30/f - need more online friends/support!

Hey, I'm 30, 5'5" 207ish lbs (I already lost about 12!) and from a suburb of Chicago. I'm looking for more online friends and support so we can motivate each other. Feel free to friend me!


  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I' m 37 years old 5"4 inches tall and 200 pounds. I would be glad to be your friend.
  • hunter1025
    hunter1025 Posts: 281 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    Hi, Im 31 almost 32 :) . 5 3" 162 lbs. friend request sent.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I am a lot taller and heavier than you but parts of my family are from Matteson :D Feel free to add me lol :)
  • Hi! I'm 54 female from Tennessee and would love to be your online friend. I will officially start changing the way I eat January 1, 2013. I need all the online support friends I can get. I feel having online support really helps!
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Add away friends! :)
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Hi! I'm 54 female from Tennessee and would love to be your online friend. I will officially start changing the way I eat January 1, 2013. I need all the online support friends I can get. I feel having online support really helps!

    Why wait until the 1st of the year... what's wrong with starting today?
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    you are all welcome to add me
  • Congrats on your loss thus far... way to go! :smile:
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    Added ya! Would be happy to support you to hit your goals!
  • Hi! I am 4 weeks through a 12 week body building / diet plan. I am 6'1 about 217 pounds, trying to get down to 195 before I go to Coachella in April :-) Feel free to add me and we can be like super motivator pals
  • Mrs_Fit
    Mrs_Fit Posts: 86 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me :) Good Luck!!
  • mrshill2007
    mrshill2007 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello, I just started a group called over 200 and ready to go under.. Please join me and also add me as a friend... We can do this...:wink:
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hello and welcome aboard to MFP. Feel free to add me if you like. I am usually logging in most days and give good feedback to all my MFP friends.
  • merapp9
    merapp9 Posts: 153 Member
    I am going to be 30 on my next birthday (also from Illinois...central area!) I maybe be 6'1 but I am always looking for more people to help motivate me! Feel free to add me! :)
  • freedski1
    freedski1 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 28 and also in the Chicagoland area. Please feel free to add me!
  • perezke
    perezke Posts: 45 Member
    Any of you....please add me! You can never have too many friends!!
  • Anyone/everyone can feel free to add me. 30/F 5'2 164 lbs, 29 lbs to go to my GW!! 1 week into a rather restrictive diet and it's easier than I thought it would be (so far!) Gonna need the motivation I'm sure!
  • I think motivation is key! I can easily start working out and watching nutrition and lose 10 lbs. Then I get bored doing it by myself and start getting off track. I need to lose 30-35lbs, which doesn't seem like a lot, but when I become unmotivated it becomes very difficult. Good luck in your journey.

    Add me as a friend...the more that are in this together, the better it will be.
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    you got this girl!!! I am a 28/F I joined this site several months ago and then never used any of the tools provided here.. but that is no longer and I vow to stay active on here and stay motivated! I will send you a request :)