"funny" people you find unfunny



  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I don't know if there is a comedian I find patently unfunny. I mean, I (ironically) hated "Everybody loves Raymond," but absolutely loved "Men of a Certain Age" with Ray Romano. I will not watch "Jack and Jill," but will watch "Billy Madison" any time it is on. Even Kathy Griffin might get a chuckle out of me when she's palling around with Anderson Cooper.

    That said, I will watch most anything that Louis C.K. does because I think he is extremely funny. I even garnered a little respect for Dane Cook because he appeared on Louis' show and addressed the joke-stealing accusation that people had made toward him.

    I agree to all of this but tell me something funny Ricky Gervais did that was good?
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    Carrot Top - Yahoo Serious
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I guess all comedians have highs and lows, but the ones I don't like are those that use yelling, vulgarity, violence or insulting others to get a laugh. I have a difficult time sitting through movies starring Adam Sandler or Vince Vaughn for this reason. As for Chris Rock, whether he's trying to be funny or not, his voice makes my ears bleed. Same for Gilbert Gottfried. *shudders thinking about it*. I am not familiar with Dane Cook, I've only heard his name, but after reading this thread, I don't want to be. haha
  • hdjjones
    hdjjones Posts: 130 Member
    I agree with you on Robin Williams. A little goes a long way. I hated "Mork and Mindy". Totally stupid show.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't know about Dane Cook stealing jokes. If he does, he only steals bad ones. I watched him once and didn't even crack a smile. Just bad.
  • Jerry Seinfeld

    Ray Romano

    Adam Sandler
  • I can't believe nobody has said Gilbert Godfried... Every time I hear him it is like nails on a chalkboard, and I have never ever heard him say something funny.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I can't believe nobody has said Gilbert Godfried... Every time I hear him it is like nails on a chalkboard, and I have never ever heard him say something funny.

    Maybe reading through the posts before casting baseless accusations would serve you better.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Oh... and Leno!
  • Steve Harvey... too much credit
  • Will Farrell
    Jim Carrey

    I don't even know if I spelled their names right. It's all such stupid, slapstick, bathroom humor...and way over-exaggerated.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    WOW! I'm going to take a wild guess that some of you have issues with humor.
  • I can't believe nobody has said Gilbert Godfried... Every time I hear him it is like nails on a chalkboard, and I have never ever heard him say something funny.

    Maybe reading through the posts before casting baseless accusations would serve you better.

    missed them... but not being a douche would definitely serve you better
  • Billy Crystal
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I can't believe nobody has said Gilbert Godfried... Every time I hear him it is like nails on a chalkboard, and I have never ever heard him say something funny.

    Maybe reading through the posts before casting baseless accusations would serve you better.

    missed them... but not being a douche would definitely serve you better

    Not really.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Dane cook... ugh...

    I also am not a huge fan of Seth McFarland. I like American Dad and that's it...

    I am, however, a huge fan of Will Ferrell and Jim Carrey, whom a lot of posters on this topic don't care for... Interesting! :laugh:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    :huh: oh! There's too many to list on this site!
    I can't believe nobody has said Gilbert Godfried... Every time I hear him it is like nails on a chalkboard, and I have never ever heard him say something funny.

    Maybe reading through the posts before casting baseless accusations would serve you better.

    missed them... but not being a douche would definitely serve you better
    oh i love you guys:noway: , always so quick to attack over something so trivial!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    "everyone without a sense of humor is at the mercy of the rest of us...."
  • SMBL2
    SMBL2 Posts: 22 Member
    Kristen Wiig

    I think I'm one of the few that didn't find Bridesmaids the hilarious comedy that everyone else did.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Kevin Heart
    Russel Brand
    Eddie Murphy
    Adam Sandler