Sauna or No Sauna?

I have been doing a bit of internet browsing on trying to find out if saunas are beneficial in weight loss. I have access to a sauna at the gym I use and I always sit in the sauna for 10-15 minutes. The opinions I have found on the internet from different people all have different things to say. Some of these things are:

-Saunas do not help is weight loss because you are just losing water weight - drink water, and gain it back
-Saunas DO help with weight loss as your body is working hard to cool your body down, burning calories and speeding up your metabolism.

I know the saunas are beneficial for aches, pains and also skin, which is why I will continue to use the sauna - but what do you guys think? Do you think it actually helps with your weight loss? I'd love to hear any opinions or stories about sauna usages!


  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Saunas are awesome! I just use them because they feel good. (Especially when you can get the temperature up really high and then jump in the lake afterward! My family has a sauna at our cabin, it is amazing.)

    Do it if you like it, but I wouldn't do it for weight loss reasons. However, i was just listening to a podcast by a doctor this morning who was talking about how there might be evidence that saunas with cold dips afterward (or alternating hot/cold showers) might help your body detoxify heavy metals. Don't know if there is hard proof of that, but I don't think it can hurt you so long as you aren't getting dehydrated.
  • erinlindsay
    i would like to know as well.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    They are great for relaxation but I have never heard of them improving or speeding up weight loss.
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    As far as I know the weight loss is not that significant, however, saunas are great for sweating out toxins , your circulatory system, skin and complexion. They are used all over Europa and even the native Indians in this country have used sweat tends for ages. I don't do very well in any kind of heat so it is not something I do, but I have friends and relatives that swear by them.
    Hope that helps