Who else is working out without a gym?

Need motivators, but I have never liked gyms as I prefer to be outdoors.
I run, do calisthenics and alternate between a yoga/pilates class (I take it in the park) in spring/summer and ballet class right now.
I go hiking and bike-riding frequently, too.
I feel pretty confident with my routine. I like it and it suits me, but I miss out on other like-minded folk.
Can I get a shout-out?


  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    The smell in the gym makes me gag. 1wiff of BO and I am ruined. Learned years ago to avoid the gym like the plague. During the winter months I will stick to dvds and some walking on nicer days. But as soon as the weather breaks, in early April, I swim. In the pool or the ocean. This year I am adding running on the beach. I want a paddle board too. That should be an intense upper body workout.
  • HeaDak3
    I'm not against the gym in anyway, it's a great place to go to find lots of resources for a great workout but you can build muscle at home or at a park just fine!

    I prefer to do a lot of street workouts for building upper body and abs, but I like to train legs at a gym since it's not always easy to find a 200 lb person to squat lol

    I suppose it depends on the person!

    But yeah! Street workouts all day guys! I'll send you a guys a request =)
  • EddieG43
    I love working out at home!! I love kettlebells, sandbag training and other forms of HIIT. I also lift weights as well!!
  • _namaste_
    This is me! I have joined a gym a few times in the past but I always felt quite like a rat in a cage being stared at, bothered, etc. Just a lot of random unwanted attention (not talking about male attention necessarily FYI, just people talking and what not) that made it really hard for me to focus on & meet my goals. In the past two and a half years I have practised in a hot yoga studio (two different ones, actually) and my husband and I have built a decent home gym in our house. We are looking to expand a bit further soon, actually. I also run and strength train aside from my regular yoga practise and am starting p90x very, very shortly. It has worked well for me. I have lost about 45lbs at this point! :)
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    I don't go gym cause firstly I have my own set of dumb bells with varying weights (and believe me, they get heavy) and a multi gym(I don't use that often), also for cardio, forget the machines, I go for jogs, even walks around the shops will burn kcal... Not a necessity
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I run outside, and lift weights at home.

    I don't mind exercising at the gym, but I resented the commute. It just felt like a colossal waste of time, and I didn't want to spend more time driving to and from the gym than I spent actually IN the gym, so there was automatically two hours gone. It's so much more satisfying just walking upstairs to lift weights. And I always felt funny resting at the gym between sets, like someone was going to be waiting for me. Now, I can scoop the catbox or load the dishwasher or play Words with Friends between sets, with no one glaring at me. And I can do it all in my pj's.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I do some weight lifting at home but mainly get outside and do some hiking, biking, and kayaking. I prefer anything I can do in the fresh air and sunshine.
  • JDAlder
    JDAlder Posts: 153 Member
    Love working out without a gym. Just got done doing daily body weight exercises from "You Are Your Own Gym" using two chairs, a table, and a door :D


  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    I am, but only because I'm on semester break & no gym will let me do a one-month membership. I can't wait to go back so I can continue barbelling! We only have dumbbells here so it's just those & calisthenics :flowerforyou:

    After college I'm going to stop (since it's free :laugh: ) & just do all at-home to maintain. I bellydance & plan on doing capoeira (& supplementary Pilates), so I wouldn't have to rely on gym barbells anyway at that point :smile:
  • Cali212
    Cali212 Posts: 20 Member
    I visit a spin class studio every so often and also a yoga studio, but then I run outside. I went to a gym yesterday (marooned in cold weather) and I felt like a hamster. Twenty five minutes on that treadmill and I wanted to ring my own neck. Felt like a hamster. Incredibly boring.
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    I cancelled my gym membership because the cost was going up constantly. Bought a treadmill and other equipment to use at home. I DO miss the weight machines and the sauna, but I can always get a day pass to use when I feel the urge.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I do workout at the YMCA but I also workout at home to the wii.
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    As of the beginning of Dec, me :( The gym was too expensive and the quitting process was such a pita that I'm afraid to join another! Just bought a cheap (and unfortunatly light) dumbbell set and P90X and will be looking into a home weight/bench set after a vacation in March.

    It is really difficult, as I despise cardio and like the heavy weights and I can't do any of it, but you do what you've got to do and beggers can't be choosers!
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't like the gym setting--fighting for equipment, other people's sweat, and I feel like I am stared down (which probably isn't true!). I find it intimidating! I bought a Kinect for my Xbox 360 and I LOVE it! I do Zumba almost every day and also use UFC Trainer. Unfortunately, we get 15 feet of snow in the winter where I live, so it is hard to find activities outside that aren't expensive to get started (skiing, snowshoeing, etc). In the summer I walk down to the lake and swim for hours and go for walks or hike. I love my workouts and am seeing results, so I must be doing something right!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I don't belong to a gym. Can't talk my husband into letting me spend the money! :grumble:

    So I run, ride my stationary recumbent bike, do Tae Bo, and Jillian's 30DS.
  • Tat2dDom0105
    I workout at home as well, but wish i had a basement so could add more equipment. I have just a treadmill, and some weights, but am looking to purchase an exercise DVD to supplement my workouts.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    I have Brother Bills Big Bad back yard workouts, lol.... ( That's what my buddies call them)
    When I'm not biking ( average abouut 10 hrs a week ) except for extreme cold
    Or Canoeing in the summer
    Or local hikes I do usually about 2 hrs a week ( cuts down on biking tho)

    I workout out in my back yard with self made stuff.
    45 lb sledge hammer I built slamming onto 200 lb truck tire I then use to flip
    Step ups on a 20 inch step then overhead throw a sand filled basketball onto a tree then catch. step back down. Repeat. lol
    Tug of war using a 70 l.f. 1.5 inch diameter rope tied to a sled full of weights ( ordered the rope from Navy supply place)
    And one of my personal favs... took brake drums off a Ford F-150 then gorilla glued them together back to back. Pick up one in each hand and do trunk twists, forward lifts, walking lunges, stuff like that.

    For the grand finale or desert as I call it, :) Sometimesssss I run and jump over the bonfire I usually have going :)

    These may not be the kind of things your into but I wanted to show you that with a lil imagination the possibilities are endless. Good Luck to you and get out and have some fun!!!! :)
  • brookph23
    brookph23 Posts: 4 Member
    Havent gone to a gym for years. I have an elliptical at home, and just run outside and also do DVD videos. A lot of the weight loss I experienced though has been majorly about diet and not so much exercise. Exercise helps yes but its a TON what you are eating.
  • Mick63116
    Mick63116 Posts: 47 Member
    Most of the exercise I do can be done with one so why spend the cash each month on it?
  • kat20bree
    kat20bree Posts: 1 Member
    I spend enough money on other things, I don't want to pay for a gym membership. I love going to classes, but I hate working out around other people unless I know them well. I used to do Pilates and have even had a personal trainer before, but I didn't see results. When I have worked out at home in the past, I have lost a significant amount of weight. I do different videos (I like the variety), run (though I haven't done this in a while because I'm back in school), and walk with friends. My newest goal is to walk for an hour on the treadmill while studying. I tried it during finals last semester and found that I was able to stay focused on what I was doing, had less stress, and slept better. :D