1000 calories over!

veggievet Posts: 11 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am so upset... I kept eating today knowing I was going way over my calories. I went over by 1000 calories; I am only alloted 1370 PER DAY! I am so grossed out by myself, but I love to eat. What do you do to curb your cravings?


  • jenmonkee
    jenmonkee Posts: 57
    Go workout!!! ANYTHING is better than nothing!! Stop feeling guilty, start moving!!
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    Look back at your food diary and see foods that you remember being filling, but were lower in calories. Stock up on them. If you have trouble remembering use the notes field to record how hungry you are from day to day so you can start to identify food that you've eaten on days you aren't overtaken by hunger.

    Also, forgive yourself and move on. It's over and you can't change it, but you can use the knowledge of how you feel to change the outcome in the future.
  • tomorrow will be a better day : )
  • justjute
    justjute Posts: 6 Member
    So before you put that junk in your mouth, think, how much time do I need to workout to earn this and this and this? Unless you love hitting the cardio hard day in and day out, why do it to yourself, and if you do love the cardio, then instead of shoving the junk in your mouth, hit the cardio, go for a walk, bike ride or something else you need to keep yourself busy. Good luck and stay positive.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    a good hard workout always takes my mind off eating! Good thing is~ tomorrow is a new day!!
  • I find that I'm not as hungry on days I get in a good workout-- plus, you'll earn some extra calories! The days I don't get any exercise, I get right up to the limit on my cals, and struggle to stay within the bounds.. don't get discouraged, though, tomorrow is a new day, and you can do this!
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    I work out how far I'd have to run to work of xyz craving before I have it... that usually works.:laugh:

    Either I go "woah, that's so not worth it!"

    Or I go "OK, that's not so bad and I really do want it, so I'll make the sacrifice"

    An extra 1000 calories a day, every day, would be bad, but just one day isn't the end of the world. Do 150 extra exercise calories every day for the next week to work it back off :smile:
  • esco2186
    esco2186 Posts: 50 Member
    for the whole eating thing and tryin not to go over i try and eat healthy stuff like oranges or apples and if i dont got that i drink water or i chew gum....i read in an article that the majority of the time the body isnt hungry its thirsty....kinda weird but i try and remember that. its ok u went over by 1000 all u can do is either go workout even going walking around your town or even walkin on the treadmill will help bring it down...dont beat urself up about it all you can do is workout some of it off :) its ok tomorrow is another day:happy:
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Start fresh tomorrow. don't let this derail your progress. :flowerforyou:
  • EVERYONE has bad days like this! Just remember how it feels and know that you don't want that feeling any more. Good LUCK with tomorrow and each day after. :flowerforyou:
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    I chew a lot of Gum, that helps when I am at my desk and I take a walk or workout when I'm at home.
  • i eat a lot of rice cakes. no fat, 8g of carbs, only about 40 cal (depending on what kind you get)... it's a great munching food!
  • ting001
    ting001 Posts: 15 Member
    I agree. We all have bad days. Figure out when and where you lost control and think of a plan for the next time you feel yourself starting to slip: go for a walk , drink a huge glass of water, etc.
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    If we were all to be honest, I think we can say we've all went over on our calories at least once a week....and maybe even by as much as 1,000 calories or more. Look at it as a positive, not a negative.

    For one - you logged ALL your food. You accounted for every little thing you ate. You were accountable!
    And two - it is actually a GOOD thing to zigzag your calories every now and then so your metabolism doesn't adjust to a certain amount of calories all the time.

    Tomorrow IS a new day! Go workout tonight to burn off some of the extra calories or just start fresh again tomorrow. Look back over your food journal and see what food choices you've made. Continue to make the healthy choices and avoid those foods that add to your bottom line. You're here in an effort to LOSE WEIGHT. No one can make you stop eating, YOU have to make a decision which is more important to you....eating all the food, or being healthy? You can have both, but you need to be aware of what you are eating and how much.

    Get over it, move on, and keep your eye on your goals and PUSH FOR IT! You are worth it!! :smile:
  • I try and drink up to 4-5 liters of water to help curve my appetites. You will have to go tot he bathroom a lot but I guess it is better then going over your calories for the day.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Ok, I admit 1000 cals is NOT great! I totally agree with everything else that has been mentioned previously. I would like to remind you that 1 lb of fat= approximately 3500 calories over your MAINTENANCE calories! Therefore, if you are set to lose 1 lb per week, you have a built in 500 calorie deficit everyday. If that is what your goal is set at, then you only went over maintenance by 500 calories. This means that you cancelled out two days of work. By going and working out and burning as many calories as feasible, you will do damage control on that, and can probably even still eek out a loss this week.

    After a day like this, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, figure out where you went wrong, fix it*, and move on.

    *caveat- I tend to overeat right before and during TOM. I have figured out to expect this and I plan for it now by only have good low cal snacks around then!
  • I have found that if I work out for 30 minutes first thing in the morning, either biking walking, aerobics or pilates, I tend not to overeat and am not as hungry as the days I don't workout first thing. Today, I didn't workout and I was 1000 caories over my daily goal by 5pm. Needless to say, I think I might need a bigger workout this evening just to maintain. Spinach, oatmeal and wheat bread seem to fill me up more. I also drink tea which seems to curb my appetite. I think the key is that if you have one day that gets away, just make sure the next two are great days. Hopefully that helps.
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    I am so upset... I kept eating today knowing I was going way over my calories. I went over by 1000 calories; I am only alloted 1370 PER DAY! I am so grossed out by myself, but I love to eat. What do you do to curb your cravings?

    Also, are you eating 5-6 small meals per day? You should try to eat every 2 - 3 hours. What are your snacks and what types of food are you eating? Are you taking a multivitamin? Sounds like you're deficient in something; that's why your body is "craving" something and you can't seem to curb that craving with any of your food choices. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you drinking enough water? Sometimes, our bodies will make us think we're hungry when we're really getting dehydrated. Drink your water! Aim for at least 64 oz. every day.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I know how you feel, I get 1400 calories and it is amazing how hard it is to stay within that. I never realized how many calories I used to eat when I would go out with my friends and my fiance! So lately, if I want to have something extra, I've been working out more to have the extra calories. And sometimes, it's impossible to avoid going over and then I just try to make adjustments later on. Realistically, it happens, my guess is to everyone, but don't let it get you down and don't give up!
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    Good job logging it to see how bad you did! When I eat knowing I am going over I don't log it...
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