

  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Wow, I need to try P90X! Had hummus/veggie protein slice/spinach sandwich and tomato soup for dinner, dannon lite yogurt for dessert, ran for 40 min and did circuit training. Also had a bit of wine :) but I have 350 cals left and it's so tempting to find something to eat just to eat, but I'm actually not hungry so in the spirit of forming good habits i'm holding off. Do you guys always eat ALL of your workout cals even if you're not hungry? (fyi, I've been on these boards enough to know this is a hot topic :)
  • Raches5638
    I know that some people feel otherwise, but if I'm under on my calorie count because of exercise and I'm not hungry, I don't necessarily eat just to make up those calories. I never let myself have lower than a 1350 calorie day because that's my BMR. Most days that's not a problem of course (because I love to eat!), but sometimes if I'm eating lots of veggies or lower calorie foods AND exercising a lot in that day, the calories just don't add up that fast. I've always felt like in order to lose, there needs to be a calorie deficit. And if some days that difference is greater than other days, then that can be considered a good thing, and not a bad thing...

    But then again, I'm no expert, and still not at my goal weight, so who am I to say?! :smile: That's just my opinion anyway...
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    I know that some people feel otherwise, but if I'm under on my calorie count because of exercise and I'm not hungry, I don't necessarily eat just to make up those calories. I never let myself have lower than a 1350 calorie day because that's my BMR. Most days that's not a problem of course (because I love to eat!), but sometimes if I'm eating lots of veggies or lower calorie foods AND exercising a lot in that day, the calories just don't add up that fast. I've always felt like in order to lose, there needs to be a calorie deficit. And if some days that difference is greater than other days, then that can be considered a good thing, and not a bad thing...

    But then again, I'm no expert, and still not at my goal weight, so who am I to say?! :smile: That's just my opinion anyway...

    I agree with you 100%...thats why I make sure my 3 main meals ( Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) are at least 350-400 cals (healthy choices of course.. I eat my Complex carbs with Breakfast and Lunch. I eat Simple Carbs (veggies) with Lunch & Dinner and (fruits) with my in between snacks. The only simple carbs people should be eating are fruits and veggies. You can treat yourself to a piece of chocolate or brownie, but, be responsible.
    It's a beautiful day outside everyone...lets burn the fat away !!!!
  • nicoled87
    nicoled87 Posts: 20
    Loving all the meal ideas!! Thank you for the continued motivation!! Hope you girls have a great day!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    So not everything went as planned yesterday. I eded up with 450 calories at the end of the day, but mostly all of it was to be protein and I had no fat or carbs left... so I didn't know what to eat. Can any of you help me with high protein, low fat and carb snacks? I ended up just drinking a ton of water and going to bed :).

    I wasn't able to get to the gym. I did some core work at home. But that was it.

    I do have planned to do a 60 circuit training class and then a 90 minute Yoga class tonight. So new day, new start.

    Hope you are all having a good one.
  • katie101
    katie101 Posts: 2
    Unfortunately I was over my goal yesterday due to beer and 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich. (Tuesdays are quizzo night.) And my boyfriend and I got distracted and never actually made it out of the house for a jog yesterday evening. But I'm feeling good today and am on set with my calories. Planning to do yoga tonight after laying out and enjoying the sunshine.

    Do most of you pack your lunches for work? Any suggestions for healthy lunch choices from the deli? I usually try to pack my lunch but sometimes don't have food or enough time in the morning.

    Great job everyone! Keep it up for weigh-in on Friday!
  • lunacat
    lunacat Posts: 5
    I 64 min of cardio with my man Shawn T. Still lunch time here. Having a salad with a boiled egg.
  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    NYGoddess77 - I love your recipe with the cucumber yogurt dip and tuna, sounds good!

    Reading everyone's posts really helps me stay on track, have a birthday coming up at the end of the month and I want to COMFORTABLY fit in my jeans when I go out LOL!!!! Have a good evening everyone.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    15min run warm up and 60 min circuit training class which I count as cardio b/c my heart is racing the whole time!

    I usually do pack my lunches for work and I usually try to do most of it the night before. I work in a hospital and you think the food would be good but surprisingly there aren't a lot of options. I sometimes do a grilled veggie burger (could also do the grilled chicken), soup that is vegetable based, or veggies, hummus, but honestly most of what is there is fried, deep dish pizzas, creamy pastas. I'm better off staying away from it altogether!

