62 lbs down, still in progress

evelynr14 Posts: 172 Member
Hey guys! My name is Evelyn. I'm 23 years old and I am 5 ft tall (:P). May 2010 I weighed 245lbs at my highest known weight. I never weighed myself and consistently ate fast food and drank so much soda. I was truly out of control and my family couldn't tell me anything because I would burst into tears. I was wearing a size 22 and nothing would fit me right because I was so short. It was truly horrible and I didn't like myself one bit. People always told me I had a pretty face and I needed to lose weight. But in reality I felt disgusting and just ugly... I finally decided that I wasn't going to waste my life feeling horrible about myself. So I started MFP with 235lbs.

Now, I am finally at 183. Which might be super heavy for my height, but for my frame style it's not THAT horrible. I have never loved myself like I do now. I know I still have to lose a good 20 - 30lbs just because I still want to maintain my curves.

I have the reached the point where I am not so worried about losing the weight. I am more worried about my saggy skin :( my arms are full of fat, I have one love handle bigger than the other one. I have this boob fat on my sides. My tummy skin is saggy. I need help ! I need advice, what do you guys recommend? I know weight lifting but please be a bit more specific.

I also need new friends who are motivated or have similar weight goals. Please feel free to add me!

Anyways here are my progress pics...

Thank you all for your time!

AT 240



Most recently...



  • childermass
    childermass Posts: 115 Member
    No Pics! :(
    I don't have the same issues as you, but WELL DONE for fighting through those feelings to get somewhere where you like yourself!
    Hopefully someone with a heap of knowledge and experience can help you with specifics :)
  • The pictures aren't showing up with me :(

    I can see what a great job you've done from your profile, you've done a brilliant job! You should be so proud.
  • evelynr14
    evelynr14 Posts: 172 Member
    No Pics! :(
    I don't have the same issues as you, but WELL DONE for fighting through those feelings to get somewhere where you like yourself!
    Hopefully someone with a heap of knowledge and experience can help you with specifics :)

    I fixed the photos and Thank you!
  • evelynr14
    evelynr14 Posts: 172 Member
    The pictures aren't showing up with me :(

    I can see what a great job you've done from your profile, you've done a brilliant job! You should be so proud.

    Sorry! I fixed it, thank you!
  • Congrats! Yes lifting weights will help but I think you need to keep doing whatever you've been doing. Your body will keep changing for the better :)
  • You have come such a long way... congrats on your loss! Amazing change!
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    Wow! Congratulations! Keep up the good work :)
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Good for you for being interested in lifting! :D Do you have access to a gym? As for a program, you could try The New Rules of Lifting for Women, Stronglifts 5x5, Jamie Easons Livefit, etc. There are lots of programs out there! :)

    Form is very important. Super important. Did I mention it is important? lol If you are at all like me, you might consider a trainer for a few sessions in order to assure that you are doing the exercises correctly to improve progress and avoid injury. Cheers.

    Oh and GREAT WORK!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! Your hard work shows - You are a beautiful young lady.
  • kat65
    kat65 Posts: 124 Member
    Walking and weight lifting will help.

    Please remember that it takes time for your skin to become firm. You are young so it should form up really nice. In addition it helps to lose weight slow.

    Keep up the good work!! You look awesome.
  • Hey, just want to say, you look awesome in ALL your pics! Keep up the good work!
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    Wow! A true hour glass figure. I see what you mean about not losing your curves. They are very attractive. Not that I'm into girls like that :) but I think that's the most feminine look.
  • Have you tried Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred? I've lost some inches and toned a bit by doing that. She incorporates weights with cardio. Congrats on your progress so far. I know what it's like being a shorty with lots of baggage (5'2", started at 200). Feel free to add me if you want. Keep up the great work!
  • Keep up the marvelous job, pretty girl!!!!
  • Clemsonmom
    Clemsonmom Posts: 92 Member
    great job! proud of you
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Whoever said you're beautiful was right. You're doing GREAT!

    I'm glad to hear that you love yourself. That's a huge thing... all of us who wrestle with weight understand. A big part of that is honoring the promises we make to ourselves. You decided to lose weight and you're doing it. In doing so, you're showing your strength of character. You can trust yourself more because you aren't betraying yourself. Trust is important in any relationship, even with yourself.

    Now that you trust yourself more, and love yourself more, nothing that can stop you. You can go forward to improve all areas of your life and get the life you dream about. Your weight-loss and fitness goals are an awesome place to start.

    I believe in lifting and would encourage you to do it. Start slow with light weights. You don't want to overdo it. Keep doing what you've been doing to lose the weight too. Maybe alternate cardio and lifting days. That's what I do... although I throw in some extra cardio on my lifting days too. Make sure you get plenty of protein when you're lifting. Muscles need protein to grow - and you want your muscles to grow. It doesn't mean you're going to have big muscles, just firm and toned.

    For now, though, be proud of what you've already accomplished. You're doing GREAT!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    62 Lbs is such a great loss!!! You have worked so hard and it shows!! You were gorgeous to begin with and you look amazing now ! Although your loss is a really great thing and something to really be proud of your self esteem is a much more precious and important notion. I'll tell you something, it has taken me a long time to grasp this, and still don't really fully embrace it the way I need to (which is something I'm working on lol) -is that self love shouldn't be put off until you hit goal weight or until you can wear certain things.. it should be given freely and abundantly here and now!! (:
  • megziejo
    megziejo Posts: 47 Member
    Great job! 62 lbs is a huge accomplishment and you look fabulous!

    I've recently started 30 day shred and I'm so impressed with the results. I've never really exercised before and I'm amazed how good I feel everyday. In 1 week my arms are noticeably toner and I've lost an inch off each. You can find it on YouTube and all you need is some light hand weights. I've even read some people start with soup cans.

    Keep it up! You will find what works for you!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Evelynn.. You have done so well so far. Keep up the good work. Yes, you do have more to lose... but look how far you have come. Honestly, Yes... you do need to lose additional weight.. You need to focus on cardio and portion control for that. Maintain a good deficit. Add weight training to begin the process of reshaping your body the way you want it to look. You can do this. Get with a personal trainer at a gym and he/she can really help you become the person you wish to become. We are pulling for you. Great job so far!!!!
  • Congratulations! I'm also 5'0 and was over 200 pounds when I began. I just hit the 100s, which has me very excited.

    I have also lived through the "short, big girl" clothes shopping dilemma. Pants would be too long, and the butt would look saggy. I avoided jeans at all costs.

    Thank you for your post -- it's such awesome motivation! You look amazing! (I've also sent you a friend request!).

    Best of luck!
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