Back on the wagon today! No waiting for the New Year!



  • Back on the wagon today for me too! I woke up this morning with the positive attitude I feel I have had for a long time! I've been away from MFP for about 7 months now and would love some new friends so we can keep each other motivated! Feel free to add me!
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    I did pretty well up until Christmas Eve.. then It went downhill for a few days. I ended up gaining 2.0 lbs since Sunday! :( Not cool. lol! I'm completely back on track today! NO MORE HOLIDAY TREATS (in crazy, obsessive amounts anyways lol.. I'm not here to completely deprive myself).
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    Friend me! :))
  • Reubinski
    Reubinski Posts: 37 Member
    I've never really been a fan of the "New Years Resolution." I've always thought that if it was important enough, you would always start right away and not waste time waiting for a specific day. There is no better time than right now to start working towards your goals, whether you are getting back on the wagon or just getting started! :)
  • I started back up again yesterday, even with honest reporting. No time like the present, eh?
  • me too!!! Back on track, no more excuses, I have control...lets do this!!! Happy and healthy 2013!!!!!
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Right, after what has basically been a month of being useless at diet and exercise I've given myself a strict talking to and have decided that today is the day to get a grip again.
    I've been food shopping for plenty of fruit and vegetables, put what is left of the Xmas goodies in a carrier bag, taped it closed and put it in the attic out of sight and have just got back from a 5k run.
    I really don't want all my hard work undone by a silly few weeks that included Xmas, my birthday, the dog being really ill and general naughtiness.

    So its back to 1200 cals a day, dog walking for an hour a day (he's better now) and some form of exercise each day (swimming, running, Shred) from now until I go back to work on Jan 7th.
    Then I'll be more realistic about exercise and go back to 3 or 4 times a week in addition to the dog walking.

    Anyone else not waiting for the New Year?

    Good on you. I fell off the wagon Oct - Dec but decided a day before my birthday that there is no point in waiting til New Year when I can start now. I left myself indulge on xmas and boxing day but now I'm back too it and hoping for a loss or at least to maintain when I weigh tomoro. I like your attitude and positivity so feel free to add me if you wish. Same to anyone else.
  • ktbollman
    ktbollman Posts: 32 Member
    This post makes me not want to wait until Jan 1. I have had a terrrrible 2 weeks and I just need to stop being lazy!!! Need to get myself back on track.
  • welshwoofer
    welshwoofer Posts: 56 Member
    Just a quick update - after a good day eating 1280 cals and doing a 5k run and a 60 min walk with the dog I woke up feeling less bloated and so had another sneaky weigh in - and I'm down 1lb!
    I know its only water weight after the sodium laden rubbish I've been eating but its encouragement to carry on.:happy: :happy:

    Hope others are feeling a bit less "swollen" today too :wink:
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I started the day after christmas, no excuses for me.
  • slimjenny21
    slimjenny21 Posts: 78 Member
    That's what I said!! Let's do it :)
    I love your plan, very organized!
  • Yay Peep! We have all gotten off to a good start and will be hitting January 1st motivated and on the right foot!!! I'm off to take my overly-fluffy dog for a morning walk. Funny ... I guess pets really do end up like their owners. Guess that means she's going to lose some weight too. :laugh:

    Y'all have an awesome day.
  • Yes, today is the day. I feel so depressed after being so good for 4 much weight much health gained....felt so good until I fell completely off the wagon 3 weeks ago. This is the first holdiay I have allowed myself to slack and while it all felt good going down, I gained back 10 hard lost pounds, quit exercising and can't seem to get my mojo back. I feel like crap and feel depressed (not clinically depressed and not cause I hate myself for slacking but because bad health habits make you feel like crap)....YET...knowing this....I can't seem to get back on's all about committment...let that begin TODAY!!!