will it hurt me that much?

jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
So I'm like right at my calorie goal today.. earned an extra like 850 cals.. so.. is it chocolate cake made with pumpkin or no chocolate cake at all.. theres one more piece.. and I havent even tried it.. It's the healthy version!


  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I'd like you to ask yourself this question and see the answer for yourself. Cake is usually bad though. Id say no. I passed up lots of donuts this morning and lots of chocolate. So I know you can pass it up. And you are at your calorie goal. So I say don't eat it.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Healthy chocolate cake? Hmmm, made with whole wheat flour and organic sugar versus white flour and white sugur? I would not eat it myself but if you really want it, how about a 1/4 of the piece?
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Depends...thinking psychology here....Can you eat a bite or two and feel satisfied with that? If you eat it will it lead you into a binge?? If you don't eat it will you be especially proud of yourself??? You are you and will make the best choice for yourself. We are pulling for you. No one can make that decision but you. Let us know what you decided my dear. :heart:
  • Breezy929
    Breezy929 Posts: 17 Member
    If you really want a piece, eat a piece.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    take a piece home and make it fit in your goals for tomorrow
  • bsparks81
    bsparks81 Posts: 29
    I have to go with fab50 here. Ask yourself those questions...last night I was under my calorie goal and a klondike bar that has been in the freezer for a week was calling my name as it has every night since it was there. I ate it and felt bad, the other nights I resisted and felt much better about it. Just saying. It's one of those things that only you can decide. If you won't be kicking yourself then maybe have part of it. I wouldn't go for the whole thing but that is just me. (and probably only cause I was kicking myself last night.)
  • rebeccaruth
    i say take a bite to try it and then leave the rest.
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    OK... You all talked me out of it! LOL. This is why I love this site! I'll have a couple strawberries instead to curb the sweet tooth.

    Thanks for being honest!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    If you can do without it try and do without it...If you havent had any thing sweet in a while and you really want it, then dont deprive yourself of it, because over time, you may get tired of your eating habits and quit because you may have restricted yourself too much.

    There are some people who can do without sweets all together, kudos for them...However there are someone of us that have a sweet tooth, and once in a while, we need to indulge.

    So if you havent had a treat in a while, have a piece, you dont have to have a big piece, just take a piece and save the rest for a next time

    Good luck with your choices
  • Alexis1227
    I would satisfy my sweet toothe with a couple bites but then go drink a big glass of lemon water afterwards.
    I've found that for my sweet cravings, doing just that, a few bites then a big ice cold glass of lemon water makes me feel better! I am a chocoholic so I couldn't say no to it completely.
    I just ate a small peice of chocolate and a Mary Jane candy from my kids Easter basket rather than the giant fund raiser candy bar sitting in my kitchen.
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    Well I made it for Easter Sunday.. and never even had a piece.. although I had one bit! I made it so I would have something healthier to eat than fudge and all that junk.. but I didnt really want it until I saw there was only one piece.. I'm not going to do it.. Whats funny is that my family liked it better than the full calorie cake that they made! HA..
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    And Alexis.. I like the lemon water thing..
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    If you're asking us you already know the answer. What you're looking for is for one person here to yes, "Sure you can have it!" as justification to aswage your guilt. We know these tricks, because we all play them ourselves. Once we can step back and answer our own questions, and not look for an easy out, that is when we have begun to free ourselves from the grip of the food monster that has been pushed on us. Do you really need to ask us? Or should you be looking in the mirror and asking yourslef that question?? I know I need to ask MYSELF more often...:P

    Good luck, and don't think we're not here for support. We are...but just like an underwire bra, it will be the support you need...it just might not always be that comfortable...;)
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    well I know I didnt NEED it.. I just WANTED it.. lol.. but I dont want it to affect how I'm losing weight so good right now.. But that thinking is pretty true.. cause I know I didnt NEED it.. its just soooo YUMMY. But again so are strawberries. :)
  • Onederland
    You all may kick my butt for this reply, lol so I will go ahead now and assume the position...bending over NOW!

