Tossing my fat clothes

Well, I have lost a bit of weight now... I'm fitting into EVERYTHING in my closet now. I have even had to go out and buy some new pants. But now why am I struggling to donate all my big boy clothes? I guess I am scared...

I need to clean it out! Right?!?!?!?!?!


  • sweetcheeks1978
    Well, I have lost a bit of weight now... I'm fitting into EVERYTHING in my closet now. I have even had to go out and buy some new pants. But now why am I struggling to donate all my big boy clothes? I guess I am scared...

    I need to clean it out! Right?!?!?!?!?!

    Keep one item if you must but get rid of all the clothes that dont fit you!

    I'll admit it look me a while to get rid of my 'fat' clothes but once I did, felt amazing, like a weight lifting off my shoulders. The me that had always struggled to lose weight, finally did it and getting rid of those clothes proved to myself that am winning the battle.

    You'll feel liberated as the person you were no longer exists!!
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    Right! Only keep smaller sizes so you can have a goal to fit into those pants, and after you fit into them, toss them away because you need up to date and awesome clothes to show the world how hard you have worked. :smile:
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    I cant wait to toss my fat clothes.. and fit back into my skinny clothes.. I have tons of skinny clothes I have hung onto from back when I was much smaller :)
  • Sabrina__26
    I am not going to toss out my fat clothes. I know people say that you should but I did that once and unfortunately I re-gained all the weight back. I then had to spend a lot of money buying more larger clothes which was not fun in the slightest. I had thrown out every single piece of clothing and it took a long time to replace everything.

    I want to be optimistic and think that it will not happen this time but I just cannot risk it again. Instead of doing that, once I have hit my goal weight I'm going to pack up my fat clothes and put them someplace that I won't see them everyday.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    I understand the feeling. I had trouble at first, too, for the same reason. But you will feel great once you do it!

    Do it!

    I like the idea of keeping one pair of pants to compare your end result....make them a pair in an ugly color, so you won't be able to wear them should you regain any weight.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm keeping mine in case I decide to have another baby - i think some of them would work well as maternity clothes!
  • seamatt
    seamatt Posts: 199 Member
    I ebayed a load just before Christmas

    It hurt selling £1000 worth of suits for £46 quid......but that's the joy of ebay and it's £46 I have to put towards new work wear that I wouldn't have had if I chucked them out.

    I tend to wear my stuff until I look like I am a the kid in the Tom Hanks film 'Big' when he shrinks at the end wearing the suit. When I look like that it's time for new.

    It's nice to pick up some new clobber as well.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    I am not going to toss out my fat clothes. I know people say that you should but I did that once and unfortunately I re-gained all the weight back. I then had to spend a lot of money buying more larger clothes which was not fun in the slightest. I had thrown out every single piece of clothing and it took a long time to replace everything.

    I want to be optimistic and think that it will not happen this time but I just cannot risk it again. Instead of doing that, once I have hit my goal weight I'm going to pack up my fat clothes and put them someplace that I won't see them everyday.

    I disagree with this one. I got rid of all my "fat" clothes and knowing there is not enough money in the budget to replace them is a HUGE motivator to "tow the line". But, realistically, you should do what you feel would be most helpful, but I vote for the "toss them" option.
  • kiraklo
    Yea!!! Get rid of all that clothes! You'll feel so good that they are gone and it's good motivation to not re-gain the weight. Each size I drop, I tell myself I'm not allowed to but clothes in that size again.

    I think you'll be surprised at the feeling of freedom when you give that clothes away.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I tossed my biggest clothes back in October when I was doing well with my fitness goals. Then I back-slid and now the clothes I kept are snug. I'm glad I don't still have the biggest items to back-slide into. My snug pants remind me to get back on track.
  • adstar20
    adstar20 Posts: 29 Member
    I am in the same boat. I plan on keeping one suit and one pair of jeans so that I can remember the sizes that I used to wear, but I can't bring myself to do it yet. I have come a fair distance but have another 45lbs to go and so I am trying to buy as few clothes in "interim" sizes. I will finally toss everything out when I feel comfortable with replacing my wardrobe. I don't like the idea of only having a few things in my closet.
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    I am not going to toss out my fat clothes. I know people say that you should but I did that once and unfortunately I re-gained all the weight back. I then had to spend a lot of money buying more larger clothes which was not fun in the slightest. I had thrown out every single piece of clothing and it took a long time to replace everything.

