
    I gained another 25 pounds during college and the first few years of marital bliss and I stood in the WW registration line a few more times but I never got very far. The simple fact is that I wasn't ready and motivated to make a change. I would get all excited to start the diet, as I thought of it, and then I would lose interest after a week. I tried Sugarbusters, Fit for Life, Atkins, Suzanne Somers....
    It was only six years ago that I made the decision to change the way I ate because I was suffering from GI issues. I lost 18 pounds in four months and soon started exercising a few times a week. Over that time, I would see the scale go up, only when my head wasn't in the game and I was thinking of it as a diet. It was only when I accepted it as a lifestyle that I got 'it' and I've been able to keep it off. I go to weekly meetings for the accountability and the support. I know I could weigh in once a month but I need to go regularly or else I will get into that place where I think I can push off a 'bad' weigh in or try it on my own for a change. I used to hate tracking but these days, I do it and I have no issue with it. It keeps me accountable and honest. And I am saying this as a Lifetime member at goal for over 1 1/2 years now.
  • glahlstedt
    glahlstedt Posts: 308 Member
    I have done ww, but i think that mfp is better. besides, mfp is FREE! I would try mfp, and give it a shot. Why pay for ww, when you don't need to spend the money! ~just my opinion!
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I can't answer about weight watchers but this is a variation of the gym membership sales pitch. You know, if you shell out all that money you'll most definitely use it because it's just a waste if you don't. How full are the gyms in January? How full are they by mid February?

    This line of thinking may work for some people but for most I don't imagine that it does.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I paid A LOT of money to WW and it didn't do me any good. Yea I went to the meetings but I didn't really get to know anyone there. I say try to build strong relationships with people on MFP and it will keep you accountable and you will want to log in.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    No, strangely it didn't...no idea why as it seems logical that it should. I also used to get very down when I hadn't lost but had stuck to it, whilst others who gigglingly admitted a whole host of bad eating that week, had lost. I much prefer this (free) site and am constantly inspired by others' stories and encouragement. Good luck with your journey whatever way you choose.
  • shesquats
    shesquats Posts: 91 Member
    I did WW for a year. I will say that some of their principles were very helpful; portion control, measure everything, get moving. The weekly meetings held you accountable, but I agree with some of the others that if you are not motivated, paying isn't going to make it happen. Look at all the people who will be joining gyms in a few short days to lose weight and by March, you don't see them any more. MFP is fabulous!! It's free; you can't beat that, you have support and accountability through friends and counting calories is easier than figuring out WW point plan that keeps changing. If you need the face to face, than it may be a way to get you started but paying for it is not the be all to end all. WW did get me on the path and I did lose but MFP is helping me learn so much more and keep it off; it must be a lifestyle change. :) Good luck with your journey.
  • A man I work with lost over 200 lbs on weight watchers. He tracks everything he eats right into his phone. I tried it and lost about 7 lbs and got stuck there for months. I went in for my annual check up and my triglycerides were 491 and everything else was bad, too. I have struggled with my lipids over the years and my doctor told me I have metabolic syndrome and to avoid carbs, so I did until ww. Once on ww, my carbs increased. It was fun eating bread and popcorn again, but my system can not handle carbs. I went to an endocrinologist and he told me I am pre-pre-diabetic and put me on Metformin. He said my pancreas is working overtime producing insulin and although my blood sugars are normal, all of that insulin makes me hungry and also, my pancreas will eventually become exhausted and stop working--causing diabetes. So I tried the metformin and I am not very hungry at all anymore. I have lost 7 lbs in 2.5 weeks. I am now 12 lbs down from where I started.

    I have rejoined the Y and I am making myself go there 5 days a week to burn at least 200 calories a day.

    I sent ww a note asking if they had special help for someone that needed to avoid carbs and I got back a form letter telling me to join a meeting. I dropped weightwatchers and was looking for a program that will help me track carbs. I found this and it looks so much like the weight watchers program in the way it tracks but this program also tells me how many carbs I am eating. I am very excited about the program and I have shared it with my daughter.

    So as for motivation, it was very motivating to tell me about the carb/diabetes problem I have and the outcome if I do not do something. Between the Metformin and this program, I think I can do it!
  • I did WW for 18 months a few years back and lost 30 lbs. I followed the points system religiously, and the weight came off, very very slowly, but consistently.

    I was ecstatic, right up until I moved house, switched meetings/instructors, plateaued.......and didn't get one word of meaningful or intelligent advice. I lost motivation and direction, succumbed to disappointment and fell back into a fat person's default "what's the point" mindset. I would give anything to be back there at that weight right now, but sadly, I put the 30 lbs back on, plus another 20 lbs for good measure.

    That's just my WW story, however, and I really don't blame the WW system one bit - you have to want it, you have to be ready to do it and stick with it, and basically you can't rely on anyone but yourself. But I certainly recommend giving it a go if you haven't already tried it - there are plenty of success stories out there.

    Personally I suspect that although the current points system is a bit odd, the "points free" foods are generally fruits and veg - just eat the free stuff in moderation, and it probably gets you nearer to a 20% deficit on your TDEE, than keep you famished on a BMR based net of 1000 cals. But that's just my opinion. I guess you could stay fat if you ate 20 kgs of cabbage and bananas every day, but as you would never be able to go out in public, I doubt you'd care..........
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    Thank you all so much for the insight. I guess until I can find my motivation again, nothing, including paying for it will really help. Thank you all! :)

    Take a picture of yourself. Just seeing how fat I was gave me the motivation to do something. Find a group or a challenge group. A lot of beachbody coaches do challenges on facebook and as part of it you have to post pictures of your meals and your "sweaty" pictures (picture of your face after a workout). The accountability is there if that is what you are looking for. All the participants have to post those pictures and helps give you meal ideas as well as the encouragement that you are not doing it alone. If so and so did their workout today you. As you lose weight be sure to take pictures of your progress because it will motivate you to keep going. You can do it.
  • I currently do WW plus and I find that it works. Paying for it motivates me to stick with it.
  • LoriIone
    LoriIone Posts: 88 Member
    I have done WW twice. I LOVE it. I paid for it, and both times dropped around 35 pounds. If I had the money I would join again, the weekly meetings help a ton! But I do love mfp, too!