Have you ever wanted to?!?

Have you ever wanted to string your kids upside down by their toes and leave em for the birds ?!?!?!??! yeah me either, cause Im a nice mom , and Im calm , and Im not gonna lose it on my 14 yr old step son , nope I'm just gonna sit on my hands for a minute so I won't do bodily harm or stuff my face.

The incredibly nice but irritated step mom :indifferent:


  • BlazinEmerald
    Have you ever wanted to string your kids upside down by their toes and leave em for the birds ?!?!?!??! yeah me either, cause Im a nice mom , and Im calm , and Im not gonna lose it on my 14 yr old step son , nope I'm just gonna sit on my hands for a minute so I won't do bodily harm or stuff my face.

    The incredibly nice but irritated step mom :indifferent:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    I think it was Dobson who said, if you can just get through those few teen years....... it does get better:laugh:

    I have 3 teens right now, I know where you're coming from.....:laugh: :laugh:
  • BigCityKittyz
    I've done it......just put duct tape over their mouths to make sure the neighbors don't hear them screaming!:laugh:
  • BlazinEmerald
    I've done it......just put duct tape over their mouths to make sure the neighbors don't hear them screaming!:laugh:

    So I'm not the only demented one ....... I like that!
  • eyescatchfire
    eyescatchfire Posts: 257 Member
    "When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."

    --Mark Twain

    Hang in there!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I told me friend the other day I was going to put my 4yr old on the lawn with a sign that read 'TAKE ME'
    I hear it only gets harder as they get older and I can't even fathom the teen-years w/ out running for ice-cream

  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94
    Yes, can you say "teenage step daughter"? I can identify sister... I had to bite my tongue and look away alot.. She is now 21 and I am still biting my tongue.
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    LOL!! I have been there..and my kids arent even teens yet..( Scary!!) There's always tomorrow! Hang in there!
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Yes, almost everyday!!
    Parenting is so difficult. This is not what I signed up for! lol
    I also agree that it gets harder the older they get. Every night I go to bed hating the way I deal with certain situations. I feel like such a bad mom sometimes. It is just so bloody frustrating!!

    I empathise. :flowerforyou:
  • hair6539
    hair6539 Posts: 3
    :sad: OMG- I am having one of those days today. I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. They fight, and scream, and cry all day. My one year old has no idea what a t.v. is, she has never even glanced at it ( i have tried) when my son was younger i could put in a baby einstein and have 30 minutes to clean or be by myself, but not her- wherever i am she is. If I put one toy away, she gets out 10 more!!! She is also my naughty one!!
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    :sad: OMG- I am having one of those days today. I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. They fight, and scream, and cry all day. My one year old has no idea what a t.v. is, she has never even glanced at it ( i have tried) when my son was younger i could put in a baby einstein and have 30 minutes to clean or be by myself, but not her- wherever i am she is. If I put one toy away, she gets out 10 more!!! She is also my naughty one!!

    I remember those days. They were the days my husband would get home to a wreck and wonder what I had done all day. He did get it finally.....

    I used to take the toys and put them in boxes and put them in the attic, and switch the boxes every week. I also put the toys where they couldn't reach them (or see them, I had climbers)....

    Hang in there.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey, I'm the 21 yr old daughter of a stepmom, and all I have to say is...

    great job! My stepmom and I have had some rough spots (mostly during her pregnancy, but we pretend that she was possessed for 9 months and it doesn't count), but she has been a mom to me since I was 3. I was even there the first time she introduced my dad to her family! It can definitely be tougher with a stepkid because the dynamics are different, and they sometimes bring up the 'non-biological parent' deal, and on top of that, teenagers can definitely be tough to deal with (I know, I just stopped being one a little while ago :laugh:). We are always meanest to the people we love the most because we feel comfortable with them, and we know exactly how to upset them, and probably because we know they'll forgive us. But eventually we see the error in our ways and learn how to better communicate with each other (and by eventually, I mean once we don't live under the same roof and can truly appreciate one another. That's how it was for me anyway :laugh: ).
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I feel you pain sister. I have a 17 year old daughter...
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm not sure I agree with it only gets harder..... I have to think about that one....

    It just gets different. Such as 3 year olds may be going through a terrible two stage, but they can run and grab a diaper for you for a baby.

    5 year olds can help unload the dishwasher (we called it getting the spoon sisters together, and the fork brothers.... you get the idea), get the "sock buddies" back together.

    Each age is just different with different problems and different joys.

    My teen girl was very mouthy from 12-15, but now is 16 and is SOOOOOOOO much better.

    I will admit I have avoided some things by homeschooling mine (when they come out with a bad word, I usually know immediately where they got it....)
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    I'm not sure I agree with it only gets harder..... I have to think about that one....

    It just gets different. Such as 3 year olds may be going through a terrible two stage, but they can run and grab a diaper for you for a baby.

    5 year olds can help unload the dishwasher (we called it getting the spoon sisters together, and the fork brothers.... you get the idea), get the "sock buddies" back together.

    Each age is just different with different problems and different joys.

    My teen girl was very mouthy from 12-15, but now is 16 and is SOOOOOOOO much better.

    I will admit I have avoided some things by homeschooling mine (when they come out with a bad word, I usually know immediately where they got it....)

    LOL at the bad word comment.. Sometimes my kids surprise me with certain "phrases" or something and I look at my friends and say... " How is this happening..heck.. I HOMESCHOOL my kids..and they still come up with this stuff" hahaha!!
    I am also dealing with the mouthy stage..and my oldest is 10...can't imagine how he will be at 15!! I know it's all stages...some harder than others..I can't wait for the day when we look back at our "Remember whens" and laugh at them!
    GIGINATOR Posts: 355 Member
    :sad: OMG- I am having one of those days today. I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. They fight, and scream, and cry all day. My one year old has no idea what a t.v. is, she has never even glanced at it ( i have tried) when my son was younger i could put in a baby einstein and have 30 minutes to clean or be by myself, but not her- wherever i am she is. If I put one toy away, she gets out 10 more!!! She is also my naughty one!!

    Right there with ya! My sons are 4 and 1 too. The oldest, an angel, the second..... a DEVIL!!!!!! Into everything and will not sit still to save his life!!!!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I get that way everyday.
    My girls are 7 and 2 (will be 8 & 3 this year). You'd think the oldest would know better than to give into her baby sisters games right?.. NOT!!

    A whole lot of sighing going on in my house.:indifferent:

    Hang in there momma's!!!

  • apdoxies
    apdoxies Posts: 57
    I totally understand!!!!! My son is 4, my daughter is 8. They fight ALL the time. She has already reached that hormonally crazy stage in life. If you just LOOK at her the wrong way, she starts crying....and I'm like....WHAT?!?! What did I do?!?!?!?
    My 4 year old just LOVES that his sister is an emotional basketcase. He'll pick & pester her until she hits him, then he'll hit her...before you know it, they're both screaming & crying & usually there's bloodshed!

    When will it ever END?!?! AHHHHH!!!!!! :explode:
  • jamie77
    jamie77 Posts: 101
    Yes, almost everyday!!
    Parenting is so difficult. This is not what I signed up for! lol
    I also agree that it gets harder the older they get. Every night I go to bed hating the way I deal with certain situations. I feel like such a bad mom sometimes. It is just so bloody frustrating!!

    I empathise. :flowerforyou:

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that goes to bed feeling like a bad mom...Only one for me, 20 months old and has been in the terrible two's phase for about 3 months. Sometimes I think she is the most unhappy child on earth. If I'm not carrying her 27 lb butt all over the house, she's whining....ugh...so frustrating