    Now this is just my opinion, and I have alot of personal experience on this particular subject, hehe.

    Over the years after trying many different types of diets I have found the same thing happen, over and over...not just with me, but alot of the people who I chat with both online and off.
    When I eliminated my favorite foods from my diet or have told myself no, no no, even those "not so good" one's say like ummm chocolate cake....I was ok with my decision at first but by the end of the month, because I had restricted certain types of foods that were deemed 'unhealthy', it was then that I would dive in to ALL my favorite foods....a complete lack of self control and an end of the month munchie attack. Talk about guilt..:sick:

    It has taken me literally years to figure up that it's not the actual types of food that are neccesarily bad for us, it's the lack of control we have when it comes to the portion sizes we serve up.
    If overall your eating healthier, smaller meals, then allowing youself these types of treats once in a while is not going to ruin your diet......and you will have better control when it comes to portioning your own slice at that time......

    Telling yourself, no, no, no over and over again....well your only gonna tell yourself no so many times before you cravings take over and you ultimatly lose ALL control. That's not good and I'm sure many of you have been there, done that.
    I know I have.

    Again, this is just my opinion and portion control and learning how to moderate certain foods rather than eliminate them has really helped me stay on track.....and I don't get those all out "end of the month" munchie attacks no more for my favortie foods.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    So I'm like right at my calorie goal today.. earned an extra like 850 cals.. so.. is it chocolate cake made with pumpkin or no chocolate cake at all.. theres one more piece.. and I havent even tried it.. It's the healthy version!

    Chocolate Cake made with PUMPKIN???? Oh please send me the recipe!!!!

    It is ok to have sweets and treats in moderation. It is actually recommended. If you give your body treats, you will be less likely to binge or overeat. So dig in and enjoy :)
  • Onederland
    LOL allyKat...it took me half a page to write down what you were able to say in one sentence, hehe.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Is that the Hungry Girl Chocolate cake made with a chocolate boxed cake mix and a can of pumpkin? I've been wanting to try that - BUT - I can't find canned pumpkin around here!

    I agree with Onederland... I don't have a problem with eating a treat here and there... this is a lifelong journey. I guess I look at it this way... I have over 100 lbs to lose... and realistically it's going to take me a year or two to get to my goal...
    In that time my son will celebrate his 13th and 14th birthday, Christmases, Easters, Thanksgivings and vacations. I am not going to spend those years of his childhood miserable because I "can't" have a piece of cake or a piece of pie... I'll have a little and move on with my life. My friends who do not have weight issues do not deprive themselves of the occasional treat...

    That's just my opinion and I can tell you that if it were me... I'd probably ask my kid to split the last piece with me and sit down and enjoy a conversation over a piece of chocolate cake... then maybe ask him to take a walk with me.
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I have a horrible sweet tooth!! What I have found is that when I get a craving for something like chocolate cake (or a brownie) I tell myself I can have it "tomorrow" if I still want it, I choose a healthy alternative or drink a glass of water (and most importantly I don't have it in the house, so I'll *have* to make a special trip for it). And usually when tomorrow comes, I either don't want it or can wait another day.... so I generally get that brownie about a month after I originally decided I wanted it, but encourage myself to wait through the craving to make sure the urge will pass and then when I just have to have it, I've already given myself permission, but have also had some willpower to resist and made healthy choices to make up for it. Does that make any sense??
  • Onederland
    I wouldn't mind a copy of this recipe too :bigsmile:

    sonjavon...ya know they actually ran out of canned pumpkin this past year. I remember right before thanksgiving an announcement came on the news about how it was going to be hard to find canned pumpkin because of alot of the pumpkin crops had been damaged due to the weather and flooding.....when I went to the commisary, I actually bought several extra cans just to have in case I couldn't get any later.