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When to eat when running?

Ok so here is my schedule:

6am: get up, have coffee, watch news
6:45: make breakfast for family
7:00-8:00: wake up family and get ready for school
8:20: drop kids off at busstop
8:30: at park ready to run

Only problem I can not eat when I first wake up. I feel very nauseous if I try. I tried to eat a piece of gluten free toast with peanut butter with my coffee in the morning and it took forever and I felt like gagging. I like to eat about 2-3hours after getting up.

Do you think it's ok to run at my time and not eat until I get home. Or should I eat something when I get up like a banana and yogurt just to fuel me up. If I run at 8:30 the whole time i'm thinking of food and can't wait to get home to eat but the only time I have to eat is when I first get up as i'm busy with the kids from 645-820 and I hate eating on the go. I'm the type of person that has to sit down and eat.

I tried eating after I drop them off at the busstop and going for a run at 10am but by then i'm not in the mood to go. I'm a SAHM so my schedule is flexible. I'll get up and go to a 1030 spin class but I hate running mid morning. Weird I know.

Any suggestions? When do you eat when you are running? Do you eat before/after? What do you eat?


  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    I get up at 5 AM to run, and would never, ever be able to eat before then. IMO it's unnecessary to "fuel up" before a run (I run around 8 miles every day), but everyone is different. I typically run for 75 min., then do a quick ab workout (15 min), shower, then eat (egg whites w veggies and a protein shake).
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    I have been wondering about protein shakes? Is it necessary to drink? Do you feel a difference when you drink them? Are they gluten free:)? There are probably so many out there how do you choose which one?
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    As long as you don't start to feel faint when running, it is fine to exercise without eating first.

    I would suggest just having something small though. Don't eat a lot within an hour before exercise, you will get cramps.

    Protein shakes aren't really necessary. They are an easy fix for when you're not getting in enough protein.
    Gluten free really depends on what type of protein shake you buy. There are a lot of different types of protein (soya, hemp, whey, pea, just to name a few).
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    A glass of milk and coffee are my pre-morning run meals. I don't feel it is necessary to eat a meal before your run.

    If you believe you should eat something, then I would suggest eating a snack before you go to bed. This was a suggestion given to me by a fellow runner for when I do very early runs.
  • chrissiij
    chrissiij Posts: 47 Member
    I used to run three times a week. When I did, it was the middle of the day and, to avoid any uncomfortable bloating, I would eat lunch and then run 3 hours later. Eating so early in the morning may not work for you, so I would suggest going for a run earlier and then eating breakfast later, when you will actually be hungry.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    When I run in the morning, I always run fasted. I cannot eat first thing, and don't see the point in forcing myself to do so.

    Over the summer I was running much longer distances (6-11 miles). I would wake up an hour early, eat a Balance Bar, go back to sleep for an hour or so, and then get up to run. I needed the fuel if I was running farther. But right now, I only run about 3 miles (tops) so it's not a big deal.

    The point is - do what works for you. I wouldn't mind thinking about food as I ran....it would be good movitvation to keep a decent pace so I could eat sooner!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I don't run, but I do workout first thing in the morning...No eating first, but I do sometimes get lightheaded and have some juice/water on hand to sip when that happens. I don't think there's any reason to force yourself to eat if you are not having a problem running, but if you are feeling like you need something before running then it doesn't have to be something solid, something liquid will work - juice, milk, smoothie, whatever...just a couple ounces is all it really takes to give the body fuel.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    When I run at 5 AM, I pretty much get up, get dressed, have a few sips of water and head out. I HATE running with anything on my stomach!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Try different things out. When I run, I don't eat before hand (I only find I need a little something before I do my weight days) so I'll get up at 5am, out the door by 5:15am and run for 30-45 minutes depending on the day. Then I'll come back and have a protein bar, jump in the shower then have breakfast (varies depending on if it's the weekend or if I'm heading to work) Try eating a banana when you start making breakfast, that should give you enough time to have it settle before you head out.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    If you're not running very far (3 - 4 mi) you probably don't need to eat until after. If you're very concerned, try doing bulletproof coffee.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    The answer really depends on the length of your run. I always have coffee before a morning run, but if I keep it around a 3ish mile run, coffee is all I need. When I was training for a half about a year back, the "professionals" recommended fueling up after 7 miles...so I guess if you know its a longer run eat anything you can....OR pack some gels or bloks to eat once you hit that 7 mile mark!
  • i can't run with anything in my tummy either.....in the AM i just go and run....if i have to do it in the day (3-4pm) thats a few hours after lunch so im good. Just make sure you eat after (snack or your meal). Everyone is different or even maybe just a banana 15-20 mins before).

    happy running!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    The answer really depends on the length of your run. I always have coffee before a morning run, but if I keep it around a 3ish mile run, coffee is all I need. When I was training for a half about a year back, the "professionals" recommended fueling up after 7 miles...so I guess if you know its a longer run eat anything you can....OR pack some gels or bloks to eat once you hit that 7 mile mark!

    Yup! I did 2 half marathons this summer while pregnant. A larabar got me through both :)
    And that's all I ate til I got home (then I had a small protein shake, and we went to a big dinner later in the day)
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    how far are you running? If it's less than 10-12 miles then there is no real need to eat until after. You need to drink water but not eat. Your glycogen stores will not burn up until 10-12 miles at min.

    something funny to share: I always chuckle to myself when people carb up before a 5k...or worse bring snacks along in a wagon for the 1 mile "fun run", yet they're walking. It's hysterical to me.
  • joeq722
    joeq722 Posts: 86 Member
    If burning fat is the goal, you are MUCH better off NOT eating at all before your run.
    A first-thing-in-the-morning, no food but a cup of coffee is the optimum environment for a cardio workout.

    Its a very effective setup for fat burning.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I struggle to eat first thing too but do find that for me it can make the difference in how I feel during a run and I am better if I have had something. I now tend to have a yogurt and I mix in a tea spoon of oats and some berries and it is light enough for me to get down but gives me enough energy to have a good run too.
  • PicklePlum
    PicklePlum Posts: 192 Member
    I just have coffee plain or with milk and little sugar about an hour before a morning run. I run for about 3-4 miles though. I feel better that way than eating breakfast before cardio.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I run 5 miles almost every morning before work and always eat after the run. I don't like running with food in my belly. I have plenty of energy to go 5 miles unless I cut the carbs back too low the day before. Best runs I have are when I have oatmeal for dinner the night before. My after-run breakfast is relatively high protein.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    I run at 5am and run about 5-6 miles for hour+ and I never eat anything more then a couple pieces of chewy candy (only if I feel sluggish) if I eat or drink anything besides the above then I get cramps in my sides and throw up.
    It's been in the low 30's and 20's this week and I fighting the flu so I am not running much this week. Did once this week tho. I sure do miss it. Happy running folks!
  • ColorfulWeirdo
    ColorfulWeirdo Posts: 113 Member
    I run pretty much every morning, and I too get sick if I eat first thing in the morning.

    If I'm going to be on a long run, I bring gels with me. I usually have two gels if I'm running more than 8 miles. If it's a short run, I just bring water. They are easy to keep down.

    If you find yourself hitting a wall, a lot of my runner friends who have the same morning issues as I do will eat a banana before heading out the door. I am fatally allergic to bananas, so I haven't tried it, but it works for them.

    Protein shakes- I've seen it go both ways. When I do a lot of hard lifting, I'll drink one, but I never use them after a run. I prefer yogurt and a piece of fruit or a vega shake.