Michigan Crew 30-Day Shred Round 2!!!!!

Hey everyone. This is the 2nd time Ben has put together a 30-day shred. The first one worked when it was only 4 of us. We all lost weight and dropped some body-fat. Anyways I'm going to list all that are doing it and their weights. This site is just an easier way to communicate if we don't have each other's number. There are more people doing it this time so it should be easier to snag up a partner and keep on task. Don't worry if you feel like your overweight right now because your going to drop a lot in 30 days if you want to. My focus will be losing a little weight, but mainly dropping body fat and gaining muscle mass. If you swing by the place, Ben is able to measure your body fat if your curious as to what it is. Here is the list of everyones weights and goals if you've told me:

Charlie - 258
Chris - 195
Steph - 144 (Goal is 130 and fit)
Marie - 111 (Goal is lose 5 lbs)
Ben - 214 (Goal is 20lbs)
Greg - 195
Mike - 177 (3-5lbs, but drop body fat by 2 to 3 % pending on what it is)
Meghan - 114 ( Goal is maintain, but gain muscle)

I'm going to be on my fruit diet which Ben is highly against so we'll see which works out better. If you have never been on this site, I recommend just reading the forums. They have a lot of good recipes and great tips for anything pertaining to working out. Lets try to weigh every Monday so we know where we are at week by week. Remember try to weigh yourself at the same time and be naked so your scale number is consistent! Feel free to try and get other people to tag along, the bigger the better in my opinion.

Again good luck to everyone and put your excuses aside. Time to turn on the "shut up juice" and just do work!


  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Hey shyt I forgot to mention what we are doing in the Oak household! Marie, Ben and I are rt ougoing to take a before and after picture to seriously jump-start our motivation. I recommend it so you can see a transformation.
  • manetta33
    manetta33 Posts: 54
    Hey this Stephanie. Checking in. NO exercise yet! We will get there. SOON?!?!?!?!?!:happy:
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    You guys better get on it scrub! It's just 30-days!!! Team Royal Oak have been busting *kitten*. We've all been working out in our specific ways. I've been mainly focused on lifting with one hard day of cardio where Ben is doing 3-3 I believe. Marie is probably on the same regiment as Ben. As you guys lose weight, you guys will naturally be happier. Its a fact so why deny yourselves some happy moods!
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    update on weights, charlie is 246 , i'm 176
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    steph is at 140
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Update on weights:

    Ben 208
    Steph-140 (possibly dropped out)
    Chris- ?
    Charlie 256