im sorry if i offend



  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    but i look at peoples pictures on here and often wonder about the people in the pictures. i see slim people who i think 'why do they need to slim' and 'i wish i was that slim'. then i see big people like me and wonder if they are struggling like me. yea, i am big, i put on a smile but inside i am crying. crying out to be slim and at least look good.
    One thing I can suggest is to pour over the before and after section... it'll change your life and your thinking! So many wonderful members that come here to make changes in their life, to lose weight, to gain weight, to maintain, to recover from ED's... MFP is a wonderful mixture of it all:drinker:

    When I click on ever thread that's a photo thread of before and afters on the board it's beyond amazing to me, I guarantee you'll have an attitude change when you start clicking around and realize because someone's profile photos is now slim doesn't mean it's always been!:wink:

    Look down the road, you too can become that person you dream to be, a healthy vital person that is proud of all your hard work.

    Cheers for your future, you CAN do this!!:heart::flowerforyou:
    I think some people post pictures of someone they want to look like as well.
    this is true as well!!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Why do people joint weight watchers for life? Personally, I know I'm going to need this site for a very long time. I've reached goal weight, but overeating is still a problem for me.

    Also, and someone else may have already said this - I haven't read all of the replies - but you're making the assumption people are posting their own photos. Some post photos of people they want to look like when they reach goal.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm not here to lose. I'm here for maintenance and to track my exercise and macros. No offense taken, though. :flowerforyou:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i look at those pics of the people who look awesome, and use it for motivation!!! i actually come on each morning before i start my day, and look at the success stories, and all of the before and after picrures; every single morning! it gives me great motivation each day to make good choices and follow "my plan" in order to see the results i want!
  • I started on MFP on Dec 6, 2010 with Beachbody workouts. I used this to keep track of what I ate etc.

    I am 5'8 - My start weight was 162 lbs. In 5 months & 10 days I got myself down to 120 lbs.

    I've come and gone with MFP during these years...I recently got back into MFP for different reason.

    I am preparing myself into a competition with THE WBFF in 2014. I am working on my body to build muscles and get definition.

    I use MFP to make new friends, motivation, to be that motivator to some people as well & to see what is on the message board.

    Hope you're journey goes well :flowerforyou:
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    Some of the pictures aren't of them but what they want to look like. Many can be old pictures Don't believe everything you see
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Have you ever watched the movie Catfish... or the show? Don't assume they are really them in the pictures. PS... that's me in my picture thought!! :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When I first joined here, I saw a lot of people who looked great, and thought, "WTF are they doing HERE?!" That was two years ago. Six months later, I reached my goal weight. I'm still here. Today marks my 730th day straight. I've been here every single day for exactly two years.

    What I learned is that it's never "over." I'm not looking to lose any more weight, but I'm still doing everything I did to lose weight. I'm still tracking my food and exercise and setting new goals for myself. And I'm still learning every day, too.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Make some changes to your eating & moving ....... baby steps work well if you can't do a massive overhaul .......

    Either way, soon you'll be posting pictures & showing off your own accomplishments !
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    Personally... I feel that we are all here for one common goal - to better ourselves, be healthy, and be the best and healthiest version of us that we can be. Some of us have more to lose, some of us have less to lose.. Some just want to tone up and some just want to eat healthier and workout more for the health benefits. Also, everyone carries their weight differently... and while in photos they may appear to not have much to lose it is not always the case. I want to lose 25-30 lbs... and that would put me in a healthy range. We all have different goals for different reasons. to me it doesn't matter if my goals are bigger or smaller than yours, I just love the positive juju and the fact that we are all working toward the same goal :)
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Not everyone is here to lose weight Some are here to maintain a goal they'e reached, or evben to reach a fitness goal that is NOT weight oriented. Some of us, like me, came here to lose weight and are now moving into the non weight related goal category.

    Then again, there ARE people here who are almost underweight, crying about how they feel fat. it takes a ll kinds, I guess.
  • kylawelsh
    kylawelsh Posts: 10 Member
    I'm here to be accountable and work with my weight loss.
  • Nana920
    Nana920 Posts: 51 Member
    This thread should be "required reading" for every person who is new to myfitnesspal.
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    I'm slim (now) and I wasn't offended. I know EXACTLY where you are coming from, because I used to look at girls my size and think - 'you don't need to slim down, I'd be thrilled if I was your size!' but now I'm here and there are still things that I'm not happy with and just like big people I have the exact same struggle to make them perfect and the exact same prescription to get there - exercise and diet. So although I'm slim (now) I'm still going through the same struggles, in fact as I've got smaller it's become even harder because I can eat less and I have to work out more to see results.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'm at a normal weight, but I want to lose the extra 10 pounds to give myself more of a margin. That way, if life gets stressful or whatever and I put on a little extra, I'll still be at a healthy weight.
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    The most miserable I have ever been is when I compare myself to others.
    One of the best quotes and so pertinent for daily life. I never thought about it but that's also when I've been at my unhappiest.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    Then again, there ARE people here who are almost underweight, crying about how they feel fat. it takes a ll kinds, I guess.

    I'm just a little over my ideal weight, and I would always do the worst thing possible to lose it. I would just NOT eat. For days, until I would pass out. I need a better way and I need accountability and support. I'm going through the roughest time in my life since I was 18, and it would be so easy for me to not eat and lose all the way back down to a very unhealthy 113 pounds/size 2. When I see those pictures, I refuse to do that to myself again. So I'm here for two reasons - to learn to make better decisions, to be more healthy in the long term, not just to look good for an event.

