Taking a rest from exercise?!

Well, the new year break is approaching and all I'm doing is worrying about the fact I can't exercise for 3 days while I have a mini break away!! I work out hard 6 days a week and have done for months, but am so worried all my hard work will be undone!!I have read it is important to take a break, even a full week or two, and that you come back stronger!!I guess I'm just looking for your thoughts and to help ease my mind a bit that it will be ok!! Cant help thinking that by Wednesday with not being able to work out I will just lose all my muscle tone and be a flabby mess again lol!! Any experiences greatly appreciated!! Thank-you!! :o)


  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I take a week off every other month or so. My muscle does not disappear during the week off. ;)
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am another 6 day a week exerciser. Due to the holidays, I went 4 whole days with my only exercise being walking (eek). Third day back on the exercise trail, and yes I think I am a bit flabbier (probably all in my mind), and I also pulled a little muscle in my lower back (nothing major), but no ill effects.

    I doubt a few days off will have any major effect on your fitness levels.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Three days won't have any negative effect. You'll probably find yourself coming back stronger after the break.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I recently took a break and it helped a lot!
  • fionamc74
    fionamc74 Posts: 26 Member
    Thankyou lovely people!! I feel much better now :o) xx
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Well, the new year break is approaching and all I'm doing is worrying about the fact I can't exercise for 3 days while I have a mini break away!! I work out hard 6 days a week and have done for months, but am so worried all my hard work will be undone!!I have read it is important to take a break, even a full week or two, and that you come back stronger!!I guess I'm just looking for your thoughts and to help ease my mind a bit that it will be ok!! Cant help thinking that by Wednesday with not being able to work out I will just lose all my muscle tone and be a flabby mess again lol!! Any experiences greatly appreciated!! Thank-you!! :o)

    I know what you mean. I just was out of town for five days and was sure I was steadily gaining flab again. I ran to the gym the day after I came back and did my full workout, which made me feel better. My personal trainer said that sometimes it helps to take a break. Usually I work out six days a week too.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i was recently forced to take about 17 days off due o illness. it sucked at first because it's the longest i've gone without exercise in a long time but it was needed. my illness was gone, my shoulder and elbow joint pain gone AND i found that form on one of the exercises i was struggling with was suddenly like second nature.

    it's good to take time off every now and then.