    I want to be optimistic and think that it will not happen this time but I just cannot risk it again. Instead of doing that, once I have hit my goal weight I'm going to pack up my fat clothes and put them someplace that I won't see them everyday.

    To each their own but hanging onto to those fat clothes, IMO, is just setting yourself up for failure. I understand where you are coming from and held onto my fat clothes each time I lost weight too but found that by holding onto them I was doubting that I could do this.

    This time around I just got rid of entire contractor bag of clothes. Was it hard? Yes. But I am NEVER going to fit into them again. I got rid of my "safety net" and it feels AMAZING! Get rid of them...or keep a pair of pants or shirt for comparison purposes. But you will be amazed how good it feels to let go of them! Congrats by the way :)
  • Inspired2run
    Inspired2run Posts: 74 Member
    I struggled with that question myself the first time I had to donate a ton of clothes. Some of the clothes I donated I really loved :) I felt like if I hung on to the "fat clothes," that in the back of my mind I was doubting myself and almost setting myself up to gain the weight back. I realized that I've made a lifestyle change. I honestly can't look into the future and see myself not exercising.

    I looked into my closest and said to myself that everything else hanging inside would have to eventually go as well. I had about 3 sizes hanging inside and the smallest wasn't what I'd wear when I'm at my goal weight. So, for me the answer was yes, I needed donate and not hold on to anything (not even a pair of jeans to serve as a reminder). I don't like the cost associated with replacing (and replacing, and replacing) an entire wardrope of clothes, but I've decided to buy at consignment shops or only clearance items.

    I'm now four sizes down and keep a bag in my closest to toss items into as I learn they don't fit. There was one morning I had to try on 4 different pants until I found some that fit (kind of). The first three were entirely too big and I couldn't get away with wearing them to work any longer.

    You'll make the right decision :)

    Also, I wanted to pass along that a friend of mine has lost a lot of weight and she sells her clothes on eBay. She buys replacement clothes with the money she makes from each sale. I've not tried that, but it sounds like a great idea.
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    I was the same. I donated some to friends...who are much taller and they look great in my clothes. The rest i gave to charity. I waited till i was 2 sizes smaller before i gave away the bigger sizes. Most of what i wear now i picked up from op shops so it hasnt been tooexpensive.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    donate to good will!!!!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    If you're handy with a sewing machine, you can take them in instead of throwing them out. I had that problem, there were too many pieces I was emotionally attached to, so I resized them.

    Even if you don't sew, taking them to a tailor to take them in will still probably be cheaper than buying all new clothes, depending on how much weight you've lost/ still plan on losing.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    JUST DO IT! I kept one pair of my largest size pants just to remind myself of my success.....I call them my trophy pants.

    Shirley in Oregon
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I tossed my biggest clothes back in October when I was doing well with my fitness goals. Then I back-slid and now the clothes I kept are snug. I'm glad I don't still have the biggest items to back-slide into. My snug pants remind me to get back on track.

    This is me too.
    I've been doing this for quite a while. My weight has fluctuated up and down - but it never gets close to my original weight (like, nowhere near), because my clothes screech at me to put the breaks on and sort myself out.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I'm keeping mine in case I decide to have another baby - i think some of them would work well as maternity clothes!

    This is the only reason I would keep anything!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I threw out and/or donated all my fat clothes. I can't gain the weight back if I don't have those 'comfort clothes' as I like to call them. So it keeps me motivated when my currently-sized clothes get a little tight, I know I HAVE to get back on the wagon because I don't have any bigger clothes to fall back on.