50 Day Challenge Group starting 1/2/13



  • Mrs_Fit
    Mrs_Fit Posts: 86 Member
    Add me please!
  • HootayMcBoob
    HootayMcBoob Posts: 7 Member
    Could you add me too please. I could really use some group support to kickstart my weightloss :smile:
  • add me please
  • LFlynnOC
    LFlynnOC Posts: 23 Member
    Please count me in. I need all the motivation I can get. I've been stuck on this plateu far too long! What do I need to do to take part?
  • Trosemims
    Trosemims Posts: 16 Member
    Add me Please!!! I would love to support others and have others support me too! :o)
  • would love to join, add me!
  • Shellycan
    Shellycan Posts: 23 Member
    Just noticed your weight loss.. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
  • I just started this, I would love to join!
  • LFlynnOC
    LFlynnOC Posts: 23 Member
    I like your ticker. Are those pics of you or a computer animation of what you would like like at your goal weight? I'd love to set one up like that!

    Thought I was posting this on someone else's post. Not sure how to do that.
  • Shellycan
    Shellycan Posts: 23 Member
    Yes, please add me! Sounds like a great opportunity and my thanks for getting the ball rolling!:smile:
  • Hi, Chris here (first time poster). What does the challenge involve? Is it a set workout? Nutrition plan? Or is it simply (and not to begrudge it) a daily moral support to workout for 7 weeks?
  • I would like to join :)
  • I'm ALL in!!!!!
  • Aylania_Bella
    Aylania_Bella Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, I really need to get back into things after the Christmas lull. I'm interested, what will the challenge involve?
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    I've sent invites to everyone up to this point!! We're just a group of people trying to lose weight and get healthy together!! We have daily challenges for motivation and get to be there for each other while we celebrate successes and help pick each other up after rough days!!! I'm thrilled to have you all join us!
  • Count ne in!!
  • shazzafly
    shazzafly Posts: 23 Member
    And me !
  • Runs4Pasta
    Runs4Pasta Posts: 28 Member
    Add me as well...not sure what it entails but I didn't read the 6 pages of posts :tongue:
  • HeatherStorey
    HeatherStorey Posts: 52 Member
    Count me in. :smile:
  • Can you give me an example of one of these "daily challenges" you mentioned? :smile: