eating what you want as long as its under your calories?



  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    Yes, everything in moderation. I try my darnest To eat a veggie with every meal and a serving or few of fruit daily. But I still eat yummy treats, etc in between. :).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hmmm I'm mixed about it...

    Yes, you will get results that way (I've always had results doing that). But because you're not changing your eating habits overall, it doesn't work in the long run.

    More than that... and I'm going to harp a little here and possibly step on some toes, but I'm just saying... Dairy, is REALLY bad for you. Dairy is extremely high in fats and sugars, AND the "calcium" and "vitamin D" that are found in dairy are ADDED in there. Dairy is not a natural source of Vitamin D or Calcium.

    If you want to see really awesome improvements, drop the dairy. Your weight will decrease, and your digestion and immune system will improve.

    I recommend giving it a try.

    If you have to have ice cream or milk shakes or smoothies, try homemaking it and substituting milk for almond milk. much healthier and homemade tastes soooo much better!!!

    lolz. FF milk has no fat and there is nothing wrong with fats in dairy anyway. There is protein and a bunch of nutrients in milk. The carbs are not that high and there is nothing wrong with them as long as they fit into your macros.

    Almond milk has no protein so no, it is not better, at least for me.

    I have about 4 cups of milk, a serving of ice cream , cheese and/or yogurt ever single day - it has not done me or my weight loss any harm
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Honestly Its not just about the calories their are so many things you have to look at while losing weight you might lose at first but you will stall out, And honestly It is harder to break down like bad foods Like eating healthy meats veggies Fruits diary and whole wheat stick to that and you will be fine, Like Honestly, Dont eat like all this bad stuff, because it wont last in the long run and you will feel like crap in the long run!
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    <--- junk food eater! I'm not even lying! As long as i get my protein, i don't care how i get my calories..

    25lbs down, just sayin.

    P.s.. Try and eat ALL your calories..
  • FarmGirl69
    Yup...that is what I do...I would never stick to a 'rabbit food' kind of diet. I eat what I want within reason but try to stay at my calorie goal each day...if I go over, I don't sweat it....I just try to get back on track the next day. Add me if you like and you can check out my diary :drinker:
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Hmmm I'm mixed about it...

    Yes, you will get results that way (I've always had results doing that). But because you're not changing your eating habits overall, it doesn't work in the long run.

    More than that... and I'm going to harp a little here and possibly step on some toes, but I'm just saying... Dairy, is REALLY bad for you. Dairy is extremely high in fats and sugars, AND the "calcium" and "vitamin D" that are found in dairy are ADDED in there. Dairy is not a natural source of Vitamin D or Calcium.

    If you want to see really awesome improvements, drop the dairy. Your weight will decrease, and your digestion and immune system will improve.

    I recommend giving it a try.

    If you have to have ice cream or milk shakes or smoothies, try homemaking it and substituting milk for almond milk. much healthier and homemade tastes soooo much better!!!

    Dairy is really bad for you?! Please explain more! Or, provide some studies that you've read.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Depends on your health goals... but yes it works. A calorie is a calorie to your body...

    HOWEVER... if your goal is to lose fat... then eating pop-tarts, doughnut holes, and sticks of butter rolled in sugar on a stick... isn't gonna get the job done. Sorry.

    and yes... i'm guilty of a pop-tart... or two... as a treat... but not consistently LOL
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I can eat like this, and still lose weight. However, I don't have as much energy, and I have to seriously guzzle water to avoid bloating. Also, if eating whatever you want includes processed food you'll find the portions are often much smaller than something you can make fresh.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I work in whatever I desire so long as it fits in my calorie limit and macro balance.
    And I try to plan this a day in advance.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Hmmm I'm mixed about it...

    Yes, you will get results that way (I've always had results doing that). But because you're not changing your eating habits overall, it doesn't work in the long run.

    More than that... and I'm going to harp a little here and possibly step on some toes, but I'm just saying... Dairy, is REALLY bad for you. Dairy is extremely high in fats and sugars, AND the "calcium" and "vitamin D" that are found in dairy are ADDED in there. Dairy is not a natural source of Vitamin D or Calcium.

