Is my heart rate too high when exercising?

I recently got my first heart rate monitor watch - a Polar FT4 - and used it for the first time at the gym yesterday. It was a fairly short workout in total but from the results my heart rate seems to be high, I will probably ask a doctor about it soon if this keeps up but people here seem to be quite clued up about this sort of thing so any opinions would be great!

I did 20 minutes on the cross trainer, max effort with very high resistance so I was finding it hard but not I'm-going-to-faint kind of hard, I felt pretty good afterwards. But my heart rate was average 179 and max 197, my max heart rate should be 198 as I am 22 years old. I guess I am fairly fit as I have been exercising regularly for over a year now and usually go pretty hard at it at the gym! I then did 15 mins weights and my heart rate seemed to be more normal average 140 max 160.

So really I am just curious - am I working too hard? Does this indicate any health issues or am I just more fit than I thought? Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you!


  • GinoBMW
    I am not an expert by any stretch but have found that following the heart rate zones (60%-70% fat burn, 70%-80% cardio, 90%-100 anaerobic) for working out really helps target specific workout goals. There are are a few sites on the web that will describe each workout zone... Here is a sample site that describes the zones
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I am not an expert by any stretch but have found that following the heart rate zones (60%-70% fat burn, 70%-80% cardio, 90%-100 anaerobic) for working out really helps target specific workout goals. There are are a few sites on the web that will describe each workout zone... Here is a sample site that describes the zones

    I don't buy that. It totally depends on the person. I'm 42. My "max" according to the standard formula is 178. I'm in above average shape and I often get into the 170s when I'm going intense cardio or intervals. If I'm below 160, I don't feel like I'm working hard. 160 is 90% of my "max".
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Same here - at the age of 52, my maximum heart rate is supposed to be around 168, but my jogging rate is around 150 and if I do kettlebell it can reach around 160 where I still feel comfortably "working out".

    85% of that would give me 142 bpm - well that's a fast walk for me! My resting heart rate is ~ 36.

    I have come to consider that the "aerobic zone" is an individual figure where you are best listening to your need for breath. If you are going anaerobic that is your body tellihg you to slow down a touch. If you are not going fast enough - I don't know about you but I tend to get bored with the pace, so maybe (unless you are building an aerobic foundation so going slow deliberately) it is time to quicken the pace.

    That's my take on it.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Do you feel really light headed? See black spots? Wavy lines? Fall over dead? If not then don't worry about it. I'm a 55 year old runner and my normal heart rate will running is in the high 150's and low 160's. According to the charts I'll fall over dead at 165 yet I can sprint into the 180's and I'm still here to tell about it.
  • jaybird90
    Thank you all for your replies! It is really helpful knowing other people are having the same issue - I guess it is not a one size fits all formula :) I was feeling a bit out of breath while on the cross trainer but that's just how I exercise - just like some of you have said I don't feel like I'm working hard enough when I'm at a comfortable pace.

    I wondered if maybe this is restricting my weight loss though if I'm working in the anaerobic zone too much of the time rather than the fat-loss zone.. the whole thing confuses me!!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Eh, I'm 28, and mine stays anywhere from 178-194 after the initial 'ramp-up'. That said, I am one of those "if you don't feel like you could die, you aren't pushing hard enough" kind of people. I was also a smoker for about 14 years until I quit about three months ago.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I am not an expert by any stretch but have found that following the heart rate zones (60%-70% fat burn, 70%-80% cardio, 90%-100 anaerobic) for working out really helps target specific workout goals. There are are a few sites on the web that will describe each workout zone... Here is a sample site that describes the zones

    I don't buy that. It totally depends on the person. I'm 42. My "max" according to the standard formula is 178. I'm in above average shape and I often get into the 170s when I'm going intense cardio or intervals. If I'm below 160, I don't feel like I'm working hard. 160 is 90% of my "max".

    This is me also. I'm 42 as well. My average is usually the high 150's with peaks of 175-180
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    >>I wondered if maybe this is restricting my weight loss though if I'm working
    >>in the anaerobic zone too much of the time rather than
    >>the fat-loss zone.. the whole thing confuses me!!

    The so called zones are a complete distraction. At the end of the day it's a question of what (healthy) calorie deficit you run. The way cardio works is intenstity x duration = total calorie burn.

    high intensity will give you a greater calorie burn for any given duration over a lower intensity... but can you sustain it for similar durations when they might be significant. A sprint doesnt last as long as a marathon.

    I personally like variety. I do most of my cardio at a medium intensity for a medium duration (30-40min for me) which gives me moderate calorie burn. I have typically 1 day a week where I do high intensity intervals , so the time of the high intensity is much reduced , because the duration is shorter, it is fairly comparable in total calorie burn to a 'moderate day'. I also do a longer lower intensity day, typically the intensity isnt all that much lower than moderate so it tends to be my biggest overall calorie burn. (though it is a greater time commitment to run for an hour or more)

    Hope that helped to give you some things to consider.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    At my group fitness class, the coaches recommend we aim for 80-90% max heart rate during cardio ('yellow zone'), with spikes into 90-100%('red zone'). They don't want us to stay there in the red, they say "work smarter not harder". So I aim for those percentages, my HRM will tell me what percentage of the max I am in currently as well as afterwards give me an average and maximum. I like seeing the average mid-80%ile.

