Need advice to stop over eating after sunset

I've noticed I can go thru the day and keep my diet right on track. I stay active and this helps me fight my urge to eat unheathy or over my limits for the day. But after the sun goes down and after my dinner....

I become a Vampire of food!!! I seem to start munching on about everything that is easy and in reach. At this time of day I am usually winding down and don't feel like being active or exercising. I usually chill out and start snacking. I know I should have a cut off time for food but I feel as if my taste buds cramp up if I don't satisfy them!


  • kenziekat17
    I would try chewing gum. They have dessert gums that may satisfy the need for some sweet treats at night. Also maybe try preparing little bags of snacks for those nights that you need to eat something. like some veggies or some nuts. Another suggestion is brush your teeth if you start wanting to snack. Hope it helps :D
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I generally eat about 500 calories after dinner. I just budget it into my calorie allowance for the day. There are also some low calorie but high volume snacks you can try. I like popcorn and cucumbers (not together :) ) for low calorie snacks.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    I'm like this too, so I try and save my dinner until later at night and then go to bed when the munchies kick in.
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I don't generally let myself eat after dinner. Only because I know for me once I start snacking I won't want to stop.. I drink tea at night and go to bed early.
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    Something you can do is just munch on "zero calorie" foods. I typically don't eat dinner until 8 pm anyway because that's when I'm getting home from the gym.

    I've curbed my night-time binges by eating my dinner later and finding hobbies to keep me busy. I constantly keep my mind entertained to avoid boredom eating (I have binge eating disorder, boredom eating is an easy trap for me to fall into).

    Something else to do is try drinking a glass of water. Sometimes our body reads signs of dehydration and sends out signals for hunger instead of thirst.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I am usually not very hungry in the morning, so I save most of my calories for the evening. Meal timing is irrelevant for fat loss. Just space your calories out for what works best for you.
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    Thank you for all your tips and advice! I have this exact same problem. Total blowout after dinner. My trigger is tiredness, but I already go to bed at 8pm, any earlier and I'd beat my daughter to bed! The rest of my day food and exercise wise is perfect. A shame and something I'd like to accomplish.

    I'm sure all the food ads on tv at this time DO NOT help whatsoever.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I had to give up on that and skip breakfast instead.
    For years people went into orbit over breakfast being so important, and then they started saying maybe it wasn't so important...AHHHHHHHHH:explode:

    I did some research on Intermittent Fasting.
    Basically I fast for 16 hours daily, the eat in an 8 hour window; usually my last snack is 9pm
    I just can't go to bed hungry.
    Whatever you find that works...GOOD LUCK!
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I am usually not very hungry in the morning, so I save most of my calories for the evening. Meal timing is irrelevant for fat loss. Just space your calories out for what works best for you.


    i am so happy now that i do this

    coffee for breakfast
    i eat most of my calories later in the day..i love eating at night.
    i no longer stress about it
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Increase your water intake after dinner to stay at the 'full feeling'. Also you might want to try Caseine Protein shakes about 2 hours after your dinner or right before bed depending on the timing... caseine is a slow digesting protein and should get you through the night, also helps with muscle repair/growth if you are lifting.

    If you need something to munch on try natural almonds...
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Because I used to like to snack at night while watching TV I started exercising during commercials with hand weights (sometimes shouting angrily at the pizza and chips commercials if truth be known).

    When I'm not watching TV but I'm generally hungry it's because I either ate too many carbs that day and I'm craving or I didn't eat enough food.

    If I'm bored and whiny munchy hungry I will sometimes drag myself out for a walk or a run. Anything to distract myself from that idiot fat voice in my head that is saying, "I want..."

    Also, sometimes water shuts her up. Because sometimes my inner fat chick was actually thirsty.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I am usually not very hungry in the morning, so I save most of my calories for the evening. Meal timing is irrelevant for fat loss. Just space your calories out for what works best for you.


    i am so happy now that i do this

    coffee for breakfast
    i eat most of my calories later in the day..i love eating at night.
    i no longer stress about it

    I agree with both of these! Most days I have 800-1100 calories left after 6 PM. I enjoy big dinners and ice cream later on. Still staying within calorie and macro limits.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    You aren't eating a large enough meal for dinner. Since you tend to want to snack in the evenings, you should save the bulk of your daily calories until your last meal of the day. That way you'll feel satisfied and not wish to snack all night.

    I've found that I do much, much better fasting in the mornings and can go much longer without food when I don't eat in the am. If I do eat early, I will eat more overall, so I set my IF times from 1-2pm until about 8pm. So much easier that way.
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    caseine is a slow digesting protein

    caseine is a milk protein. for dairy-restrictive people, this is not a good option. (just mentioning this for anyone who is trying to cut dairy out of their diet)
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    If you think it matters what time you eat, I really don't think it does.

    I eat around half my calories for the day at night, sometimes I eat dinner at midnight and something else again at like 2 am. It has never been a problem.

    On "normal" days when I wake up at 8 am and go to sleep around midnight or 1 am, I have dinner around 930 or 10pm and usually a snack after. Still doesn't matter.
  • housenoob
    housenoob Posts: 34 Member
    if your watching TV then let me say this it gives you a lot of time to think and during commercials you get so bored it drives you to food try something more active like a book(keeps you thinking) a movie(no commercials) dvr (no commercials)or netflix(no commercials). if exercise make you happy you could just walk around. part of it might be that your telling yourself food makes you makes you happy. but if you end up being unsatisfied then there no point wasting time eating all that junk food.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am usually not very hungry in the morning, so I save most of my calories for the evening. Meal timing is irrelevant for fat loss. Just space your calories out for what works best for you.

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I just budget my calories so I can have night snacks.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I've noticed I can go thru the day and keep my diet right on track. I stay active and this helps me fight my urge to eat unheathy or over my limits for the day. But after the sun goes down and after my dinner....

    I become a Vampire of food!!! I seem to start munching on about everything that is easy and in reach. At this time of day I am usually winding down and don't feel like being active or exercising. I usually chill out and start snacking. I know I should have a cut off time for food but I feel as if my taste buds cramp up if I don't satisfy them!

    Review what you are eating earlier in the day, especially your evening meal - try to keep your blood sugar levels stable, fill yourself up with a combination of lean protein, healthy fats, fibre and water rich foods (low sugar fruits and non starchy vegetables). If you are stuffed to the gills and you are eating a diet containing ALL the nutrients your body needs you should not want to/ be able to snack in any big way. Also remove high risk foods from your house and take up a hobby that keeps your hands and mouth busy.
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    I had to give up on that and skip breakfast instead.
    For years people went into orbit over breakfast being so important, and then they started saying maybe it wasn't so important...AHHHHHHHHH:explode:

    I did some research on Intermittent Fasting.
    Basically I fast for 16 hours daily, the eat in an 8 hour window; usually my last snack is 9pm
    I just can't go to bed hungry.
    Whatever you find that works...GOOD LUCK!

    I heard about this, a dude at my job lost a ton of weight doing this.....No prob eating when you are hungry. The problem arises when you don't eat when you're hungry. So many times we think we have to starve to lose weight. No way....burn the fat/Feed the muscle..............