    If you want to see really awesome improvements, drop the dairy. Your weight will decrease, and your digestion and immune system will improve.

    I recommend giving it a try.

    If you have to have ice cream or milk shakes or smoothies, try homemaking it and substituting milk for almond milk. much healthier and homemade tastes soooo much better!!!

    I actually think it makes it easier to maintain long term if you allow yourself to eat "normal" food. Personally I can't do restrictive diets long term.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    I gave up cow milk and my allergies and congestion cleared up. If I want ice cream I make my own protein ice cream and it kills my craving... and gets me to my protein goal...
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    Yes, everything in moderation. I try my darnest To eat a veggie with every meal and a serving or few of fruit daily. But I still eat yummy treats, etc in between. :).

    This is exactly the way I have done it as well ;)
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Your body has a harder time breaking down artificial sugars rather than natural sugars. You'll lose because of the lower calories but you'll lose healthier and faster eating natural, cleaner foods. Ice cream and chocolate have tons of sugar and your body will have a hard time breaking that down, so obviously a piece of fruit is the better choice.

  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    it's not really a restrictive diet. cutting something out (once you've managed to do it) becomes routine.

    I've made several cuts this way. After a while it's not restrictive at all. Eating is a habit, and like all habits, it's hard to break. Once you do, you can find yourself healthier.

    I've cut out in the past year and a half: red meat, ALL dairy, and kicked my soda habit.

    it's a beach, but it's definitely worth it.

    It takes patience though.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    I pretty much do this, but you learn over time that some food decisions mean hunger some a sense of being full. I don't do soda or candy they are my only no go foods. From there I eat what I want. As I lost weight and my calories got cut my desires evolved based on what satisfied me both physically and in life. Pizza stayed, most sandwiches went. Just trust the process.

    Good Luck.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I've cut out in the past year and a half: red meat, ALL dairy, and kicked my soda habit.

    I'm glad what you're doing is working for you, but eating isn't a habit as much as both a necessity and a pleasure. and if I've got to eat, I might as well enjoy the things I'm eating. and if I took out all these things ... well, I don't have to even think about it, I guess, because it ain't gonna happen.
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    just because you're losing weight doesn't mean you're getting healthy.
    Skinny =/= healthy...

    I'm just saying.
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    Haha wow...

    I usually don't post on these boards to try to help out, because of how fast things escalate...

    Check out my diary OP, you can see what I eat and how much I've lost. I eat foods I like and I eat lots. I treat myself plenty. I'm not saying that you're not going to lose by eating ice cream every day. Do some research :) and do what works for you! A healthier option is fruit, regardless of how many people tell me I'm wrong. Now MY way is trying to make healthier choices for long term success, but that's only my own choice :) and if you want to eat a chocolate bar a day, go for it! :) you will lose on a low calorie diet for sure!
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    That's what I do, and I still lose.

    Granted when I've tried to be more restrictive and NOT do that in the past, I "fell off the wagon" and not only stalled, but gained back all I'd lost AND some.

    If I can't have goodies (I don't live off of only junk, every day), it wouldn't be sustainable for me.
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    I've cut out in the past year and a half: red meat, ALL dairy, and kicked my soda habit.

    I'm glad what you're doing is working for you, but eating isn't a habit as much as both a necessity and a pleasure. and if I've got to eat, I might as well enjoy the things I'm eating. and if I took out all these things ... well, I don't have to even think about it, I guess, because it ain't gonna happen.

    you're right, eating is a necessity, but the choices you make to eat are habit. if it wasn't, cutting junk out of your diet would be easy and everyone would be fit and thin.

    I enjoy everything I eat. =/ you don't have to deprive yourself of good food just because you cut all junk out. there are lots of ways to take all of my guilty pleasures and turn them into healthy pleasures. Then I don't have to feel guilty.

    but whatever. it's your body.

    I prefer mine to be healthy and fit