Chalean Extreme

Starting Chalean Extreme next week, it's on the way to me now WOO HOO! Anybody have success, ideas, suggestions? Or is anybody just starting out? Would love to hear from you :happy:


  • melliebelly77
    Im doing Turbo Fire now but want to start Chalean after I'm done.
    I'm excited and have heard great things!
    Good luck!
  • ClassicPearl
    ClassicPearl Posts: 141 Member
    I've done ChaLEAN Extreme. Well, actually, my last day is today.

    I dropped two pant sizes, a shirt size (L to M), approximately 5% body fat, 10 pounds, and I'm starting to have some definition in my arms :)

    And I've learned to love lifting. Have fun!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I keep starting it and stopping it. Back starting again at the end if the week.
  • KatherineEO
    I'm on my last week of the "burn" phase. I love this workout. I actually look forward to doing it. I took pics when I first started and plan on taking pictures every 30 days. So far I feel tighter, I don't feel as flabby as I use to. I also had a girl at school tell me they can tell it's working because I look like I've lost weight. I haven't changed my eating habits too much except cutting out going out to lunch and laying off soda. I also only have 3, 5, & 10lb weights. I also have an 8lb kettlebell that I can use when you only need 1 weight. I plan on investing in adjustable weights or the resistance bands. But again so far so good! You'll love it.
  • sheilahoff5
    Great feedback everybody, thank you!!
  • GlamMomof2
    I will be starting next weeks as well. I have had the program for 3 years now and never used it yet! I'm determined to start and finish it:) Add me as a friend if you want to partner up.
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    I'm restarting next week as well. I was in the push phase and got caught up in holiday preparations and got off track. It's a great workout and I increased my weights dramatically during it.
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    Did it before and lost 40 pounds 2 years ago... starting it again on monday!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I am in the last week of the Push phase (the second phase). My best advice is to listen to her and lift as heavy as you can and really push yourself, especially as the reps get lower, like in the Push phase, because she is expecting you to be lifting heavier weights.

    I have also been adding some cardio after the shorter strength training workouts, like the 33-minute workouts, to increase calorie burn.

    There are a few groups on here for people doing Chalean Extreme. This is the one I am in, but there are others too: