Runners block

bigtwagner Posts: 113
My wife and i and a couple my fitness pal friends are running a half marathon and a full marathon the next day down at Disney World here in about 3 weeks. i have found that with running, attitude is everything. I know that if my body can physically handle it, the other 85% is all mental. I have run two other full marathons and 5 half's, so i know i can do it. My problem is that i Have hit a huge mental block due to the past few weeks of training. it started with a knee injury from playing rec basketball. Never do that again...The knee hasn't been the same since. Then our household took turns with the flu, and now we are sharing some pretty gnarly chest and facial colds. By no means is this intended to be a pity party. I am just trying to get ideas of what other runners do when they get mental/physical runners blocks and what i can do to get past this. its just at this point, i have no confidence that i will finish. What do you do to get you "mojo" back?


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I can relate to your plight - all I can say is get that 85% mental attiitude in the right place. Decide to do it and Just do it is the only way I can get past that block. Best of luck to you!!
  • missjeanlouise
    missjeanlouise Posts: 80 Member
    I find that I always get really anxious trying to get back to running. I've had long-term injuries and even surgery last year, so I know all about starting again!

    Even when I've only been off my running schedule for a week or so, it feels like a big hurdle to get back. The best thing I do is I tell myself, "No matter how little distance I get done, it is more than I've done in the past week (or however long it's been)." I used to really look down on myself if I could *only* run 3 miles. Having to come back from an injury where I couldn't run for 6 whole months was humbling and I learned to appreciate and acknowledge every mile.

    Now, get out there! We know you can do it!
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    What's keeping me going, and keeping my faint glimmer of hope that I'll finish from going out, is honestly you, and Robin, and Crystal. You guys that have done this crazy race before (and LIVED!). You've all been so supportive of me. I haven't exactly been diligent in my training either, and with my IT Band issues, it's made it even more difficult. But we CAN do it. Somehow in the masses, and despite starting in different corrals, I'll find you guys, and I'll gimp along with you. We can lean on each other, whine together, cry if we need to... but we WILL finish! Do what you can now, and we'll all band together for the race. :) GOOFYS UNITE!!
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    I drink a monster. Maybe not the best idea but it gives me the kick i need. Sorry to hear about your knee.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    That's tough! Tell yourself your only goal is to finish and let yourself walk if you have to. The Disney Marathon is fabulous and the atmosphere will push you through! Good luck!!!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Find a new route
    Make a new playlist
    Try a running partner or run in a group of friends
    Run intervals

    Just MAKE yourself do it. Once you get started you remember why you're a runner in the first place. Like others have said, the distance or time doesn't matter. Just DO IT...then do it again.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    I am a runner also and I was told, and I've even tried this with success - when the mental block comes on...take a week off from ALL exercise. Regroup and come back to it.
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