    I've been over 100% before, and it hasn't killed me yet...I kinda enjoy the endorphin rush that comes with it!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Eh. im 22 and my max is around 204bpm, average when working hard about 197. Even after years of work, my restinf heart rate is around 75-85bpm.

    then again, i have an arrhythmia. so tske what you want from it.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    You're fine. The "zones" are bs. You burn the most fat, and the most calories, by working out at an intense rate. If you don't feel dizzy or like you are going to puke then I would not worry!

    Just make sure that when working out at an intense rate you listen to your body when it cues you to slow down. If you are on the stairmaster and slumped over the bars struggling with each step, its time to take it down a notch, or a couple notches lol.
  • kemdawson
    Also as you train and get in better shape, your heart rate will begin to be lower while you are still working out at the higher intensity levels. I do extended cardio workouts all the time, up to 90 minutes straight or more, with jogging, biking,elliptical and dance. Now that I've been wearing a HRM most workouts, I've realized it more of course. In the long run this is good because you will still burn more calories quicker. I'm in my fifties also, and feel better than ever :))
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Everyone is different.. We are all different sizes, ages, dif. degrees of health, etc. For me, I lost 40lbs by walking alone, between Jan and May. I now run 5 or so miles every other day but I'm not losing tummy fat or measuring smaller like I did when I walked. Sooo I think I need to slow down and stay into my fat burning range more often, which for me is from 111 to 145. Yeah I'm kind of old. lol If I get my pulse over 165, I start to get dizzy, etc., but I'm also on meds to keep my heart rate down. Ugh. Anyway...
    I would just listen to your body. If you get nauseous, gasp for air, etc., slow down. If not, I'm sure you're fine. Just make sure you keep doing something! You'll do fine!

    ETA: Also, when I first started out, I'd walk 20 feet and my pulse would shoot up to 160. Now that I'm healthier & more fit, it takes 20 minutes to get it up to 125! You have to push yourself some, but pay attention to your body and you'll know when you're overdoing it.

    Good luck!
  • misterperversion
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    The most common calculation used to determine max rate (220 - age) is commonly attributed to two guys on a plane looking at a sample of less than 15 people. In addition, none of those people were being tested for max heart rate, but something else. They just needed a starting point for one of their topics. It is well known that this has an error of +-20 bpm or more.

    A more accurate formula (208 - (0.7 × age)) was created in 2001 and has an error of +-10 bpm.

    But nothing beats finding out for yourself. A great way is to use the Foster Submax HR Test. The alternative involves actually pushing yourself to max under a doctor's supervision (it can be very dangerous).

    Your heart rate while working out is directly related to your VO2 Max. As you increase your ability to suck in and process oxygen, your heart rate at a given exertion level will go down. For this reason it's not accurate to compare heart rates at exercises even with others of the same age. If you don't know your VO2 Max, it's pretty much meaningless.

    Hope that helps
  • 2pupsmama
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    How hard you work during cardio depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Different zones target different training effects, and no, the zones are not BS.

    If all you are doing is trying to burn calories then it doesn't really matter. If you are trying to build aerobic fitness it matters a lot.
  • sabineliebling
    This is all very interesting, but it seems like no one agrees!

    I just got my first HRM, and while I'm mostly interested in for the calories burned information, I was a little concerned when working out today. I do Turbo Fire, and my average was like 190, with peaks into the low 200's during the high intensity fire drills. According to all the target and max heart rate calculators out there my heart should have like, burst out of my body or something. My max is supposed to be in the 180's? I'm 32 and work out 6 days a week. I have only been working out this hard though for 6 months, so I'm not super fit or anything, at least not yet. :)

    Anyway, "max" heart rate seems like a pretty meaningless term if I can blow way past it without any harm. I was out of breath after the fire drill, but that is an anaerobic activity. The rest of the workout I am definitely working out at a high intensity, but no dizziness, vomiting, black spots, etc.
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    Anyway, "max" heart rate seems like a pretty meaningless term if I can blow way past it without any harm.

    In your case it means your max is underrestimated. You are a statistically outlier from the sample from which the statistic had been derived. If you want to determine a more personalized 'max'.... that could be done, but you probably wouldn't enjoy the process....
  • jevanswslife
    When I first started working out, my heart rate would get up to about 160-168 max. I would check it severa times throughout the 47 minutes in which I would be completing my 5K walk/run. I'm 52 and continuing to lose weight. In fact, since September, I have lost 50 pounds. Today while working out, I could not get my heart rate up past 120, regardless of how hard I pushed it. I was initially curious about this but then I thought it could be contributed to the continued workouts and the weight reduction.

    I am curious to know if as a person loses weight does his heart rate get better as he becomes more fit? Any replies would be appreciated.