    Any ideas for healthy, filling on-the-go breakfasts? I'm so sick of the granola bar thing and I leave pretty early so breakfast before doesn't really work.
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    I am VERY passionate about giving blood, and my 56 days were up on April 2nd. I am planning a blood drive at my church June 11th with a friend, so I needed to give this week to be able to give at the blood drive! ... So today was hard diet wise. I did my best, I did snack quite a bit though because I needed the calories.

    I decided to run, which I probably shouldn't have due to less blood and oxygen carrying capicity. But I don't want to get off track, I run M-W-F and I do NOT want to get away from that. I ended only 58 calories over, which in light of giving blood and what I ate... I don't think that was too bad.

    Because my run I was 208 over... so at least I ended with less!

    Hope each of you are having a good day! It's idol time!!

    Night loves!
  • Raches5638
    For filling breakfasts, I usually do some form of a shake...whey powder with some yogurt, skim milk, PB and 1/2 a banana (with ice). Ends up tasting like a banana split.....if you use your imagination.

    Today I did yogurt, little cooked oatmeal, fresh strawberries and milk. Yum.

    The other thing I like about shakes, besides the fact that they surprisingly fill you up, but it's easier to "eat" it on the road. I always take mine in the car and it's easier than trying to manage a bar or muffin or whatever else.

    I'm a teacher and my kiddos come at 7:30 so I need to be there well before that. I generally drink my smoothie on the go, and then try to drink as much water as I can in the am without having to pee...
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member

    I had a great day yesterday. Stayed under my calories. Still trying to eat more protein, but I did go grocery shopping yesterday to load up on some healthy snacks and quick dinner options.

    I've been getting used to not drinking anything other than water with the occacional sobe 0. So the water goal has been super easy to complete.

    I did 35 minutes uphil on the treadmill and 60 minutes circuit training yesters. Let me just tell you. My legs are totally sore today (good sore). Going back to the gym for more tonight.

  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    Hey all!

    Today has been a good day, it's amazing how hard working in a hospital wears you down when you are dieting! ... But I survived and only had a wheat roll from someone else! I even turned down chocolate! haha.

    I am starting to get a bit discouraged though... I haven't really seen any weightloss in the last week. I am holding out for tomorrow that it will show me something. I have increased my excercise quiet a bit and maybe I am building muscle. I am hopeful that is what it is...because I have been soo good eatting wise and running.

    I do notice a difference in how my clothes are fitting...maybe it's just the muscle building up.

    Have a good night all!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Good day today for me too. Both my fiance and I had the day off and we took our dog on a long hike followed by a gym date :) Stayed under the calories with reasonable foods and felt satisfied (probably because I got the extra exercise calories).

    Tomorrows going to be difficult for me because I'm on call so automatically no gym and only food available is what I pack and hospital cafeteria. It's also so hard for me not to eat and therefore end up with three extra meals when I'm awake all night. But I'm going to try to stay motivated!

    Anyway, I'm going to post my weigh-in today since I won't have a chance tomorrow.

    Starting weight: 140
    Weight at beginning of challenge: 137
    Current weight: 135.4
    Goal weight: 125
  • Raches5638
    Glad you girls are doing well and sounds like good things are happening! :) I had a bad day today....I had parent teacher conferences so my kiddos left at 11:45 and then I had conferences off and on until 8 tonight. Had to eat from school which was great, but PTO provided dinner and there were so many sweets (my weakness). I had a small piece of chocolate cake....and then later a brownie....ugh. And I didn't get a chance to work out because my house hasn't been cleaned in forever, so that's what I did when I got home. I know I'm too hard on myself....but I need to learn how to resist my sweet tooth better...

    Kind of dreading the weigh in tomorrow...BUT thankful for this little group. Have a great day girls! :)
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    Glad to report this morning that the scales did change some! YAY!

    Current Weight: 124.8
    Starting Weight of Challege: 126.4
    Goal Weight: 120
  • Raches5638
    I second Sammy. :)

    Current Weight: 133.8
    Starting Weight of Challenge: 135
    Goal Weight: 125
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member

    My scale didn't budge this week. But I did start lifting weights so I'm hoping is the whole thing about musle weighting more than fat. Either way I feel great and stil motivated.

    SW - 183
    CW - 170
    GW - 160

  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello, here are my results......

    start weight with mfp .................................164.5

    start weight on this challenge 4/5/10......144

    todays weight on 4/9/10............................143

    Hope you all have a good weekend, I am working again this weekend and the weather is really nice at the moment so we will be busy i guess, that will keep my mind off food!!!!.
  • lunacat
    lunacat Posts: 5
    Here are my results for this week

    starting out 150lbs

    current 148lbs