    My photos I have posted are just the most recent, and they are of where I want to be... because the last few months, where I have gained the stress-weight, there haven't been many photos to be taken. I do have the ones from 5 years ago when I was pushing a size 16, but that person disappeared long ago. I also have the ones from when I was so thin, it scared me - leading me to hiring a trainer and learning to work out for the first time in my life. That was a long time ago too.

    This is about learning and living and being happy and healthy, everything I want you to be too.
  • one thing women (or men) need to be sorry of .. is being sorry. Stop being sorry over every little thing. How can you move forward if you are glued to the past of regrets. If it was a slip up or a mix up of words... acknowledge it as that and move on. :flowerforyou:
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    No offence taken.

    I joined to help me pinpoint where in my diet the little bit extra was creeping in. I've lost 15 pounds so far and will probably be ok dropping another 2-3. For me, if I hadn't stumbled across this site, the extra 15 I was carrying could easily have blown out to 20-25 by Christmas....another 20 creeps on by June...then suddenly I have a problem. I am grateful for this site as it stopped my small problem from becoming a much larger one to deal with.

    I needed this to help me remember my healthy diet and portion sizes. Being a really busy person, I get a bit run down too so now I also use the diary to track my iron levels, my carbs and my proteins. If I don't eat enough of the right things in combination then my low BP causes me to get dizzy and faceplant.

    <<<< and yes... this is me after I had lost about 10-12 pounds.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm not offended. It's ok to feel the way you feel, you didn't insult people or anything like that.

    I am at an ideal weight. I have always taken my fitness very seriously. I am a dancer, and a mother, and I love to be active. I enjoy my body fit. But, staying fit for life takes work and diligence and awareness. I am in my mid thirties. I am here because I want to maintain and build my Lean Body Mass for optimum health and dance performance. I am here, so that I won't gain fat or get out of shape. I am making sure I am never in that boat.

    But, aside from weight, everyone has experienced tragedies and pain in their lives.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Not offended at all. I started big too at 215 lbs. I lost 90 and now work to maintain.

    It is work, and I know if I go back to old eating habits, the weight will come back too.

    While there's a wide variety of folks on here who are at different places in our journey, the majority of us are here to maintain / get better health, lose weight, and feel better about ourselves.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    You are beautiful. What beach was the pic taken at? My pic is my dog Lady, how does that make you feel?. I was going to change of a pic of me but I have gotten so many comments on her and received friends requests so decided not to.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    People like myself have been on this site for over 2 years. I've used this site for 2 years on and off, I've lost 123 lbs due to this site! You can get there!!! IT CAN HAPPEN! The question is, do you want it bad enough to do what we have done and what we have fought for so bad to get there? I use to weigh 250 lbs I now weigh 127 lbs. I fight day and mostly night to keep from gaining back. It isn't easy but what it is worth it, what is worth having isn't easy but what is easy isn't worth having. You can only be in control of that.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I don't see what would offend here but I suppose it is possible.

    Slim people on MFP .. Several reasons. A -- Someone who has lost a great deal of weight and is here now to maintain or perhaps to become more fit. B -- Somebody who is actually here to GAIN weight.. There are those who need help in that area... hard to understand, but it happens. C -- Anorexics who have a distorted body image... and they fight a battle far worse than the rest of us.

    Those who are overweight are face similar struggles.. Some have harder times than others... Some face challenges that are a little different than others. Our goals may be the same but the nuances of our journey are all unique. Best wishes on your personal journey.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    but i look at peoples pictures on here and often wonder about the people in the pictures. i see slim people who i think 'why do they need to slim' and 'i wish i was that slim'. then i see big people like me and wonder if they are struggling like me. yea, i am big, i put on a smile but inside i am crying. crying out to be slim and at least look good.

    Sometimes it's not about being slim. It's about being healthy. I've been "little" my whole life, but I hit my breaking point and realized I needed to start taking care of myself. I have always been small yet rarely in shape. I'm here to keep myself in check and learn how to be more active and eat cleaner. We all deserve to put our health first.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I am not offended, and I know I still have a lot to lose. I was 243 in May 2011 lost weight during pregnancy and am now down to 172lbs. And I have never been tiny (couldn't tell ya what a flat tummy on me is because honestly I have never had one or what wearing a single size jeans is or wearing a bikini or a mini skirt or a dress above my knees) but I am working on getting fit and being able to run and dance and other things. My son deserves to have his mom around for a very long time, and not be without a momma when he turns 20.

    You can do this, don't let anyone say any differently. Its a struggle but it can be done.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    when I look at people's avatars and there's food... it makes me hungry :p
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    As everyone has said before me, this website isn't all about weight loss/management. I think it is important not to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others, or judging them. Needing to know why people are here doesn't even matter, because its a journey for 'self', wether its fitness or weightloss, or something completely different. Being slim doesn't mean someone feels...better or happier than perhaps you yourself do, self improvement is possible for everyone in any shape or size and I think its a rare human that doesn't feel that way.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    If you are new to this site and have a long road it can seem daunting. Trust that if you commit you can achieve your goals. When I joined, I found others who had accomplished what I was setting out to do and then became friends. You might find guidance, support and inspiration doing the same.
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    I see pictures of slim people and think "wow! they did great! I can't wait until I look like that!". It inspires me, I love to go into the success stories and see the before and after pictures and stories, it really keeps me motivated. Most of these people are just normal people trying to get fit and healthy and if they can do it then so can I! :)