what running shoes?

okay, so i have been reading "born to run" and the author investigates why his body hurts when he runs. he finds through a long journey, that it has been his shoes and running style. the "cushioning" shoes actually make our feet weaker because they become lazy when they are unable to flex through the whole motion necessary for natural running. the prevention of flexing our feet causes other problems in the achilles, feet (plantar faciitis), knees, back, or wherever. i want to find a minimalist shoe that isn't vibram five fingers, so what have people found that works for them without the aches and pains?
thanks in advance!


  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I have been running in skeletoes for about 8 months now.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    New balance minimus.
  • trchristy
    trchristy Posts: 155 Member
    what a coincidence unfortunately I dont have any words of wisdom but I was looking at shoes as well today and this very same book came up in conversation with the sales guy and some Nike shoes I was looking at. Hummm interested in what you find out. I need some new shoes as well.
  • Boshnivay
    Boshnivay Posts: 74 Member
    yeah, christy the guy in the book likes to point out often how nikes aren't that great except a few pairs they make? don't quote me on that. i have a pair of nikes right now, but after reading the bad things about them i sort of want to switch my shoes.
    angie, i've never heard of skeletoes, have you had any issues with them at all?