has anyone done the 30 day shred more then once in a row?

I just finished the 30 day shred and got such great results I was thinking about doing it again. Has anyone ever done this and got great results again the second time?


  • Anyone?
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    I'm doing it for the first time. I'd think that you could increase your hand weights and go through it again. I'm using a combination of weights (3,5,and 10) depending on the exercise. The cool part is, 10 days in and I can almost do a real pushup!


    Or try one of her other videos if you want more variety. Anything you do, any exercise, is better than nothing!!

    You could also try to take your squats and lunges in deeper and see if that helps increase your results too. How well did you do this first time around?
  • innerbetty
    innerbetty Posts: 59 Member
    Not sure how you went through it the first time, but I would do it the first time around following the beginner mode then a second time doing intermediate, and even a third time on the hard. Of course the results may not be the same as pushing yourself right from the start but it's a thought. If you made it all the way up to the difficult, adjust your weights, maybe try adding ankle weights. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to do it through again, but be prepared for the results to not be the same the second time around. I tried once but lost motivation due to it resulting in larger thighs than when I started. I might just give it another go round but add in some extra cardio to move things along... or some yoga to elongate the built muscle. Good Luck!!
  • I'm doing it for the first time. I'd think that you could increase your hand weights and go through it again. I'm using a combination of weights (3,5,and 10) depending on the exercise. The cool part is, 10 days in and I can almost do a real pushup!


    Or try one of her other videos if you want more variety. Anything you do, any exercise, is better than nothing!!

    You could also try to take your squats and lunges in deeper and see if that helps increase your results too. How well did you do this first time around?

    The first time I did it I was using 5 pound weights, this time around I'm using 10 pound weights during the strength training and adding 3 pound weights to all the cardio.

    I wanted to try out her body revolution 90 day program next but the price is a little bit to much for me to spend on workout DVDs. I did try another one of her videos on YouTube... I think it was called burn fat boost metabolism ( or something like that... lol ) and I was definetely sweating but it was mostly cardio and no weights involved.

    I was AMAZED at my results. I still can't believe it. I didn't take measurements though which I kind of regret but I did take before and after photos. I lost a total of 11 pounds but I feel so much stronger. I dropped a pants size and a bra size ( cup and band. ) when I started I had rolls on my back and by day 12 they were pretty much gone. I made a slide show and put it on YouTube with my day 12 before and after photos, I think I'm going to try to put up my final before and after today though. I don't know how to put pictures on a forum but you can see the video at www.YouTube.com/licialoosesweight . The first time I did the 30 day shred I did all the modified versions and could barely do lunges. I'm going to try to go deeper with the lunges and follow the girl who does the harder version this time but I still.l can't do a full push up lol
  • Not sure how you went through it the first time, but I would do it the first time around following the beginner mode then a second time doing intermediate, and even a third time on the hard. Of course the results may not be the same as pushing yourself right from the start but it's a thought. If you made it all the way up to the difficult, adjust your weights, maybe try adding ankle weights. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to do it through again, but be prepared for the results to not be the same the second time around. I tried once but lost motivation due to it resulting in larger thighs than when I started. I might just give it another go round but add in some extra cardio to move things along... or some yoga to elongate the built muscle. Good Luck!!

    Thank you! I've been interested in yoga but I don't know where to start. I think I'll look more into that today!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    I did for a while. It was amazing how much more definition there was in my abs after just a week of doing it. It really is an excellent workout. I was using 3 lb weights, and it still kicked my butt in beginner mode. :P

    ...I should start doing that workout again, I still have the DVD...