Could sore joints have something to do with diet?

I've noticed in the past couple of days that my joints (specifically knees and elbows) have been kind of sore and achy. Normally I would just blame this on exercise and be done with it, but I feel like it is kind of late in the game for them to just start hurting now. And I'm not even doing exercises with my arms so I don't know why my elbows would be sore.
It doesn't feel like exercise soreness either. I don't really know how to describe it. It's like the action of bending and relaxing these joints are tiresome for the ligaments rather than the muscles.
I know I don't eat AMAZINGLY, but I'm eating a LOT better than I was a few months ago. But I'm wondering if maybe my diet is missing something?
Or maybe I'm completely off and there's something else going on. I'd appreciate any advice you could give me!


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You might want to add a Calcium Supplement with Vitamin D added. I was having bone pain and was diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency. My doc gave me some high powered supplements and the pain went away.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I noticed that if I eat a lot of refined foods or sugars, then I get sore hips, feet. I stay away from sugars as much as possible and it alleviates the pain. I started taking a supplement called "Nutri-Joint" just before bed, which seems to help with the sore feet issue.
  • Granny2b
    Granny2b Posts: 91
    On the internet i recently read that if you dont drink enough water this can add to your joints being sore (among other things ) I cant remember the site that i was on but ill try and find it and post it to you. It is worthwhile trying to search the internet to see if you can find out anything about was just a thought !!! Let me know how you get on xxxxx
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member

    I agree with the water consumption for sure. Also, with added exercise, your body burns up a lot of potassium which can casuse joint and muscle soreness. Try eating a half of a banana before workouts and the other half with your breakfast. You will notice a world of difference!

    Good luck in all you do!

    Jan aka PoeRaven

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  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    From what understand from a friend (she studies Eastern Medicine), MY tension and soreness is likely caused by a lack of Calcium, Vitamin D and Magnesium. All 3 work hand in hand with the contraction and relaxation of muscles. I just bought some Magnesium and am also going to look for the Calcium + VitD that was recommended. Water, as said before, helps with muscle soreness. They become tighter when you do not have a lot of water. This is why water helps with TOM's cramps!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    you can also take emergen-c joint health daily for a while to see if that helps. it really helps my hubby who has gout.
  • Autumn920
    Try Fish Oils!! Or another form of healthy fats (Omega 3/Omega 6--almonds, flax, salmon, oilve oil). Fats help to keep joints lubricated (among other various, wonderful things!) I once completely cut fish oil, and most fats in general ,out of my diet, and boy did my knees hate me for it. I noticed a complete difference once I re-incorporated Fish oils back into my diet.