eating what you want as long as its under your calories?



  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    After going back and reading the entire thread and how it turned into a "dairy is evil" debate, I just wanted to refer to one more study that everyone failed to bring up,

    It's called the "Cottage cheese and yogurt is ****ing delicious" study. It was conducted by me, everyday.

    The debate is over.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    For the most part I eat what I want. For me, it has been important mentally to be able to have some "treats". I have not excluded anything from what I eat. I may workout a little extra to fit it into my calories for the day. Some things I don't really eat anymore because they aren't worth the extra work to have them. I do try to get 100 grams of protein per day. But, that is the macro I watch the closest. Usually if I meet that one my others will be pretty close to what they should be. This time losing weight has been so different than all the other times. My mind has changed from a "dieting" mindset to a lifestyle that is totally doable.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    a healthy meal for me is like tuna or a cup of chickpeas. would baked turkey meat and a healthy tortilla wrap be considered a healthy meal? Can someone please look at my diary and see if what I'm eating is considered healthy, and will help me lose those last 6lbs? Ignore the 23rd it was my birthday so I ate lots and the 25th because it was Christmas :)
    thank you.

    A healthy diet contains a balance of all the macro and micronutrients your body needs for optimum function and health. Many people find it easier to focus on what they can and should eat rather than what they cannot or should not.

    You need to eat way more fruits and vegetables, ideally nine servings a day in the full rainbow of colours (red, blue/ purple, dark green, yellow/ orange), two apples or five apples only counts as one serving, you really need to start with breakfast to achieve this. Try to keep added sugars/ white refined carbs/ processed/ junk to maximum 10% of daily calories which is one small snack, don't forget oily fish, ensure you are eating plenty of mineral rich foods (seeds, nuts, beans, lentils) a range of different types not just peanut butter, three servings of reduced fat dairy a day.

    You have some healthy foods in there but not nearly enough of them - at your age you will appear to 'get away' with a poor diet better than you will as you get older and have depriving your body of nutrients for many years. Remember that the human body cannot distinguish between a famine and a restrictive weight loss diet. It's not just general health, research associates certain foods or nutrients with lower bodyfat - calcium from dairy, long chain omega-3s from oily fish for example.
  • After going back and reading the entire thread and how it turned into a "dairy is evil" debate, I just wanted to refer to one more study that everyone failed to bring up,

    It's called the "Cottage cheese and yogurt is ****ing delicious" study. It was conducted by me, everyday.

    The debate is over.

    I love you.

    Oh, and this:


    Last I checked, tigers and dogs aren't the same species. Boom.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Humans are one of the very few species that have sex for pleasure (at least for the female). We should totally stop doing that too.

    IMO we should NOT stop doing that!
    (If you need resources, I'll look some up)
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    yeah milk is a source of protein, but not a GOOD source
    Your vegan bias aside, milk products are a VERY good source of protein - second only to whole eggs in terms of bioavailability (percentage utilized by the human body, as determined by nitrogen uptake/excretion tests). See a BV chart here:
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    That worked for me for a while... but i hadvto eventually eat much cleaner
  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    I've tried eating whatever I wanted and stayed within my calories, but I got to a point where it didnt work anymore and I found Im very carb sensitive. So now I eat as close to 2000 calories as I possibly can and get in as close to 200g of protein per day and seem to do real well (staying under 50 carbs as well) . Everyone is different so who really knows?
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    i have 4 kids (all picky eaters) and my grocery budget is that of a single mom so i cant go out and buy what i know they will eat and healthier stuff for myself. so i am one of those that eats what i want or can afford to and i have lost some weight. again like others as long as its under my calories for the day im good
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Humans are one of the very few species that have sex for pleasure (at least for the female). We should totally stop doing that too.

    I think we should do both at the same time. Suck back milk, suck back this, suck back that. Suck all the things.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    just because you're losing weight doesn't mean you're getting healthy.
    Skinny =/= healthy...

    I'm just saying.

    First of all, the biggest cause of health issues is obesity, So adherence to calorie restriction is one of the most impactfull things you can do to improve them. Secondly, there is nothing inherently healthy or unhealthy about a single food group or food - dosage and context apply.

    Here here. Some have no idea how much sense that makes.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    why would you ingest something that could be cancerous..when you can find all the same nutrients in other foods. thats my point! thanks.

    Because there are probably studies showing that those foods are cancerous as well. Cause in the right situation, everything is bad for you. I think it's more about a balanced diets. These studies seem biased. If someone takes in a crap load of one specific food, yeah, it's probably bad, and will probably do bad things. You could have the same effect with apples. Try ingesting a crap ton of them and see how you feel...then tada apples cause all kinds of bad stuff so you shouldn't eat them because you left out other things from your diet and only ate apples. I find it interesting that the studies don't point out what the rest of the diet is like. For example, if someone has a high fat diet and is adding a lot of whole milk and is sedentary...well thats probably a bad idea. Go for skim. At the same time if you don't drink fat at all, whole milk would be a fantastic idea for many people. It helps absorb vitamins. As for your ridiculous study that you seem to think shows milk is bad because it doesn't prevent fractions...I think the lesson here is you need both vitamin D and which point milk is a fantastic idea if you get sun.

    Bodies are a complex system.
  • Sujit8383
    Sujit8383 Posts: 726 Member
    i belong to that category...........eats anything i want to........n burn it like hell in gym.......:smokin: :glasses:
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I do this far too often.... and when i do... i maintain at best, never lose.... :(
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    that's what I'm doing and in 4 months I have lost 32 LBS.
  • Miiimii
    Miiimii Posts: 279 Member
    That's what I do and enjoy.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It works great so long as you mostly eat fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein and high fiber foods. An indulgence every now and again, won't wreck your progress. Eating all junk food but eating below your calories will leave you sick and malnourished.

    ...But, you will still lose weight.
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    Yep...I just counted calories and stayed at or under goal.
  • denisemuill
    denisemuill Posts: 19 Member
    I'm with you.....Make good choices and stay full!!! I hate feeling hungry.
  • I like to know what I'm putting in my body is good for me. I'm not saying that McDonalds, etc isn't good but I do notice a change in my skin, performance, and overall health when I eat that way. Now that I've been eating healthy, if I eat a hamburger or something greasy...I feel sick at the stomach. I think it's because of all the grease but who knows. Do what works for you...that's what keeps you on track with weight loss. If you try to do what someone else is doing and your heart isn't in it...then you will quit. ;0)