January 2013 Move Your A$S Challenge



  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    January goal of 120 miles walking - down a bit from December as I will be away for 10 days :smile:
  • happynmellow
    January goal of 100 miles, I have been doing closer to 200, but I am starting 30 day shredd Jan 1st, so better stick to 100 for January! :) I really LOVE These challenges, it helps keep me motivated!! Thank you!!!!!!!!
  • strongershell
    Since it doesn't appear that I am going to meet Decembers goal, I will stay at 80 miles for January.
  • future_rockstar
    future_rockstar Posts: 711 Member
    I'm going to aim for 100 miles in January.
  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,954 Member
    Going to try for 50 miles and hope my knee will be ok with that.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I completed 100 miles in December, so I'm going to up it to 120 for January... we'll see how that goes.
    Separately, I am going to challenge myself to make 40 of those miles running which is a major stretch goal for me. The rest will be walking/hiking.
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    62 miles for January

  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    Goal for January will be 150 miles. I have set myself a personal challenge (the idea coming from this awesome challenge) to do 2,013 miles in 2013. :smile:

    Love this, I am in for 168 miles which translates to 269 km.... wow, I am little intimadated now. I will be biking many of them, as that is the main measurable exercise avaliable. I have no gym membership at this time so most of my walking is done indoors at the mall during the cold winter with small children. (thank goodness I live close to a huge mall =))
  • mandysmom092711
    I'm in for 180 miles in January, 2013! I'm also working on the 2013 miles in 2013, so gotta get the extra when I can....preferably before allergy season gets here!
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    Shooting for 75 miles in January.

    Will hopefully end up with more, but not sure what the month will look like with the new semester starting up ... so many of my December miles came after I finally got semester grades posted.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    My goals for the next few months will be a bit lower as I run outside and the weather is not always the best here. So for January I am aiming for 70 miles!
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    200 miles in January for me.
  • LBournes10Again
    I would love to join the challenge. I would like to walk or run 50 miles
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    This will be my first MYAC challenge. My goal is 50 miles for January.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I failed in November and didn't do December, I'm ready to try this again for January.

    100 miles.
  • katb25
    katb25 Posts: 59 Member
    Dec was my 1st challenge and I'm just barely gonna make my goal. I'm gonna push myself and increase my goal to 90 miles for January.
  • cchendrix
    cchendrix Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in for 62 miles :)
  • Beccalicious420
    I'd like to start with 31 miles for January.
  • welshwoofer
    welshwoofer Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in for 100 km in January - running and walking the dog.
  • JanisAtki
    JanisAtki Posts: 77 Member
    This is my first go at this. I'll put my hand up for 75km running/walking (about 46 mile I think).