Suffering from severe Joint Pain

It has been 2 weeks since when I am suffering from severe joint pain. First I felt may be its due to the stress my body has undergone but the pain is still persisting for which I am unable to sleep at night. Someone has recommended to do some low impact activities daily and also to maintain an healthy balanced diet so that I can get some relief from such pain. So, I am here to know what shall I include in my diet so that the pain decreases. What kind of food products would be effective.


  • mrykyldy2
    mrykyldy2 Posts: 96 Member
    I am not really a huge believer in eating to ease joint pain. Although I do know that people with joint pain will use pools to work out in when they have joint pain. I had hurt my shoulder last year and was unable to use weights but was able to get in a full body work out in the pool with out my shoulder hurting. I am not sure what you pain is from and you will want to talk to your doctor about what exercise program would be best for you. I am just letting you know what my husband as an RN has told his patients when they would leave the hospital.
  • ducoteycd
    ducoteycd Posts: 26 Member
    Do you lift weights regularly? And if so do you usually lift heavy?

    Healthy fats like omega 3s are good for helping to cushion joints, as well as all the other endless health benefits I'm sure you've heard of.
    Also a glucosamine and condroitin supplement could help to some degree. I have tendinitis (golfers and tennis elbow) in both elbows and my glucosamine supplement has definitely helped aid in some relief.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Are you taking any statin drugs like lipitor? They can cause joint pain. There are also a lot of articles claiming that aspartame can cause joint pain. If you use aspartame or drink diet sodas with it you can quit for a few weeks and see if the pain subsides. You can search both of these.
  • ChristinaR720
    I recommend discussing this with your doctor. Your joint pain could be due to a number of things. If the pain is severe enough to keep you awake during the night, something more serious might be going on. Also, the lack of sleep could possibly be exacerbating the issue.
  • stanluoser
    Get Orange Triad! It works great. Multivitamin, helps in digestion and joints. Joints use to hurt while lifting and since taking it, my joints have been feeling much better.
  • mikejamesjhm
    No, ducoteycd I am not gaining any kind of weight nor do I lift very heavy things I just practice yoga, sometimes aerobics.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Have you seen a doctor about this? If not, please do so ASAP. Any advice you get here could just cause you more harm than good. You could end up seriously injuring yourself. There's a reason this is at the bottom of the page:

    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    As someone who has suffered lifelong severe joint pain, I urge you to seek the advice of a doctor. Not random internet strangers.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Have you seen a doctor about this? If not, please do so ASAP. Any advice you get here could just cause you more harm than good. You could end up seriously injuring yourself. There's a reason this is at the bottom of the page:

    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    As someone who has suffered lifelong severe joint pain, I urge you to seek the advice of a doctor. Not random internet strangers.

    It could be nothing or it could be something very serious - only your doctor can tell. Go get checked out.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    It has been 2 weeks since when I am suffering from severe joint pain. First I felt may be its due to the stress my body has undergone but the pain is still persisting for which I am unable to sleep at night. Someone has recommended to do some low impact activities daily and also to maintain an healthy balanced diet so that I can get some relief from such pain. So, I am here to know what shall I include in my diet so that the pain decreases. What kind of food products would be effective.

    I would say first stop - see your GP and/or a physio.
    My GP and several pharmacists (Plus my Physio and PT!) all recommended Glucosamine Sulphate & Chondroitin Sulphate supplements which can OVER TIME aid with joint health and cartilage repair. I emphasise OVER TIME as you will expect to have to take them over a period of months before really seeing a benefit.

    Low impact will help in being able to at least exercise - but you don't mention where the joint pain is - so again you would need to ask someone professional what they would recommend.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Have you gone from zero to hero with the workouts? If so you may need to slooooooow down tiger. Maybe start building your fitness through low impact then start a slow and steady increase to weight bearing and lifting.

    If you have been exercising a while and are suddenly experiencing joint pain then see your doctor. You may have something else going on there.

    Glucosamine is an excellent supplement to help with joint pain but do not take it if you have a seafood/shellfish allergy.
  • mikejamesjhm
    Thanks all for your responses, I am searching now for an good PT who can advice and recommend me the best medication so that I can be relieved from this pain.
  • mikejamesjhm
    This is to let you all know that I have been visiting an better PT who is medicating me well and the pain has reduced to minimal level. Feeling much better than before. The doctor has also recommended me an diet plan to be maintained so that frequently i don't get the pain and I am up to it.